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Chapter 518 After Liu Cong revealed the parameters, everyone was shocked

"In terms of materials, all the core parts of our seventh-generation engine are made of pure metal. I believe everyone who knows a little bit about it also knows about pure alloy, because such metals are on the controllable nuclear fusion aircraft carrier."

"It has extremely high ductility, hardness, and is also very light and convenient."

"The most important thing is that he is very tolerant of high temperatures."

“I believe everyone knows that the engine will be carbonized to some extent after being used for a long time, but with the help of pure alloy, you don’t need to worry so much.

"Because it has extremely high thermal insulation, even if the temperature is hundreds or thousands of degrees above it, even if a drop of cold water falls on the metal plate, there will be no reaction at all!"

After hearing Liu Cong's introduction, the whole audience burst into boos.

Even Sun Wu, who had been hosting military programs for so long, looked incredulous, and then couldn't help but ask: "Academician Liu, I know about this pure alloy, but is it really so magical?"

Sun Wu's doubts are also everyone's doubts.

At present, the knowledge of pure alloys has not been popularized among the public.

Strictly speaking, most people don't know this metal. Even if they know this metal, they regard it as a new material.

In the eyes of the public, the most familiar and accepted metals are probably the common metals in life.

"Yes, you can trust Net Alloy."

"After this live broadcast, I believe there will be dedicated people to make this video."

"I won't introduce it to you more here."

"Time is very precious, let's go straight to the specific parameters of the engine." Liu Cong said.

When they heard the specific parameters, the eyes of the military fans present shone brightly.

"However, before that, I would like to introduce to you individually the chief engineers of the Qinglong fighter, who are also the developers of the Qinglong fighter, Mr. Zheng and Zheng Baohua."

"I believe that all the military fans here will be familiar with this name."

"Mr. Zheng, as the dean of the China Aerospace Research Institute, participated in the development of my country's first Hongmeng fighter jet. He is also the inventor of the fifth-generation scroll engine and the chief engineer of the first-generation Qinglong fighter jet."

"He has too many titles, so I won't introduce them here."

"What I want to tell you is that Mr. Zheng still insists on the front line of scientific research at the age of 85. This spirit is very worthy of our learning. I wonder who among you here can do it."

"Moreover, before this, the program team did not invite me alone. Mr. Zheng was also on the invitation list at that time."

"But he refused directly in order to concentrate on scientific research. I believe that almost everyone has never seen Mr. Zheng on the screen, and most people even don't know the name Zheng Baohua."

“But I hope that after today, everyone can engrav these three words in their hearts. Without these national warriors’ selfless dedication behind us, we would not have the wonderful life we ​​have now. Please remember these people who silently sacrifice for us behind the scenes. "

When he said this, the originally cheerful atmosphere in the audience instantly became silent.

Everyone's face exuded full respect for Mr. Zheng, and even the barrage changed to: Thank you Mr. Zheng for your selfless contribution.

Since being suppressed by the United States, Liu Cong has found that everyone seems to be more patriotic.

Moreover, more and more people dream of becoming scientists when they grow up, while fewer and fewer people want to be celebrities and entertainment anchors. This is the progress of a country.

"I believe that after today, Mr. Zheng's reputation will spread all over the country, and no one will forget that Mr. Zheng has silently paid so much for us behind the scenes."

"Let's get into the topic."

"What changes does the seventh-generation turbo engine have compared to the previous generation? The changes are huge."

"The maximum thrust of the previous generation engine was only over 12 tons, while the new generation engine has more than twice that, reaching a terrifying 28 tons!"

When he said this, Sun Wu and the military experts and military fans in the audience were all shocked! !

They couldn't believe their ears, let alone believe that this was a real thing.

Before this, there was no official disclosure of such special news, because everything was absolutely confidential.

Had it not been for the consent from above, the specific parameters would never have been disclosed in such an open and honest manner.

What can be revealed is either not important, or it has absolute strength and no longer cares about this simple secret.

Obviously, it's the latter.

"Please don't be shocked too soon. Next, I will tell you some news that will shock you even more."

"That is, the maximum flight speed of our new generation Qinglong fighter jet has directly reached Mach 5. I believe everyone here knows what this means, and I will not explain too much here."

"Mach Five!!"

"Academician Liu, is this true?" Sun Wu was in disbelief.

Before this, Sun Wu didn't know anything about the new generation Qinglong fighter jet.

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