After the three heard what the young man said, they didn't react for a moment.

Liu Cong was even more confused. He had no idea that there were special guests coming here today.

After the young man's reminder, Mr. Wu seemed to have thought of something.

Then he said: "I remembered, a very mysterious phone call came today, telling me that I was coming here for an inspection today, and specifically said that I wanted to see you by name."

"I think this call must have come from the department above. I didn't ask at the time. Now that they are here, let's go and take a look!"

After hearing what Mr. Wu said, Liu Cong and Academician Wang nodded at the same time.

"Okay, then let's all go out and take a look!"

"I guess they came here for the photolithography machine!" Academician Wang said.

Liu Cong thought about it and realized that what Academician Wang said was not impossible. Maybe they came just for the lithography machine.

Then, the three of them arrived at the waiting room under the leadership of the young man.

As soon as Liu Cong entered the door, he saw five people in black suits, some young and some middle-aged.

They sat on the sofa next to each other, with no expression on their faces.

When Liu Cong and the others came in, these five people in black suits looked over at the same time.

Facing this look, Liu Cong saw something different in their eyes, and knew at that time that these people were definitely not ordinary people.

"Hello, who are you?" Mr. Wu asked politely.

At this time, a middle-aged man stood up from the sofa, followed by four other men.

It seems that this middle-aged man is the leader of these people and the one with the most say.

"Hello, Mr. Wu, I have long admired your name!"

"My name is Wu Gui. After all, we are still a family!"

Mr. Wu heard that the other party's surname was also Wu, and a sense of intimacy arose spontaneously.

"Oh, after all this time we are still a family!"

Mr. Wu cordially stepped forward to shake hands with the man named Wu Gui, and then shook hands with the other four members one by one.

"Mr. Wu, we received a notice that your research institute has completed the research and development of 1nm lithography machine this morning. Is this true?" Wu Gui asked with a smile.

"The situation is indeed true, and our lithography machine has indeed been developed."

After hearing Mr. Wu's words, the middle-aged man named Wu Gui beamed with joy, and the other four men also smiled.

"That's great, it seems we didn't come in vain this time!"

Until now, Mr. Wu doesn’t know the identities of these people on this trip.

Mr. Wu originally wanted to ask Wu Gui again, but Wu Gui directly turned his attention to Liu Cong and Academician Wang.

"If I guess correctly, the man on the left is Academician Wang, and the young man on the right is Academician Liu!"

Hearing what Wu Gui said, Liu Cong knew that this group of people had come prepared today.

"Yes, Mr. Wu."

Before getting the identity of the other party, Academician Wang could only call him this.

"Yes, it's me!"

Liu Cong also said politely.

Afterwards, Wu Gui didn't say anything. He knew that Mr. Wu was very curious about his identity, so he showed Mr. Wu his work badge directly.

Mr. Wu, who was still smiling at first, disappeared instantly after seeing this work sign.

What followed was shock and a hint of fear.

"It turns out it's you!"

"I didn't expect that you would appear here!"

Mr. Wu's words made Academician Wang and Liu Cong very curious.

However, when the two of them saw Mr. Wu acting like this, they did not ask the identity of this group of people face to face.

"Mr. Wu, our status on this trip is special, please help us keep it secret!" Wu Gui said.

Mr. Wu immediately agreed to Wu Gui's request.

"Please rest assured, I will never tell anyone about this matter."

When Wu Gui saw Mr. Wu's assurance, a smile appeared on his face.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wu, we are here just to see the lithography machine, and by the way, we can talk to the people behind you!"

Mr. Wu pointed at Liu Cong, and Liu Cong also pointed at himself.


"Yes, Academician Liu, it's you!"

Wu Gui looked at Liu Cong with a smile on his face.

When Wu Gui finished saying this, Mr. Wu's expression changed again, which was a very subtle change.

But this look lasted for a while and then ended.

Academician Wang, who was standing aside, was even more confused at this time.

He still hasn't figured out the identities of these people, and of course Liu Cong doesn't know either.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was very embarrassing, Wu Gui changed the topic directly, "Well, please ask Mr. Wu, Academician Wang, and Academician Liu to take us to have a close look at your newly developed equipment."

As he spoke, the young man next to Wu Gui took out a certificate and handed it to Mr. Wu.

"Mr. Wu, this is proof that our superiors have allowed us to visit the photolithography machine. Please verify it."

After Mr. Wu took the certificate, he looked at it carefully. After confirming that it was correct, he nodded.

"Okay, we'll take you there now."

With that said, Mr. Wu led the five people towards the underground research institute.

Along the way, everyone was surprised to see these five people wearing black suits, because they almost never saw people dressed like this in the research institute.

In addition, several of them were following Mr. Wu, and people passing by could not help but take a few glances.



A few minutes later, several people arrived at the underground research institute.

When Wu Gui saw the new lithography machine in front of him, he was also very shocked.

"Is this a 1nm lithography machine?"

"Yes!" Mr. Wu replied calmly.

"Is there a finished product here? I want to see it!"

Wu Gui looked at Mr. Wu expectantly.

Mr. Wu nodded, "We have now produced a one-nanometer chip, but we do not have a specific finished product of the one-nanometer chip."

Wu Gui waved his hand, "That's no problem, we just need to take a look at the craftsmanship."

This time, Mr. Wu nodded and agreed to Wu Gui's request.

"Yes, wait a moment!"

After a while, Mr. Wu showed Wu Gui and the others the chip they had just looked at.

Wu Gui carefully played with the small chip in his hand, nodding with satisfaction from time to time.

"It's true. It seems that we in China really have hope to be at the forefront of the world this time!"

“This is a very good thing for us!”

After Wu Gui finished speaking, he did not continue.

Then, he showed the chip sample to the other four people one by one, and the expressions of the other four people also revealed smiles and excitement.

After the five people finished reading, the chip returned to Mr. Wu's hands.

"You have worked hard!"

"I really didn't expect that our country in China would be the first country to break through the lithography machine technology. This was a huge shock to our department!" Wu Gui said with a smile.

Watching the conversation between two people named Wu, Liu Cong and Academician Wang just felt like they couldn't get a word in.

However, in the next second, Wu Gui's eyes were fixed on Liu Cong.

"Academician Liu, our main purpose of coming today is to find you. We also know that you are back today."

"Can you come with us?" Wu Gui looked at Liu Cong sincerely.

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