Afterwards, Academician Wang operated on the operating screen for another two minutes, and then said to the researchers in front: "I will count to three, and you will press the switches around you at the same time to ensure that all links operate steadily."

Everyone nodded after receiving Academician Wang's instructions.





The next second after Academician Wang finished speaking, everyone pressed the start switch at the same time.

It can be said that the startup is very smooth.

Through the transparent glass cover, Liu Cong saw the purple light inside shuttle back and forth in the machine.

To put it bluntly, a chip is nothing more than a series of tasks completed through a special process on a smooth silicone sheet, and finally the finished chip exists.

From the current point of view, human beings really cannot get rid of such a law.

Because any high-tech electronic industry requires the use of chips.

As long as chips are used, silicon cannot be separated.

When Liu Cong developed a one-nanometer lithography machine, it was already the limit that humans could achieve in a sense.

Going forward, silicon can no longer support further processes.

If we want to break through one nanometer technology, we must replace the silicon wafer with something else, or completely break through the concept of a chip and create a new container to accommodate big data information.

"Mr. Wu, Academician Liu, please wait a moment, it may take a while, the first batch of so-called true one-nanometer chips will be born!"

“I’m getting excited just thinking about it now!”

Having said this, Academician Wang has already started to look forward to it.

This will be a milestone and a big step forward for mankind towards high-tech development.

Mr. Wu is also extremely looking forward to the birth of a real one-nanometer chip at this time.

Two years ago, the seven-nanometer process was considered a luxury by Mr. Wu.

At that time, Mr. Wu was thinking that it would be great if their team could improve the process of the photolithography machine to seven nanometers within five years, and he did not dare to expect much.

Unexpectedly, not long after Mr. Wu made his wish, a lithography machine with a five-nanometer process was born in China.

During that period of time, Mr. Wu was so excited that he could not think about food or tea.

However, when Mr. Wu felt that he was very satisfied with the five-nanometer chip technology, within two years, one-nanometer technology also came out.

Therefore, Mr. Wu felt very dreamy in the afternoon.

"Academician Wang, me too."

"Is our wish really going to come true?"

At this point, Mr. Wu's eyes began to turn red again.

While they were talking, the purple light in the lithography machine suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, the hearts of the three of them were already pounding.

"Academician Wang, it's done!"

The researcher in front of him shouted excitedly.

When the three of them heard that it was completed, they would all be shocked in different ways.

Before the three of them could react, a young man came to them with an unpackaged chip.

"Academician Wang, Mr. Wu, Academician Liu, this is the new chip we just released."

After Academician Wang saw the chip, he immediately took it into his hands and began to examine it carefully.

When he saw that there were no flaws on the surface of the chip crystal, Academician Wang handed the chip to Mr. Wu and Academician Liu.

"Mr. Wu, Academician Liu, this is our freshly baked chip."

Liu Cong did not take the chip in the transparent box immediately, but asked Mr. Wu to take it.

Mr. Wu glanced at Liu Cong beside him. Liu Cong nodded and asked Mr. Wu to take the box. Mr. Wu took the box tremblingly.

When Mr. Wu saw this extremely small chip in front of him, he became even more excited. Even the hand holding the box kept trembling.

"This, this, is this really a one-nanometer chip?"

Mr. Wu seemed to be asking Academician Wang and Liu Cong, but he was actually asking himself.

He looked up and down at the black and transparent chip inside, feeling really at a loss for a moment.

"Okay, okay, great!"

After saying these two brief words, Mr. Wu took the initiative to hand the box in his hand to Liu Cong.

Liu Cong didn't hesitate, picked up the box in his hand and started playing with it. He even opened the box to watch it himself.

"Academician Wang, this chip still needs to be checked again on a special instrument, right?"

In fact, the parameters on the lithography machine were enough to prove the rigor, but in order to be more convincing, Liu Cong thought it would be better to test it again.

Academician Wang also knew what Liu Cong was thinking, and immediately agreed to such a request.

"Okay, Academician Liu and Mr. Wu, please wait a moment, I will send this chip to a professional department for testing!"

With that said, Academician Wang ran out with the small box.

After Academician Wang left, they were the only ones left at the console.

"Mr. Wu, if the situation this time is true, maybe we can start the production of the first batch of one-nanometer chips in two days."

"My drawings have been prepared in advance, and they will be ready for use after a little debugging."

The reason why Liu Cong did not give the chip design drawings to the R\u0026D team before was because they had not yet built the photolithography machine. This drawing would not be of much use in their hands.

"So, you have already designed the drawings for designing the chip?" Mr. Wu asked.

Liu Cong nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Wu, I have prepared everything."

The amount of information today is so overwhelming that Mr. Wu is now numb.

"So this is ah!"

Mr. Wu's reaction this time was particularly calm, as if he was describing a very ordinary thing.

Liu Cong already felt that Mr. Wu was too stimulated today.

But the next second, Mr. Wu's reaction became excited again.

"What, you set up the chip blueprint!"

"Did I hear it wrong!"

"No, I just told you!" Liu Cong said.

"Well, nothing you say is strange to me now."

"In that case, I'll wait to see the finished product." Mr. Wu said proudly.


While Liu Cong and Mr. Wu were talking about things, Academician Wang walked in holding a small box.

From a distance, I heard Academician Wang shouting: "Mr. Wu, Academician Liu, I'm sure there is no problem with the craftsmanship this time!"

"If we had the drawings now, we could start producing the chips now."

As Academician Wang spoke, he walked up to the two of them.

"Here, this is the latest inspection report."

Looking at the black and white writing on the paper, the two took over the two inspection reports without hesitation.

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