After Liu Cong received the report from Academician Wang, he began to look at it carefully.

Liu Cong knew from the information in the report that the data in this report were exactly the same as the data measured on the lithography machine, and the accuracy had reached one nanometer.

This report undoubtedly gave Liu Cong and Mr. Wu a shot in the arm.

"Okay, that's really great!"

"Our country can truly be considered to have a one-nanometer lithography machine!"

As he spoke, Mr. Wu's hand holding the report couldn't help but tremble.

Liu Cong was also very excited at this moment, with a breakthrough in one-nanometer lithography machine technology.

This means that all subsequent work can be carried out in a timely manner.

Especially the interstellar mining vehicle.

A breakthrough in nanometer technology means that Liu Cong can successfully send the interstellar mining vehicle into space as long as he completely solves the engine problem.

This will be a milestone in human history.

Secondly, the robotics department there can also officially enter the research and development stage. With the support of chips, they will not be limited to the research and development of hardware systems.

It won't be long before war robots will be successfully developed.

At that time, Liu Cong's plan to lead China's revenge can officially begin.

However, before that, he must still be fully prepared and strive to completely defeat it.

He wanted to avenge all the humiliation China had suffered before.

Since the last incident like this happened, senior officials have begun to advocate less peace.

Their mentality has fundamentally changed a lot. Since the other party wants to put them to death, we ourselves cannot be as weak as before.

You must make a complete plan to deal with what will happen in the future.

How to be completely prepared is to kill everything that threatens you.

This way nothing further will happen.

By then, Liu Cong will be able to develop his own space industry with peace of mind.

He inspired to lead China to a higher civilization and live a better life.

His thoughts were gradually brought back to reality, and Liu Cong looked at the two of them happily.

"If nothing else happens, we will be able to use nationally produced one-nanometer chips in a while."

Speaking of this, Liu Cong had already begun to long for such a scene.

However, Academician Wang's next question instantly broke Liu Cong's fantasy.

"Academician Liu, we are still designing the one-nanometer chip drawings. How could it be so fast?"

"My preliminary estimate is that it will take at least three months to achieve such a goal. I can't say enough because our country has no experience in this area before."

"So, Academician Liu, our schedule may have to be postponed for a while!" Academician Wang said.

Having said this, Mr. Wu and Liu Cong looked at each other and smiled.

Academician Wang was very confused, "Why are you laughing? I am serious."

"My preliminary estimate is that it will take three months!"

Liu Cong shook his head and extended a slap.

"Five months!"

"If you think about it, it will take almost five months. Three months is indeed not enough, but five months is just right."

Mr. Wu laughed loudly after hearing this, "Academician Liu just said five days, not five months."

Academician Wang was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Wu, please stop making fun of me. How could our team produce such precise chip drawings in five days?"

"Unless we have ready-made design drawings now, all these ideas are in vain!"

Academician Wang waved his hands towards Liu Cong and Mr. Wu, with a look of disbelief.

"Academician Wang, you are right, we have it ready."

Liu Cong's words made Academician Wang, who was confident in his self-confidence, instantly stunned.

This stunned moment lasted for more than ten seconds.

After Academician Wang reacted, he immediately asked Liu Cong: "Academician Liu, did I hear correctly just now?"

"Did you say you did?"

Academician Wang's shocked expression made Liu Cong and Mr. Wu burst into laughter on the spot.

"Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang, you also have the same expression today."

"I always thought you were a serious person. It wasn't until I saw your attitude towards Academician Liu that I realized that you were just cold to me." Mr. Wu said with a smile.

Academician Wang could still hear Mr. Wu's words at this time. All he could think about was what Liu Cong had just said.

"Mr. Wu, let's not talk about this matter for now. I want to find out now, Academician Liu, whether what you just said is true?" Academician Wang asked Liu Cong seriously.

Liu Cong also nodded seriously.

"Academician Wang, don't be so excited, what I said must be true."

"If you don't believe it, just wait for me and I'll prove it to you!"

With that said, Liu Cong walked outside.

When he came, all the electronic equipment was confiscated. If he wanted to prove it, he could only show it to Academician Wang.

"Academician Wang, it seems that you are not allowed to bring electronic equipment in here, otherwise I will take you two to the conference room outside to see it!"

Academician Wang and Mr. Wu both nodded at the same time.

"Okay, then what are we waiting for now? Let's go now!"

As a scientific research maniac, Academician Wang's pursuit of scientific research is far crazier than Liu Cong imagined.

Academician Wang once went without eating or drinking for two days and two nights in order to successfully complete the project. In the end, he collapsed in the hospital from exhaustion.

Since then, Academician Wang has never been so crazy. Even if he doesn't sleep, he still has to eat.

"Academician Wang, don't worry, we will take it step by step!" Liu Cong comforted,

Academician Wang calmed down a little after hearing what Liu Cong said.

"Okay, step by step!"

Soon after, the three people came to an empty conference room.

After Mr. Wu and Academician Wang sat down, Liu Cong took the computer he carried with him to the table in the conference room.

After turning on the computer, Liu Cong opened the folder where it was located and clicked on it.

Since the performance of laptop computers cannot be compared with desktop computers, it took a full five minutes to load a chip drawing.

As usual, Liu Cong connected the computer directly to the projector, and the next second a specific circuit diagram of a chip appeared.

This may seem like a picture, but it actually contains a lot of knowledge.

Every corner in this picture is extremely precise as long as you zoom in.

Due to the limited performance of his laptop, Liu Cong could only choose the core parts to show to two people.

Just like this, the computer was still stuck when loading this component, and it was not completely loaded until ten minutes later.

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