Hearing what Liu Cong said, Teacher Sun Wu was stunned for a moment, and then his face lit up with joy.

"Really, Academician Liu?"

"That's really my honor. So your father is also a military enthusiast, or a practitioner in this field?" Sun Wu asked.

Later, Sun Wu thought about it and realized that this was not very polite.

So he immediately said: "I'm sorry, Academician Liu."

Liu Cong looked indifferent, "Teacher Sun Wu, this is no secret. My father studies literature and is a university teacher."

Sun Wu was surprised when he heard that Liu Cong's father was a university teacher and studied literature.

"This news is a bit surprising to me. It turns out that other practitioners will watch the program I host!"

In fact, what Sun Wu said was not alarmist.

In this era where mobile phones are everywhere, few people will watch the programs he hosts through TV programs. Only a few military practitioners or die-hard military fans will watch his own programs.

In China, he is the most authoritative military host.

"Teacher Sun Wu, my father really likes you."

"He often took me to watch your shows when I was little. So, I actually knew you ten years ago."

When Liu Cong said this, Sun Wu became even more happy.

"It turns out that I am quite famous in China. I thought I was out of luck!" Sun Wu said.

Hearing this, Liu Cong laughed.

"How could that happen? Teacher Sun Wu, you are famous in China!"


There are still twenty-five minutes until the live broadcast officially starts.

The atmosphere on the stage was already very tense, and the stage manager personally came out to maintain order.

This live broadcast may be a very ordinary live broadcast for Liu Cong, but what he doesn't know is that before the live broadcast, the official has already done the publicity in advance.

As long as the live broadcast starts, tens or even hundreds of millions of people across the country will flock to the live broadcast room.

In order for today's live broadcast to proceed smoothly, many servers in the West have opened special channels for this live broadcast.

It can be seen that the superiors also attach great importance to this matter this time.

The successful development of the second-generation Qinglong fighter jet is no less popular than the controllable nuclear fusion aircraft carrier, or even higher than that.

Because before this, China has always lagged far behind the United States in terms of fighter jets.

Therefore, the popularity this time will definitely be very high.


A community in a certain city.

"Xiao Wang, tell me how to adjust the live broadcast of this Chinese military station!"

“It’s not even on this phone!”

At this time, the old man who was playing chess with other old men in the park had no intention of playing chess anymore.

Instead, he found Xiao Wang who was practicing piano nearby to help him get his cell phone in the live broadcast room.

"Uncle Liu, you asked the right person."

"I happen to want to watch this live broadcast soon, and I'll teach you how to do it!"

With that said, the young man directly picked up the old man's mobile phone, then opened the Douyin APP and clicked on the official main page of Huaxia Military Channel.

"Uncle, we have to wait for a while now. The live broadcast has not started yet. I will operate it for you when it starts."

"Or you can see this red circle in the upper left corner, and the pattern in the middle above will display the words live broadcast."

"You can just click in when the time comes." The young man was teaching the uncle step by step how to operate.

After listening to what the young man said, the uncle seemed to understand.

"Oh, so that's it!"

"What do I think? I'm familiar with this. I often watch dancing on it."

The uncle smiled happily.

The young man was a little surprised when he heard what his uncle said.

After seeing his expression, the uncle realized that this was inappropriate, so he immediately changed his tune.

"Xiao Wang, thank you!"

"I understand, please continue practicing."

The old man said hello to the young man one last time, then turned and left.


At this time, there is still one minute left before the live broadcast.

Everyone in the audience entered a state of high tension.

Several large cameras in the audience also accurately focused on Liu Cong and Sun Wu.




As the director in the audience shouted the countdown, the live broadcast also started smoothly.

In just three seconds, two million people poured in.

This kind of traffic flow simply exceeded the TV station’s original imagination.

When the director saw this data below, he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Be a good boy! This is simply outrageous!"


The live broadcast starts,

First, Liu Cong and Sun Wu gave a brief introduction, and then entered the official theme of today.

Since it was a live broadcast, this interview adopted a relatively brisk interview style.

Sun Wu and Liu Cong sat on each side, and the distance between them was only about one meter to one and a half meters.

"Academician Liu, I am very glad that you can come to our TV station to accept this interview this time." Sun Wu said.

"Teacher Sun Wu, this is what it should be!"

Liu Cong was also very polite.

After the two chatted for a few words, they began to enter the formal topic.

At this time, photos of the latest second-generation Qinglong fighter jets were also displayed on the big screen on the stage.

The audience cheered enthusiastically after seeing this photo.

The audience in the live broadcast room even exploded after seeing the real picture of the Qinglong fighter jet.

Many of them didn't know about it before, and some of them had never even seen the first-generation Qinglong fighter jet.

Wolf of the North: Wow, the wings of this generation of Qinglong fighters are much larger than the previous generation. Does this mean that the stability of this generation of Qinglong fighters is higher, but doesn’t the speed decrease?

Xunshui's<)))><<: The outer coating material is probably a new generation of stealth material. I didn't expect it to be used on the second-generation Qinglong fighter. It really surprised me.

Zhaoyang: As an aerospace student, I heard the news about the second-generation Qinglong fighter before this, but all the parameters about it were not reported. It was just said that it is the strongest on the surface. Now I am really looking forward to it.


For a while, the live broadcast room was full of barrages, with no intention of stopping.

"Academician Liu, I would like to ask on behalf of the national audience, what are the changes in your seventh-generation scroll engine compared to the previous generation?"

"Under what circumstances did you develop this seventh-generation engine?" Sun Wu asked.

Liu Cong had already thought about how to answer these two questions in advance, but he still thought about it for a few seconds before speaking.

"Teacher Sun, it's like this."

"I actually started developing the seventh-generation turbofighter engine very early. It took me about a year from conception to drawing."

Liu Cong said this because it sounded the least perverted.

If he told these people that I made this blueprint in one night and it fell from the sky, they would be shocked to death.

Moreover, even if Liu Cong said this, they would regard his words as a joke.

"As for the changes between the seventh-generation engine and the fifth-generation engine, I will slowly explain it to everyone. I believe everyone is also very curious."

When Liu Cong finished saying this, the live broadcast room became more lively than before.

The popularity reached a terrifying 70 million, which set the record for the highest live broadcast popularity on the entire Douyin platform at that time, and it was still in the morning.

Such enthusiasm has rarely been seen before.

If the official had not shut down the reward, I would have received a very expensive gift right now.

Liu Cong held the remote control pen in his hand and clicked it.

Then an engine appeared on the big screen behind him.

At first glance, it is indeed no different from an ordinary fighter jet.

But after careful people see the small print next to it, they will know that the biggest change in this seventh-generation engine is the change in materials and processes.

Including many internal workmanship changes.

Of course, I can only show you the appearance picture like this, and you will definitely not be able to see the workmanship of the internal parts.

Because this live broadcast is for the whole world.

Not long after this live broadcast, the whole world knew that China had a new generation of Qinglong fighter jets.

"Compared with the previous generation of this seventh-generation turbo engine, I can say that the improvement is huge!"

"Both in terms of materials and workmanship."

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