Seeing that there was not much time left, Sun Wu finally asked Liu Cong some irrelevant questions and had a simple interaction with the people present.

Just like that, the two-and-a-half-hour live broadcast ended completely.

When all the audience left the venue in an orderly manner, Liu Cong also left the live broadcast site.

After chatting with the station director for a few words, the station director insisted on letting him have a meal, but Liu Cong refused.

As a scientific researcher, Liu Cong has never cared too much about this.

Seeing Liu Cong's tough attitude, the station director did not keep him for dinner.

At noon, Liu Cong returned to his home.

At this time, Liu Yang and Zhang Guimei had already gone to work, and there was no one to cook for Liu Cong.

When Liu Cong was thinking about what to eat for lunch today, the system appeared in front of Liu Cong.

This is the first time Liu Cong has seen the system appear in this period of time. She seems to have become plumper than before.

[Host, congratulations on your popularity in China reaching level 70]

[World popularity increased to level 20]

[The reputation value has increased by 103 million, and the current host’s reputation value is 350 million]

Liu Cong was very surprised when he heard the system tell him this.

"I'll go, I've improved so much, I'm so abnormal." Liu Cong said.

[Host, don’t be surprised, there are also level improvement rewards]

[Considering that the host currently needs space flight, the host is specially rewarded with a drawing of an interstellar spaceship]

[There is also a plan drawing that can change the planet's environment and create a human living environment at any time. The name of this drawing is called the Environmental Transformation Plan]

After hearing the terms of these two drawings, Liu Cong was completely stunned.

He didn't expect that the reward this time would be so generous.

This also shows that if Liu Cong really develops these two dimensions, then it will not be a dream for the earth's environment to take humans out of the solar system.

Moreover, the environmental transformation plan can arbitrarily transform the planet's environment for human survival.

For Liu Cong, this was simply too tempting.

This technology can only be achieved by second-level civilization.

Even if it is a second-level civilization, there is no guarantee that this technology can be successfully implemented.

At this time, Liu Cong was even more doubtful about the identity of the system, which could actually give Liu Cong this technology casually.

"Tuan Tuan, are you serious this time?"

"Why is the technology so abnormal this time!" Liu Cong asked.

The system standing in front of Liu Cong shook his head.

[This matter was not decided by me, and I don’t know. I also followed the procedure]

[The program probably thinks that you have an interstellar mining vehicle, so it will speed up your development in space]

[After all, your goal in the future is to lead mankind to develop into the universe, and Yuheng Star is still waiting for you to save it. I count the time, and it should be almost time to tell you this matter. You also vaguely told me about it before. Yueyue knows something]

Liu Cong's heart trembled when he heard Yu Hengxing.

"Tuan Tuan, what did you say? You know Yu Heng Xing, so why didn't you respond when I called you out last time?" Liu Cong asked.

[I was still asleep last time because I also had to upgrade, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to unlock the corresponding knowledge]

After hearing the system's words, Liu Cong nodded to express his understanding.

"Tuan Tuan, please hurry up and tell me about Yuheng Star. How are they doing now?"

Liu Cong was very eager to know what happened next.

Seeing Liu Cong's expectant eyes, the system didn't want to compromise with Liu Cong.

[Then I will tell you what I know next]

[It’s like this. Strictly speaking, the Yuheng people are from the same lineage as the Chinese people. You all have a common ancestor. As for who the ancestor is, Tuantuan doesn’t know yet]

[A thousand years ago, the Yuheng Star was still prosperous at that time. Like you, China, they also loved peace and hoped that the human race could live in harmony.]

[But the good times did not last long. On the day of the election of the leader of Yuheng Star, another tribe on their planet, that is, the system of Japanese ancestors, rebelled with their white people]

[The Yanhuang branch of Yuhengxing suffered a huge blow without preparation, and they are still in the flames of war until now]

[Currently, only your Blue Star branch can save them, because you are closest to Yu Heng’s heart]

[Others cannot help even if they want to, because their civilization level is either too low or too high, but most of them are too low, and some are still in a relatively primitive state]

[This consequence can be traced back to the beginning of the interstellar war 20 million years ago...]

At this point, the system did not continue.

[In short, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are the son of destiny]

[Now only you can lead China to rejuvenate, the Yuheng people are still waiting for your rescue]

When he said this, Liu Cong took a deep breath and said, "I know!"

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