Liu Cong had never seen the old man named Xia Lao before him.

Liu Cong looked at the old man's appearance and felt that he was about the same age as Mr. Shu and Mr. Zheng. Liu Cong estimated that Mr. Xia was also in his eighties.

Even though he is an old man in his eighties, Liu Cong is still very energetic judging from his mental outlook.

"Academician Liu, come and sit down, you're welcome, just like coming to your own home!"

Mr. Xia had a smile on his face and no airs at all.

"Hey, good!"

Liu Cong was about to find a seat when Wu Gui beside him made a gesture.

"Academician Liu, come and sit here!"

Wu Gui pointed to the sofa beside him, and Liu Cong was not polite and went up to sit on it.

In China, wherever you go as a guest, you will be served tea first.

This is no exception.

Not long after Mr. Xia sat down with Liu Cong, someone came over with tea and handed it to Liu Cong. Liu Cong stood up and took the teacup very politely.

Facing such an unfamiliar environment, Liu Cong is still a little nervous.

At present, he can only relieve his tension by drinking tea.

"Academician Liu, I am very glad that you can come to us today. On behalf of all the staff of the Special Research Institute, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you!" Mr. Xia said with a smile.

Liu Cong felt flattered when he heard Mr. Xia say this.

"Thank you. I am very honored to come to your institute." Liu Cong said modestly.

However, Mr. Xia's next question stunned Liu Cong.

"Academician Liu, do you know what our research institute does?"

Mr. Xia originally had a smile on his face, but after asking Liu Cong this question, his face gradually became serious.

Liu Cong was completely dumbfounded by such a question.

To be honest, from the moment he got in the car to now, he didn't know where he came from or what he did.

With just a slight nod from Mr. Wu, Liu Cong came over with the large army.

Liu Cong smiled awkwardly.

"Mr. Xia, this junior is not sure, please give me some instructions."

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Mr. Xia smiled politely at Liu Cong, then turned to look at Wu Gui who was standing aside.

"Xiao Wu, when you came here, didn't you briefly explain the situation here to Academician Liu?"

When Wu Gui heard Mr. Xia ask this, he shook his head in embarrassment.

"Mr. Xia, I forgot."

"Academician Liu has been thinking about problems in the car, and I don't have the nerve to disturb Academician Liu."

Mr. Xia looked at Wu Gui with a flat expression, and then waved his hand.

"Forget it, let's go out and let Academician Liu and I have a good talk!"

Wu Gui was unambiguous. After receiving Mr. Xia's order, several people went out one after another.

When no one was in the office, Mr. Xia looked at Liu Cong and said, "Academician Liu, don't be nervous, relax."

"We are not an irregular department, we are just a special department built in the wilderness."

Xia Lao's words were indeed very effective. Liu Cong was no longer so nervous after hearing these words.

"Mr. Xia, what kind of department is this, and why is it called a special research institute?"

Liu Cong's head is now full of questions.

Mr. Xia looked at Liu Cong, and then said: "Because our research institute is different from other research institutes."

"Other institutes study technology, but our department is looking for aliens!"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Cong was greatly shocked.

At this time, Liu Cong thought of Mr. Wu's surprise when he saw the certificate at the beginning.

When he came back to his senses, Liu Cong was very puzzled.

"Mr. Xia, do I have anything to do with your department?"

"Why did you invite me here today?" Liu Cong asked.

Mr. Xia did not rush to answer Liu Cong's question, but calmly picked up the teacup on the table and took a slow sip of tea.

After drinking the tea, Mr. Xia looked enjoying himself.

"Academician Liu, actually we have been paying attention to you for a long time."

"Our department not only pays attention to some aliens, we also pay attention to some people who are more talented than ordinary people in some aspects."

"Because many of the abilities you have shown make me suspect that you are not from our Blue Star."

When Mr. Xia said this, Liu Cong was actually very scared.

After all, he is indeed not from Blue Star. His previous life was from Earth, but he came to such a parallel world after experiencing some accidents.

Moreover, there is a system living in Liu Cong's mind. If it is really exposed, he is afraid that he will be dissected alive as a test subject.

However, Mr. Xia's next words completely made Liu Cong breathe a sigh of relief.

"Later, after my observation, you have your family and your social circle since childhood. All your actions prove that you are a true Blue Star person."

"I'm just very surprised. What kind of person can single-handedly drive China's entire technology?"

"I think it's just you, Academician Liu!" Mr. Xia said with a smile.

"Mr. Xia, you are ridiculous. I am just an ordinary researcher, not as powerful as you say."

"China's achievements today are entirely due to the efforts of all scientific researchers."

Until now, Liu Cong has not figured out why Mr. Functional person.

This is all the information Liu Cong can know now.

Next, before Liu Cong could ask, Mr. Xia took the initiative to talk to Liu Cong about what he was most interested in.

"Academician Liu, I am calling you here just to reveal a piece of information to you. In fact, we in China have been in contact with aliens for a long time."

"We also learned about the last alien incident in the United States from above as soon as possible."

"I now guess that most of that group of people are probably no longer in Blue Star, or they have all left Blue Star."

Liu Cong was very surprised. He did not expect that in addition to the United States, China would also contact aliens.

This was something Liu Cong couldn't even imagine before.

As for whether the Kara Star people are on Blue Star or not, Liu Cong doesn't care at all.

"Mr. Xia, can you speak more clearly?"

"When did we make contact with aliens? Are they on Earth now?" Liu Cong asked curiously.

Having said this, Mr. Xia shook his head.

"No, they are not on Earth now."

"We just discovered this telegram that was sent to us while collecting space telegrams."

"And what I dare not believe the most is that they actually use Chinese script, but their writing is more traditional than ours, similar to our writing two thousand years ago."

When Mr. Xia said this, Liu Cong couldn't believe his ears.

Aliens were discovered, but they used ancient Chinese characters, which no one can accept.

"Mr. Xia, what's the content in that?" Liu Cong was eager to know now.

"Academician Liu, don't worry, I called you here today just to make this matter clear."

"Looking at the whole of China, you may be the only one who discovered the existence of aliens in the United States. Even I didn't know about it before."

"Listen to me and tell you slowly!"

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