Liu Cong nodded naturally, his eyes full of determination.

"Of course, in order to verify my statement this time, I retrieved all the videos from there."

"But of course it was approved by the authorities. I still think the test video is the most convincing."

Before the live broadcast started, Liu Cong had already added this video.

Now as long as Liu Cong presses the remote control in his hand, the video can be played smoothly in the next second.

"I know now that everyone is still very curious about what this test video is like, but I still want to introduce to you in detail the parameters of the Qinglong second-generation fighter jet."

"Just now I just briefly introduced the engine materials and maximum flight speed of the second-generation Qinglong fighter. Next, I will tell you some details about the Qinglong fighter in detail."

"Of course, I can't say anything about core secrets."

Of course, Liu Cong is determined not to say these things that involve core secrets. If he really says it, there will really be no secrets at all.

What can be said is that it absolutely crushes the opponent's performance and can have some deterrent effect on them.

In this way, some countries will not provoke us again and again.

Even if you come to provoke, you still have to see if you have such strength.

"The internal view of this generation of Qinglong fighters is different from the previous generation..."



In this way, Liu Cong just made the introduction for about half an hour.

Everyone listened very seriously.

When Liu Cong talked about the highlight part, cheers came from time to time.

Sun Wu heard Liu Cong say some professional terms, and when everyone didn't understand, he would explain it on the side. If he didn't understand something, he would interrupt Liu Cong and let Liu Cong explain.

"Okay, I've finished introducing the general content. I'm really sorry that I can't talk about some confidential things!"

When Liu Cong said this, everyone expressed their absolute understanding.

"Academician Liu, what about the next video?" Sun Wu asked impatiently.

Liu Cong looked at Sun Wu with a smile, "Teacher Sun Wu!"

Liu Cong called Teacher Sun Wu, and then raised his eyebrows.

Teacher Sun Wu instantly remembered something, "Oh! We will start the question-and-answer session immediately."

As he spoke, the camera in the audience automatically moved behind him, taking the entire stage and the audience into view.

The microphone was given to the audience in the audience. The audience was very excited when they saw that they were selected and had the opportunity to talk to Liu Cong.

"Academician Liu, I would like to ask why you have such high achievements at such a young age. What is your learning secret?"

The person who received the microphone asked Liu Cong this question very excitedly.

Liu Cong thought for a while and then said: "There is no secret to learning, just work harder."

"Read more, watch more, learn more."

“There’s another point that’s very important, and that’s perseverance!”

After hearing what Liu Cong said, the audience who asked questions in the audience nodded repeatedly, indicating that it made sense.

When everyone heard these words, the audience burst into warm applause.

Sometimes the world is so strange. When you are unknown, others will laugh at you if you say these words.

But when you become successful, even if you say something very simple and encouraging, everyone will find it very reasonable.

Afterwards, everyone asked Liu Cong several questions in succession.

Liu Cong answered these people's words simply and clearly.

Twenty minutes passed and this session was over.

Seeing that there was still half an hour before the end of the live broadcast, Liu Cong didn't want to waste too much time.

So I directly asked to enter the next project phase.

"Teacher Sun Wu, I think we can move on to the next step." Liu Cong said.

Teacher Sun Wu also respected Liu Cong's opinion very much and said, "Then listen to Academician Liu, and we will start moving to the next step."

"Academician Liu, I'm ready!"

Teacher Sun Wu made a gesture towards Liu Cong.

Liu Cong couldn't even laugh or cry when he saw Sun Wu like this.

When did this live show become hosted by himself? Sun Wu didn't say much from the beginning to now. He looked at Liu Cong with adoration.

"Okay, let's start now!"

With that said, Liu Cong picked up the control pen in his hand.

Then the engine picture on the big screen disappeared immediately, and a video loading page appeared.

Two seconds later, the picture appeared on the big screen.

In the picture is the second-generation Qinglong fighter jet.

The young pilot of the second-generation Qinglong fighter put on his helmet under everyone's gaze, and then walked straight to the cockpit of the aircraft.


Luzhou City, Zijinyuan Community.

"Oh, isn't this my Xiaoguang!"

"The child's father, my Xiaoguang is on TV, on TV!"

The middle-aged woman excitedly pulled the middle-aged man who was playing on his mobile phone to the computer.

"The child's father, my son has become successful and is on TV!"

"What, it's on TV!"

The middle-aged man who was still immersed in playing with his mobile phone immediately lost interest when he heard this sentence, and stared at the TV screen with his eyes.


"Is my son really promising?" The middle-aged man stared at the TV screen excitedly, clenching his fists uncontrollably.

"Yes, my son is really making a difference."

"At first he said he had flown the Qinglong fighter jet. I didn't believe it, but this time I believe it." The middle-aged woman said excitedly.

"Next time I go to play chess, I want to show off my son to them."

"What happened to Huaqing and Yenching University? My son also flew a fighter jet, and it was the latest second-generation Qinglong fighter jet. What an honor it is!"



live broadcast,

Under the watchful eyes of the live audience and the viewers in the live broadcast room, the Qinglong fighter jet flew out in a swish.

In just three seconds, he disappeared from public view.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

At this time, there were already 150 million people watching the live broadcast online at the same time in the live broadcast room, and this does not include the number of people overseas.

In other words, one tenth of the people in the country are now watching this live broadcast on the Douyin platform at the same time. How influential is this!

In the live broadcast room, barrages continued.

Stop staying up late: I'll go, my eyes are right! Dear live broadcast friends, please tell me this is not true!

Ridiculous: Let me have a baby! Is this still a fighter jet? It's better to call it a missile.

Beat me and you will gain ten pounds: This is really too perverted, I really can’t believe my own eyes.



While everyone was chatting about the barrage, the perspective switched to Lima.

I saw that the stopwatch at this time was showing the words Mach 5.3, which was a few tenths higher than the Mach 5 just mentioned.

Just when people were shocked by this incident, the fighter jet had already flown dozens of kilometers away.

This speed is really faster than ordinary missiles, and he is a real fighter!

Netizen 10099: I know the use of the pure alloy. At such a speed, the temperature of the engine must be surprisingly high. At this time, the use of this material is fully reflected.

I'm not a big horse monkey: Unexpectedly, the speed of this latest Qinglong fighter jet is higher than expected by Mach 0.3, which is really unbelievable.



When extracting this video, Liu Cong cut out some very confidential parts.

The total length of the video is twenty minutes. Because the flight in the middle was too boring, Liu Cong also cut off about ten minutes.

The total duration of the video is only about eight minutes.

After everyone watched this video, they were simply stunned.

After watching this video, the entire audience did not come back to their senses for a long time.

Even Sun Wu, who has hosted military programs on stage for decades, was speechless for a while. He didn't know what kind of evaluation he should make.

"Teacher Sun Wu, my video is finished!"

Liu Cong saw that Sun Wu didn't move, so he shouted again.

"Teacher Sun Wu!"

"Ah good!"

Teacher Sun Wu hurriedly picked up the microphone next to him.

"Then let's enter the final stage!"

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