At this time, there were only two people in the office.

When Academician Smith heard what Academician Bohl said, he burst out laughing.

"Academician Bohr, you really know how to joke."

"I admit that China is developing very fast now, and that is completely dependent on a young man named Liu Cong."

"I don't believe that he can break through the one-nanometer lithography machine technology in a short period of time, but this is too impossible."

"After all, our development relies on alien technology to support us. It is impossible for them to complete such an arduous task independently."

As he spoke, General Smith naturally crossed his legs.

Completely forgetting their embarrassment at the time.

"By the way, what do the people over there say now? What kind of technology are they willing to provide us now?"

"When can we break through the boundary of first-level civilization?" General Smith asked again.

Scientific research is not General Smith's strong point. He only knows how to plunder resources and bully the weak.

Academician Bohr thought for a long time, and then said slowly: "That's right, they haven't given us a clear answer yet."

"I mentioned it casually last time. They said that as long as we can destroy that nation, they will not only help us upgrade our civilization to level one, but they even said that they can provide us with the technology to mine outer space resources."

General Smith's eyes lit up when he heard what Academician Boer said.

"Really? That's great!"

"I'm really looking forward to this plan being completed as soon as possible. By then, Blue Star will be ours."

Lieutenant General Smith thought of this, with an evil smile on his lips.

"General Smith, this day will come sooner or later."

"As it stands now, we have initially mastered controllable nuclear fusion, and we will master more things in the future."

"And our scientific and technological background is something they don't have. Many of their patents cannot be used. We have completely sanctioned them." Academician Bohr said confidently.

On this point, he still has a lot of say. After all, he is engaged in this field. He knows much more about many patents than General Smith.

"Okay, I'll wait and see."

"We are getting closer to our next plan, and I hope this time we can eradicate them all at once."

"If I hadn't received the boss's order not to do it last time, they would have completely disappeared from the earth by now."



The next day,

Liu Cong woke up in his bed at home and stretched out a lot.

He picked up the phone and saw that it was already getting late, so he quickly got dressed and got up to wash up.

After arriving in the living room, Liu Cong saw his mother Zhang Guimei preparing breakfast for him.

Liu Cong, on the other hand, was sitting on the sofa nearby and reading today's morning news.

"Son, you wake up!"

"You've been working so hard these days, why don't you sleep a little more!"

Zhang Guimei, who was preparing breakfast, found Liu Cong coming down and greeted her son with a smile.

"Mom, I've slept enough, I don't need any more sleep."

"Besides, I have to go to the research institute later. I can't sleep at this time." Liu Cong said.

"Okay then, hurry up and eat. You will eat whatever you like for breakfast."

With that said, Zhang Guimei brought the prepared steamed bun porridge and fried dough sticks to the table.

"And the soy milk you like to drink, it will be ready soon."

With that said, Zhang Guimei hurriedly ran over to look at the soymilk machine.



After breakfast, Liu Cong met Lieutenant General Li Hu at the designated location and then drove the helicopter to the space launch base.

At half past nine, the helicopter landed in the institute's compound.

Liu Cong didn't stop for a moment and ran straight to the workshop because he knew Mr. Zheng must be there.

Arriving at the door of workshop No. 5, Liu Cong looked at the five sign above and walked in without thinking.

After walking about two hundred meters, Liu Cong saw Mr. Zheng standing in front of a small smelting furnace, personally directing the young man next to him to make molds.

"Yes, yes, that's it."

"Adjust the accuracy to 0.01, yes, yes, that's it, don't move."

"Press start, press start quickly, otherwise the temperature will rise immediately and it will affect the quality of the material!"

Mr. Zheng concentrated on directing the young people beside him, and did not notice Liu Cong's arrival at all.

At the critical moment, Liu Cong did not disturb Mr. Zheng's homework, but quietly waited for Mr. Zheng to complete the task five meters away.

About five minutes later, a brand new grinding tool came out of the oven.

This is a small part inside the aerospace engine of the interstellar mining vehicle. Even a small part weighs dozens of kilograms.

It can be seen that the aerospace engine of this interstellar mining vehicle is at least several tons heavier.

This is quite normal, after all, the thrust is there.

"Yes, we have made great progress this time. From now on we will stick to this."

"It seems that you still have talent in this area. I really don't underestimate you." Mr. Zheng praised the young man beside him without hesitation.

The young man on the side was also very happy after receiving the praise from Mr. Zheng.

"Thank you, Mr. Zheng, I will continue to work hard in the future!"

Seeing that the two men's tasks were completed, Liu Cong came over from behind.

"Mr. Zheng, it's okay!"

"It was only the second day that I started working on it!" Liu Cong said.

Mr. Zheng turned around and was very surprised to see Liu Cong standing behind him.

"Academician Liu, when did you come here?"

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