In order to upgrade to a bachelor's degree: Master the photolithography machine technology at t

Chapter 515 Personal invitation from the director of the Chinese Military Station

Liu Cong smiled and said, "Just now!"

"I see that you are at a critical stage, so I didn't bother you two."

Mr. Zheng nodded, then stepped forward and grabbed Liu Cong.

"Academician Liu, what do you think of a link part inside this engine?"

Mr. Zheng pointed to the reddish part in front of him and nodded, "It's very good. I didn't expect you to start producing parts not long after you came here, Mr. Zheng."

"Sure enough, it was the right choice for me to come over to you."

Mr. Zheng laughed loudly after hearing Liu Cong's praise, "Academician Liu, I am really happy that you can invite me over, so I will do my best to help you."


Soon after, Mr. Zheng and Liu Cong entered the workshop again.

There are many molds and furnaces here, so the temperature inside is very high.

After Liu Cong and Mr. Zheng went deep inside, sweat was already dripping from their foreheads.

"Academician Liu, starting from yesterday afternoon, we have actually started the smelting mode immediately. I think this matter can still be delayed without delay, so we should try not to delay it."

"I also want to see an interstellar mining vehicle launched into space in my lifetime."

When he said this, Mr. Zheng looked expectant.

After all, no country has had the technology to mine in outer space before.

As long as this plan is successful, it will be a milestone progress.

From now on, China will have complete priority in controlling space resources.

"Mr. Zheng, your idea will come true, believe me!"

"At present, our domestic one-nanometer chip has completed a technological breakthrough, and it is only a matter of time before the chip is mass-produced." Liu Cong said calmly.

After Mr. Zheng heard the news, he was very shocked and looked at Liu Cong in disbelief, "Academician Liu, when did we in China become so accomplished in lithography machines!"

"If I remember correctly, the one-nanometer lithography machine is the ultimate technology that humans can break through. If we want to improve in the future, I am afraid we can only start with technology and materials."

"But the best way we can think of right now is to etch circuits on silicon crystals to make chips." Mr. Zheng said slowly.

Liu Cong strongly agrees with Mr. Zheng's statement. This is the fact.

When humans break through the one-nanometer lithography machine technology, if they want to make another technological breakthrough, they may have to carry out reform and innovation.

"Yes, Mr. Zheng, this is currently the best technology we can achieve."

"If we want to make breakthroughs in the future, we really can only make breakthroughs elsewhere."

While chatting, the two gradually reached the end of Workshop No. 5.

This is a huge furnace, and what is smelted in the furnace is pure alloy metal.

From the current point of view, pure alloy is the only one that is suitable for most of the best materials on the aerospace engine of the interstellar mining vehicle.

So it is normal for the demand to be huge.

"Academician Liu, we have also made breakthroughs in net alloy smelting."

“In the past we could only melt fifty kilograms of net alloy at one time, or even less, but now we can melt more than three hundred kilograms of net alloy at one time, or even more.”

"As for why we don't realize it, it's because we don't have the need to smelt so much net alloy yet."

Mr. Zheng smiled and pointed to the furnace in front, with a smile on his face.

It seems that he is really satisfied with metals like Net Alloy.

"Mr. Zheng, as the technology matures in the future, this technology will become more and more mature, and the kilograms of net alloy we can smelt will also increase accordingly."

Liu Cong looked at the furnace in front of him and felt very happy.

"Mr. Zheng, you took me to see it, what are your plans next? I want to hear your thoughts?"

Mr. Zheng heard what Liu Cong said, thought for a while, and then said: "Academician Liu, it's like this. I first want to build the first interstellar mining vehicle engine, and then based on this engine, step by step Experiment and then make step-by-step modifications.”

"This seems to me to be the best choice. I don't know when we can complete this task now. The information you gave us is very detailed. I think it won't take too long."


Time moved forward a week.

On this day, as usual, Liu Cong stayed at the space launch base and was working on engine development with Mr. Zheng. During this period, because the two were a little biased in some places, they had a heated discussion.

At this time, Academician Zhang hurriedly came over from outside.

At this time, the two people's attention instantly shifted to Academician Zhang.

"Teacher, Academician Liu, the people above are unable to contact you."

"I just received a notice that China Military Channel will have a special program for you. I hope you two can take the time to watch it. This is also the opinion above."

Academician Zhang's words made both of them stunned at the same time.

Not long after, the two of them reacted.

"Academician Zhang, are you talking about the Qinglong fighter jet?"

"Why are we suddenly being interviewed like this?"

Liu Cong was full of questions.

"Yeah, I'm also very puzzled. I didn't get on it when I was studying the first-generation Blue Dragon fighter jet."

"Can I not go? I still want to do research. I don't want to participate in anything else."

Mr. Zheng has been busy all his life, and now he is retired. These programs that can increase his exposure no longer matter to him as an old man.

"Teacher, I think they will respect your choice."

"The people from their TV station will personally send people to pick you up later. Teacher and Academician Liu will need to go to the door later."

Liu Cong didn't care, but Mr. Zheng didn't want to go.

"Academician Liu, you'd better go instead of me, I won't go."

Liu Cong chose to respect Mr. Zheng's tough attitude.

"Mr. Zheng, don't worry, I will discuss it with them carefully. Just feel free to do research here!" Liu Cong said.

"Okay, Academician Liu, I'll trouble you."



An hour later, Liu Cong came outside the Space Launch Base Research Institute.

At this time, the leader of the Huaxia Military Station was already standing outside the door to welcome Liu Cong's arrival.

Seeing Liu Cong coming, the leader of the radio station also had a smile on his face.

"Hello, Academician Liu, I finally meet you in person."

The middle-aged man in front of him walked straight up to Liu Cong and stretched out his right hand.

After Liu Cong saw it, he naturally held the middle-aged man's hand.

"Hello, what's your last name?" Liu Cong asked.

"Academician Liu, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Shao Feng, and I am the director of the China Military Channel."

"This time I received an order from my superiors and specially invited you and Mr. Zheng to come to our station to popularize knowledge about the Qinglong fighter jet to the public." Shao Feng said enthusiastically.

"Hello, Director Shao, I am honored to receive your invitation this time."

"But Mr. Zheng still has important tasks to complete this time, and he can't come."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Shao Feng seemed a little disappointed, but he quickly cheered up.

"Academician Liu, is it true that Mr. Zheng can't come this time?"

"That's really a shame."

"But it doesn't matter. Academician Liu, you can go there alone."

"This time we are mainly conducting a two-and-a-half-hour live interview. After the interview, you can come back and continue your experiments without delay."

Shao Feng was afraid that Liu Cong would not accept his interview, so he explained this specifically.

"Director Shao, don't worry, I will be there for this interview."

Liu Cong's words also made Shao Feng completely relieved.

"That's good!"

"Academician Liu, let's meet tomorrow morning. I'm just here to tell you this today." Shao Feng said.

"Okay, I will arrive at the TV station on time tomorrow morning for an interview."

"As for the interview process, just send me an email when the time comes, and I will take a careful look at it."

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