This sudden conversation confused Liu Cong.


"Okay!" Liu Cong agreed in a daze.

He thought that Mr. Wu was a very polite person, so the identity of the other party must be extremely unusual.

"Okay, Academician Liu, I'll trouble you to come with us later."



Afterwards, the five mysterious visitors strolled around the underground research room for a while, and then followed Mr. Wu and the others out.

After going out, they had no plans to discuss anything with Mr. Wu.

Because everything they need to see and say has been said, there is no need to stay here any longer.

"Academician Liu, just take our car. After we finish talking, we will take you to where you want to go," Wu Gui said.

"Then can I take Lieutenant General Li Hu with me?"

After Liu Cong came in, Lieutenant General Li Hu had been waiting for him outside the door.

"Sorry, Academician Liu, I can't."

"But don't worry, it's absolutely safe to follow us. If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Wu next to you."

Mr. Wu looked at Liu Cong and nodded immediately.

"Academician Liu, you can go with peace of mind, you will be very safe if you follow them!"

Since Mr. Wu said so, Liu Cong must believe it 100% unconditionally.

"Okay, I'll go out and talk to Lieutenant General Li first, and then I'll go with you!"

Wu Gui agreed to Liu Cong's request, "Okay, no problem, we will wait for you outside!"

Until now, Liu Cong didn't know the identities of these five people, but he found out soon after.

After Liu Cong finished explaining everything, Lieutenant General Li Hu was still a little worried.

But after he saw this group of people in black suits, he still agreed with Liu Cong to go.

Under the leadership of Wu Gui, Liu Cong got into a Hongqi H9 car.

Under the watchful eyes of Mr. Wu and others, the black Hongqi car left their sight.

Knowing that Lieutenant General Li Hu was very worried about Liu Cong's safety, Mr. Wu stepped forward and said, "Lieutenant General Li, you don't have to worry about Academician Liu's safety. He will be safe if he follows them."

Lieutenant General Li Hu nodded, "I know Mr. Wu, I think they are not ordinary people."

"I can tell it just by looking at the license plate number. I've never seen so many 9's before!"

Regarding Lieutenant General Li Hu's shock, Mr. Wu joked: "It's okay if you haven't seen it before, because I haven't seen it either!"

Seeing the two joking around, Academician Wang on the side was also very curious about the identity of the other party.

"Mr. Wu, what are the identities of these people? I saw your expression changed at that time." Academician Wang was very curious about the identities of these people.

However, this time Mr. Wu chose to remain silent.

"Academician Wang, it's not that I won't tell you, but I really can't tell you their true identities."

When Academician Wang heard what Mr. Wu said, he didn't ask any more questions.

Some things, not knowing is to protect yourself, and knowing more is not necessarily a good thing.

"Mr. Wu, if you don't tell me, I won't ask."



after an hour,

Liu Cong came to a place similar to the countryside, but there were no homes around this place, but the roads were very well built.

As the car went deeper and deeper, Liu Cong saw a tall building in front of him, with about seven or eight floors.

In this deserted place, it is already a very conspicuous and standard building.

If he hadn't been confident before, Liu Cong would have really suspected that he had been kidnapped.

At this time, it would be a lie to say that he is not afraid, because there is no acquaintance around Liu Cong, and if there is really something wrong, he really can't escape.

Just when Liu Cong's mind was racing, the car stopped.

I saw that the dozen or so people outside and those in the car were all dressed the same, black suits and trousers.

"Boss Wu, you are back."

"Mr. Xia is waiting for you inside!"

Wu Gui nodded, "Okay, I understand!"

With that said, Wu Gui rolled up the car window again, and then entered this seemingly mysterious compound.

After entering, the courtyard is very large, and its size can be compared with the size of the space launch base.

However, entering here, Liu Cong could clearly feel that it was very quiet, as if there was no one there.

One minute after entering, the car stopped at the door of the tallest building.

"Academician Liu, we are here!" Wu Gui said.


Liu Cong sat next to the car and opened the door immediately.

Later, Wu Gui also got out of the car with Liu Cong.

Liu Cong looked around and found that the style here was somewhat similar to the decoration style of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The whole place was decorated in gray tones.

On the two large stone pillars at the entrance of the high-rise building, there are two iron signs with words about the Chinese Special Research Institute written on them.

Before this, Liu Cong had never heard of such a research institute. He was even more confused about what kind of institution it was, which made Mr. Wu so surprised when he saw the certificate.

There may be many institutions in China that Liu Cong doesn't know about, but Liu Cong has basically heard of some of the slightly famous or prestigious research institutes.

"Academician Liu, let's go in now!" Wu Gui said in Liu Cong's ear.

Liu Cong nodded, "Okay!"

Wu Gui walked in front, Liu Cong walked behind, and there were four men in black walking beside Liu Cong.

Wu Gui led Liu Cong through a long corridor and then came to the end of the corridor.

Then, Wu Gui knocked on the last office door.

"Dong dong dong~~"

"Mr. Xia, it's me!"

Seeing no response from inside, Wu Gui planned to continue knocking on the door.

Just when Wu Gui was about to knock on the door of Mr. Xia's room again, Mr. Xia's voice came from inside.

"We're back, Xiao Wu, come in!" Mr. Xia's voice came from inside.

"Hey, okay!"

After hearing the sound inside, Wu Gui opened the door of the room happily, and Liu Cong followed Wu Gui into the office.

"Academician Liu, you are here!"

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