"Academician Liu, Mr. Wu and Academician Wang are currently having a meeting on the second floor. They started the meeting after you left. It has been more than three hours now, almost more than four hours."

"Academician Wu also said before he went up that if you want to find him in the conference room on the second floor, let me take you there." Lieutenant General Li Hu said.

Liu Cong knew that Mr. Wu and Academician Wang were probably discussing how to produce subsequent chips.

After all, Liu Cong just gave them the information in the afternoon, so they must study it carefully.

"Forget it, I haven't eaten yet. You can take me out to have a quick meal, and then we'll come back."

Lieutenant General Li Hu was surprised to hear that Liu Cong had not eaten.

"What kind of research institute is this? Doesn't it even care about dinner?"

Liu Cong looked at Lieutenant General Li Hu's expression, smiled and said, "No, I just don't want to eat there, it would waste too much time."

"After thinking about it, I'd better come back early. I know you are still here waiting for me. I can't let you wait here for me."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Lieutenant General Li Hu was very moved.

His usual task now is to follow Liu Cong, and he can't say anything to the person Liu Cong sees next to him, Lieutenant General Li Hu.

He didn't usually chat with Liu Cong, otherwise he could only play games like Landlords very boringly now.

"Okay, let's go eat first. I guess they won't be able to finish this meeting for more than an hour!"

With that said, Lieutenant General Li Hu stood up from his seat, picked up the car keys on the table, and prepared to go out for dinner with Liu Cong.



An hour later, when Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu came to the institute again, the cashback meeting was still not over.

Liu Cong didn't want to go up, so he could only wait below for Mr. Wu and Academician Wang to come down.

Not long after the two sat down, Mr. Wu and Academician Wang opened the door from outside and came in.

"Academician Liu, when did you come back?" Mr. Wu asked in surprise.

Liu Cong, who was originally discussing how to play the cards with Lieutenant General Li Hu, turned his head when he heard Mr. Wu's voice.

"Mr. Wu, I've been back for a while."

"Have you finished your meeting?"

Looking at Mr. Wu and Academician Wang who were very tired, Liu Cong knew that their meeting this afternoon was definitely not going to be easy.

Otherwise they wouldn't act so tired.

"Yes, Academician Wang and I have included all the projects in the plan, and the next step is to implement them one by one."

"However, after several hours of discussion, we realized that this matter was not as simple as we thought."

"We used a more advanced computer to open the chip design drawings you gave us. The principles are much more complicated than we imagined."

"However, I think this should not affect the progress of our experiment, because everything you gave us is ready-made." Mr. Wu said.

Liu Cong smiled and said: "Mr. Wu, don't worry, as long as you follow my instructions, you will definitely be able to make the chip."

"It's just a matter of time, but it won't be too long, I believe."

At this time, Academician Wang also said: "Academician Liu, I believe it too."

"After our discussion just now, we initially estimate that this chip will enter the trial stage in one month, and then enter the mass production stage after a while."

"By then, our domestic chips with real one-nanometer technology will be born, and by then we will have achieved a milestone breakthrough."

Speaking of this, Academician Wang's eyes were full of longing.

Afterwards, several people discussed together in the conference room for a while, and then they felt that it was getting late.

At this time, Mr. Wu took the initiative to propose.

"Academician Liu, you see it's getting very late. Why don't you go back and rest now."

"I know you are also very busy. It is not easy to find time to come here. During this period, we will seize the time to produce the chips and send them to you as soon as possible." Mr. Wu said with a smile.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it!"


At eleven o'clock in the evening, Liu Cong returned to his home.

When Liu Cong came back, Liu Yang was still holding the computer in the living room, preparing the PPT for class tomorrow.

Since Liu Cong did not notify his family of his return in advance, Liu Yang was very surprised when Liu Cong came back.

"Hey, why did you come back tonight?"

"Didn't you tell me on the phone that you were in the research institute and wouldn't be back for a while?"

Liu Yang took the laptop away from his lap, then walked up to Liu Cong and looked up and down at Liu Cong, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.


Liu Yang looked at Liu Cong and patted Liu Cong on the shoulder, with some distress in his eyes.

Liu Yang took off his glasses, wiped the corners of his eyes, and then wiped his eyes with his clothes.

"When are you coming back tonight?" Liu Yang asked again.

Liu Cong paused, and then replied: "Dad, I have to leave tomorrow morning. I have been doing research there recently and I am too busy. I may have to stay there for a few months, but I have time. Will be back.”

When Liu Yang heard what Liu Cong said, he took a deep breath, then smiled and said, "Scientific research is important."

As he said this, Liu Yang seemed to have thought of something.

"By the way, I looked at the military website today. Our country's new generation Qinglong fighter jet has been built."

"I was really excited after seeing it. Moreover, the performance of this generation of Qinglong fighter jets has improved so much all of a sudden. It is simply very abnormal."

"But when I saw the signature behind the news, I really couldn't calm down anymore."

"I really didn't expect that the seventh-generation engine that I'm so proud of was made by you. Is this true?"

Liu Yang looked at his son in front of him in disbelief.

"Dad, can this matter be false?"

"Can you find another academician Liu Cong in China?" Liu Cong said with a smile.

When Liu Yang confirmed that Liu Cong had done this, he hugged his son excitedly.

"Good boy, you are more promising than your father!"

"If your grandpa knew about this, he would definitely be happier than me."

Liu Cong was a little overwhelmed by this sudden hug. Ever since Liu Cong could remember, it seemed that his father rarely hugged him like this.

It doesn't seem to be in his memory.

Maybe Liu Yang is a military fan and he really has no resistance to such things.

In the past, he was in front of the computer and TV chasing these military stars. Now it is his son's turn to stand here. He must not be able to restrain himself.

"Dad, don't be excited. If I have the opportunity to take you to see such a behemoth in person, you will definitely like it even more."

"That's for sure. You don't know that your dad is a military fan, so he will definitely like it, he will definitely like it!" Liu Yang said excitedly.

"By the way, I'll sleep downstairs tonight, so I'll go up."

Hearing what Liu Yang said, Liu Cong probably guessed that his father had been kicked out by his mother again, and he suddenly felt that his father was really pitiful.

"Dad, how about this? The sofa is too small to sleep on. How about you come over to my place and squeeze in?" Liu Cong asked.

Liu Yang shook his head, "Forget it, I'll just sleep down there."

Liu Cong didn't force it, just nodded.

"Okay, then I'll go up and sleep."


United States, Special Studies.

"Academician Bohr, what is our current progress?"

General Smith was sitting on a chair, next to Academician Bohr, who was about the same age as him.

"General Smith, we are currently 50% complete. We will soon be able to manufacture a two-nanometer lithography machine."

"As long as we produce this lithography machine, China will be blocked by us again with the same patent restrictions, unless they can develop something more advanced than us!" Academician Bohr said.

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