"Mr. Wu, Academician Wang, take a look!"

As he spoke, Liu Cong slid the mouse to explain to the two of them.

"Academician Liu, I found that the one-nanometer drawing is very different from the five-nanometer drawing. How can this circuit be routed like this?"

Academician Wang was full of doubts, and Mr. Wu also had the same doubts.

"Yes, I have never heard of such a chip design drawing." Mr. Wu said hurriedly.

Liu Cong knew the questions in their minds, because Liu Cong also had such questions at the beginning.

At that moment, Liu Cong gave his own explanation: "We know that the world's most advanced three-nanometer technology currently contains 250 million transistors per square millimeter in its chip."

At this point, the two of them nodded at the same time.


"Then I can tell you this, this is a new chip technology, it is a double-layer chip superposition solution."

"In other words, it looks like it's one chip, but it's actually two chips."

"Because it is divided into upper and lower layers, each layer can play its role."

"I know you will ask if the heat dissipation of this chip is very large. Now I say it without any proof. You will know when you see it. It will definitely exceed your imagination."

"The most important thing is that this one-nanometer chip can integrate a terrifying two billion transistors per square millimeter!"

"Two billion!!" Mr. Wu and Academician Wang said in unison.

"Yes, it's two billion."

Liu Congyun told this fact calmly, but Mr. Wu and Academician Wang were no longer calm.

They have been working in this industry for so many years, and they know what it means to design such a chip.

This means that the algorithm of this chip is particularly incredible, and can even outperform current three-nanometer chips by more than ten times. This is not a slight improvement, but a qualitative improvement.

Then again, the performance of a chip that can be used on an interstellar mining vehicle must not be bad. Otherwise, such a large machine would have crashed long ago if it relied on an ordinary chip as an algorithm chip.

"Oh my God, this is so scary!"

"If that were the case, our chip industry would be at least fifty years ahead of others." Academician Wang said.

What Academician Wang said is actually not an exaggeration at all.

According to the current progress of the chip industry, such a major invention is at least fifty years ahead of the world's most advanced chip technology, or even more.

Because the closer to the end of the chip, the more difficult it becomes to improve the process.

Take three-nanometer technology as an example.

In fact, the current three-nanometer technology is said to be three nanometers, but it is actually far from meeting the real three-nanometer needs.

This also includes many more sophisticated technologies and design processes.

The closer you get to the end, the harder it is to improve this kind of craftsmanship.

Not only does he have extremely high requirements for machines, he also has extremely high requirements for drawings. If you put these two together, you can achieve them all.

That is dozens or even hundreds of times more difficult than researching nuclear weapons.

It is no exaggeration to say that lithography machine technology is considered to be the ceiling level of human technology at present, and nothing is more outrageous than chip design.

This is why Mr. Wu and Academician Wang were so shocked.

"Academician Wang, I think you can be a little bolder!" Liu Cong said with a smile.

"This technology must be at least 70 years ahead of them. After 70 years, they may not be able to create a chip like mine. Then you will know why I say this!"

"We'll see!"

Liu Cong firmly believes that when his technology comes out, it will be at least several decades ahead of them.

After all, the United States, the most powerful country in the world today, cannot mine in space, and it will take at least several decades for them to complete this task.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration at all for Liu Cong to say these words so confidently.

"Academician Liu, I will believe you no matter what!" Academician Wang said firmly.

Mr. Wu also nodded firmly at this time and firmly believed in what Liu Cong said.

"Mr. Wu, Academician Wang, thank you for your trust!"

"It is really not easy for China to come from nothing to now. I hope that we can fully seize the opportunity to rise this time. It will not be like the Hanxin incident in 2000. We are determined to prevent them from such things. Lose!"

"We must not deceive the public under the guise of research and development, otherwise they will only become more and more disappointed with us."

"Of course, we'll never have that happen again because we use all the real stuff."

When it comes to this incident, Mr. Wu actually has the most say.

At that time, when he returned to China, he happened to encounter this incident. At that time, the mood of the people was high, and they all felt that domestic chips would never succeed again.

Even the top brass feel that the semiconductor industry will never see the light of day again.

At that time, many foreign chips were exported to China immediately. This made all Chinese citizens feel that it was okay if their country did not have a semiconductor industry. Anyway, they could get the supply as soon as possible.

At this time, Mr. Wu, who risked his life to return to China, was ready to fight, but found that the senior officials did not buy it.

They all rejected his request.

For this reason, Wu finally secured a laboratory of only 70 to 80 square meters after much hard work.

At that time, Mr. Wu could not get any high funding at all, and could only accumulate it step by step by studying some very small projects.

At this time, Mr. Wu even used the money he earned abroad to finance his own research and development.

This almost made his own life a big problem,

However, Mr. Wu has always believed that only by developing his own things will he not be sanctioned in the future.

However, at this time, the people, including many high-level officials, had not truly awakened. When they did, they found that it was too late.

In the past two years, the United States imposed separate sanctions on Warwick because of its rapid rise.

Warwick would rather die than surrender and resolutely safeguard his own interests.

At this time, the United States realized that if it continued like this, their status would soon be in jeopardy.

So, a sanction order was issued on the spot.

This seemed to be a sanctions order against Warwick, but it immediately aroused the crisis awareness of the Chinese people.

It was not until the end that the country began to pay attention to the development of the semiconductor industry again.

"Academician Liu, this kind of thing will never happen to us again."

"The country attaches great importance to the development of the semiconductor industry, and the crisis awareness of the Chinese people has also risen. This situation has become history."

"I won't allow this to happen again!"

Just when the exchange between the three was in full swing, there was a gentle knock on the door.

"Come in!" Mr. Wu said.

This was a young man. He opened the door and said with a somewhat rapid breath: "Three academicians, some high-level people are here. They said they want to see you!"

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