Hearing Mr. Xia say this, Liu Cong gradually calmed down.

"Okay, Mr. Xia, I'm all ears!"

Liu Cong was sitting on the sofa with a serious look on his face.

When Mr. Xia saw Liu Cong like this, he also put away the kind smile on his face and began to become serious.

"That's what Academician Liu is like!"

"I can tell you clearly that this email came from outer space and was not faked by another country."

"Secondly, it would be best for me to show you the general contents of it."

"Wait a moment!"

With that said, Mr. Xia walked to his desk not far away, and then took out a few pieces of paper from a small safe.

Then he handed it to Liu Cong.

"Academician Liu, this is the first time they have sent a telegram. I printed it out for him."

Liu Cong solemnly took the three dense pieces of paper, and then read them carefully.

Liu Cong glanced at the three pieces of paper and found that they were all written in traditional Chinese characters.

Afterwards, Liu Cong didn't waste any more time and read the contents directly:

Dear Blue Star people, hello.

When you receive the message from us, one hundred years have passed. Don't be surprised when you see this.

As for why we use the same words as you, it is because we have been a family for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Because of special circumstances, we had to separate.

In fact, we discovered you as early as a thousand years ago. At that time, you were still in the feudal dynasty, and our civilization has developed to level 1.5.

Why did we find that you couldn't come over at that time? The specific reason was that it was too far and we really couldn't come over.

Our planet is called Yuhengxing, which is the Orion Nebula located 1,200 light-years away from you.

Therefore, at that time, with our technological capabilities, we would not be able to reach you in a thousand years.

As for now, we have reached the second level civilization and have the strength to reach your Blue Star, but now there is a war on our planet.

So this plan can only be slowed down, and we can only have the opportunity to meet with you.

However, I want to tell you that you must beware of white-skinned and dark-skinned people. They are natural enemies of us yellow-skinned people.

If there is a chance, please don't give them the chance to develop, because we are a living example now.

Okay, I won’t say much else. I just want to explain one thing at the end: beware of them.

Finally, I believe that we will meet again one day, and by then we may have defeated the white and black people who invaded us from other stars.

After flipping through three pages, this is the approximate content of the letter.

After Liu Cong read the letter, he was actually very shocked.

In fact, Liu Cong had learned the general situation and information about white-skinned people and black-skinned people from the system a few months ago.

However, after Liu Cong finished reading this letter, he became even more determined about what the system had said to him one day.

"Mr. Xia, I am very surprised after reading your letter!" Liu Cong said with a serious face.

Mr. Xia looked at Liu Cong, smiled and said: "Actually, I guessed at first that when you saw this letter, you would be more surprised than you are now, but your reaction really surprised me."

"But it's reasonable. After all, you've known about aliens before. It's not surprising to have such a reaction."

Mr. Xia's guess is actually not unreasonable.

However, his guess was wrong.

Liu Cong had known this unknown secret for a long time before this.

And his plans have been planned secretly. When the time comes, Liu Cong will not relent.

Moreover, he also believes that the United States must know such a secret one step earlier than China, so they will implement such an attack plan against China.

In fact, Liu Cong's conjecture is correct.

"Mr. Xia, I probably know your purpose of coming to me this time."

"The reason is to tell me the truth and then join forces with me to destroy their plan, right?" Liu Cong asked.

Having said this, Mr. Xia gave Liu Cong a thumbs up, "Academician Liu, you guessed it right. That's what I thought."

"Actually, I learned about your scientific research plan through some means a long time ago."

"In my research, I found that you pay special attention to energy and chips. I even heard that you want to develop war robots and interstellar mining vehicles."

"I also know that you have built a meteorological weapons research institute in the new district. With all these things connected together, I think you also have a purpose."

Mr. Xia's speculation completely reached Liu Cong's heart.

He initially thought that developing these technologies was for development and weapons for defense.

But since knowing the plan of the United States, Liu Cong now only wants to destroy them. As for other things, he doesn't think about anything else.


"If conditions permit, I hope they can disappear on Blue Star as soon as possible."

Liu Cong's words moved Mr. Xia.

Mr. Xia patted his thigh and said excitedly: "Academician Liu, you and I thought about it together. I think so too."

"Since reading this letter, the higher-ups have begun to prepare some plans for the future."

"If it weren't for you, Academician Liu, this time, we in China would probably no longer exist on Blue Star."

As Mr. Xia talked, he started to get excited again.

"These bastards, if the tiger doesn't show off its power, they really think we are sick cats. Our failure to take the initiative is because we love peace, not because we are weak!"

Later, Liu Cong and Mr. Xia talked a lot about the United States.

Then he shifted the topic to his compatriots, the Yuheng stars.

"Academician Liu, a Yuheng star, our compatriot, also sent several emails one after another."

"Judging from their current situation, they seem to be living a very bad life. Over the years, every time they write letters, they emphasize that they are living in a war."

"I think they are also in great difficulty!" Mr. Xia sighed.

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