What Mr. Xia said is actually correct.

Logically speaking, it is not difficult for a planet with a second-level civilization to reach a place a thousand light-years away.

At most it will take some time.

And if we follow the normal development on earth, it is estimated that it will take thousands of years to reach the second level civilization.

Originally, there was a gap between a tenth-level civilization and a first-level civilization. It would take a few hundred years to cross it quickly. Without some opportunities and discoveries, it is very likely that human beings would never be able to cross the first-level civilization.

The first-level civilization is able to fully utilize all the energy on the Blue Star. The second-level civilization is also called a stellar civilization. By then, humans will be able to completely control the energy of the solar system.

By that time, humans had the ability to build space ships and fly many times faster than the speed of light.

By then, this mere 1,200 light years will really be nothing.


So now there is only one conjecture, that is, the Yuheng people, who have the same ancestors as humans in ancient times, must have encountered an unprecedented disaster.

Otherwise, if they discover that the same kind of people on Blue Star must have very ordinary interactions, they may even come to Blue Star.

However, they did not do this.

From Xia Lao's scattered words, Liu Cong learned.

In the past five years, they have sent a total of three emails.

The last email directly stated that they were suffering an unprecedented disaster.

More than a thousand years have passed, maybe more.

What Liu Cong saw was the email they sent a thousand years ago. They had long realized that human beings would have technological development in a thousand years.

However, in this thousand years, no one can guarantee whether the human race on Yuheng Planet will be exterminated by other races. No one can say for sure.

Liu Cong can only hope that he can develop Blue Star's civilization to a second-level civilization or even higher in his lifetime.

However, such an arduous task is not something Liu Cong can achieve just by thinking about it.

Although the current civilization of Blue Star China has barely reached the first-level civilization, it is actually flawed in many aspects.

China currently does not have complete control over the resources on Blue Star, including the resources on the moon on Blue Star satellites.

However, this matter will definitely be realized slowly in the near future.

Now Liu Cong is developing an interstellar mining vehicle to utilize all the resources around Blue Star, including those in the solar system.

"Mr. Xia, I believe they experienced something like that, so they warned us not to take this detour again."

"Actually, I feel that they have already..."

When Liu Cong said this, he didn't go on because he didn't want people with the same skin color as himself to be wiped out by aliens.

This is something he really doesn't want to see.

"Academician Liu, actually you and I have the same idea."

"A thousand years have passed. If they had really defeated each other, I think they would have come to Blue Star long ago."

From the beginning to the end, Mr. Xia believed that the Yuheng people would really come if they did not encounter a war.

And Liu Cong is also very convinced.

After all, the Kara Star people, who have only a little relationship with the United States, have visited them many times. If the Yu Heng Star people knew about their compatriots, they would have flown over to visit them long ago.

Although Liu Cong still doesn't understand what kind of laws there are in the universe.

But he had heard the system say before that high-dimensional people cannot go to war with low-dimensional people for no reason, but if there is really hatred, it is estimated that the interstellar law enforcement team will not take care of it.

However, for thousands of years, humans have never found any trace of the interstellar law enforcement team.

The most likely reason may be that Blue Star has never been invaded by the outside world.

The specific reasons still need to be verified.

However, Liu Cong still believed in what the system told him. After all, the system had never lied to him.

"Mr. Xia, this is the worst plan. Now that we know about their existence, we should develop technology more carefully."

"With the current level of our Blue Star, if we send a telegram in their direction, I estimate it will take a thousand years."

"The emails sent to us at that time no longer had much meaning." Liu Cong said.

In fact, Liu Cong wants to help them in his heart, but their own strength is really poor now, and they are simply not enough to support them so far away.

Even if support arrives, with Blue Star's most powerful weapon, nuclear weapons, it is estimated that they will be silent if they run.

When Mr. Xia heard what Liu Cong said, he nodded meaningfully.

"Yes, what we need most now is to develop technology. After we eliminate the internal conflicts first, we can develop outer space technology with peace of mind."

"But, how easy is it to reach the second level civilization?"

"Just a Dyson sphere in our imagination, with the current development of human civilization, I don't know if it will reach such a height in another five thousand years."

Having said this, Mr. Xia sighed.

Liu Cong also understood what Mr. Xia said very well.

Dyson balls are indeed not something they can think of now.

With such a big thing surrounding the sun, it is estimated that all the planetary resources in the solar system will be mined to build such a very large Dyson sphere.

With the current strength of human beings, it is absolutely unimaginable.

But with the Dyson Sphere, it proves that human beings are truly a sign of reaching the second level civilization.

Such a task still has a long way to go.

Liu Cong also breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw Mr. Xia like this.

"Mr. Xia, I also understand how difficult this is."

"Such a huge and high-tech thing is simply not something we humans can accomplish, but the fact that we humans can't accomplish it doesn't mean that machines can't accomplish it."

Liu Cong's words gave Mr. Xia a little clue.

"Academician Liu, are you saying that the robot will complete this task when the time comes?"

Liu Cong nodded, "Yes, robot,"

Mr. Xia smiled, "By then, I guess you and I won't be able to see it!"

"Now we humans are really facing many unprecedented disasters!"

As he spoke, Mr. Xia picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of hot tea.

"Academician Liu, let's not talk about this anymore."

"Now that you understand some things today, my mission is completed."

"In a sense, you are China's only hope now. Only you can lead China to develop technology and use technology to defeat them." Mr. Xia looked at Liu Cong with firm eyes.

Mr. Xia's words made Liu Cong, who had no pressure at all, feel unprecedented pressure.

Originally, Liu Cong really didn't feel anything. His goal was to eliminate those who were detrimental to his own people.

However, Mr. Xia's words made Liu Cong feel great pressure.

Mr. Xia may have noticed something after seeing Liu Cong's expression, and he immediately said: "Academician Liu, I'm sorry, did my words put too much pressure on you?"

"I just said it casually. I don't have to ask you to do it. You can just do it at your own pace!"

Liu Cong shook his head and said: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

"If there is anything I can do to help China, I will do my best at all costs."

"This is also my basic requirement for myself."

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