The system also made Liu Cong understand his goal more clearly.

What he needs to do most at the moment is to deal with all his internal enemies, so that he can completely focus on space.

"Tuan Tuan, I want to ask you, isn't the Yuheng star, which is a branch of Japan, our blood?" Liu Cong asked in confusion.

The system stood in front of him, holding his chin with his hand, looking very lazy.

[How can I tell you? Strictly speaking, it is, but it doesn’t count]

[They just have the same skin color as us, but their predecessors are just a branch of the Yanhuang bloodline, and they are not really yellow people]

[They are just like the Japanese people on your planet. They are despicable and cunning at heart and do all kinds of evil. They are just animals in human skins]

[You will know this in the future. No matter how much I say now, you will not be able to see it. I believe that one day you will fight against them]

Liu Cong nodded after hearing the system's words.

"Will do!"

"Sooner or later, I will use my own methods to eradicate Japan as a country, just like they did to us before. I will make them feel double the pain."

Speaking of this, Liu Cong's eyes showed fierceness.

On the planet Blue Star, the Japanese country is the same as his own country on Earth. Liu Cong even doubted whether they were all branches.

Thinking of this, Liu Cong couldn't help but ask: "Tuan Tuan, I want to ask, do you know this place on earth?"

When Liu Cong said these two words, System's expression showed no emotion at all.

[Host, I have never heard of the name Earth]

"What about the Milky Way?" Liu Cong asked again,

At this time, the system spoke.

[The Milky Way does know, but the Milky Way is located at the center of the third universe, and we are in the fifth universe. It can be said that the two universes are opposite parallel universes]

When the system said this sentence, Liu Cong suddenly had an epiphany.

Things that I haven't figured out in the past few years are finally understood now.

It turns out that what I came to was not another place, but a parallel world.

In fact, to put it bluntly, they are two relatively symmetrical universes. No wonder many of the cultures and languages ​​here are so similar to the world Liu Cong used to live in.

Later, Liu Cong asked again: "Tuan Tuan, I would like to ask, how far away is this place from the Milky Way I just mentioned?"

The system did not answer Liu Cong in time, but was calculating the distance.

[Host, let me give you a rough calculation. If it runs at the speed of light, it will take about four billion years]

When Liu Cong heard the number four billion, his heart trembled.

"What? Four billion!"

"Did I hear it wrong!"

"The Blue Star was born just over four billion years ago. If we can reach such a far place at the speed of light, then I probably won't be able to reach that place in my lifetime."

Speaking of this, Liu Cong felt a little bitter in his heart.

The place where he was born and raised will probably never have the chance to go back again.

However, the system's next words rekindled Liu Cong's hope.

[However, as the level of science and technology continues to improve, if you can master wormholes and space laws, you can reach the place you are talking about in a very short time, but only if you have the coordinates]

[So, as long as you can reach that level in your lifetime, you can go back]

The system's words rekindled Liu Cong's hope.

"That's great, but what kind of civilization do we need to reach to travel through the universe?"

In fact, Liu Cong already knew the answer when the system said this, but he still couldn't help but ask.

[Host, as far as Tuantuan knows, in order to reach this level, the host must at least reach a civilization of level four or above, or even a level five civilization to reach such a height]

After Liu Cong heard this explanation, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Level 4 civilization is also called cosmic civilization.

A civilization that reaches this level can develop 70%-80% of the energy in the universe.

It is no exaggeration to say that a Level 4 civilization can sense and detect the cosmic coordinates of all galaxies, and can also realize interactions between all galaxies.

Reaching the fourth-level civilization will enter a bottleneck period in the development of civilization. At that time, the fourth-level civilization will reach the edge of the universe, but it will not be able to cross this edge. Only a very few level four civilizations will break through themselves and enter level five civilizations.

The fifth-level civilization is also called a god-level civilization. Civilizations that reach this level have basically said goodbye to the physical body and exist at the spiritual level.

After reaching the fifth level civilization, you can travel between various universes.

At that time, if you want to get the specific location, you only need one coordinate, and you can reach the corresponding location immediately.

A level 6 civilization above level 5 is even more unimaginable.

In the universe, there are very few galaxy civilizations that can reach level four civilization, and even level three civilization is very difficult.

It would take tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of years to really reach that level.

However, in Liu Cong's view, regardless of whether this goal can be achieved, he must achieve it towards such a goal.

Even though he has only made a small contribution in his decades of life, he believes that one day someone will do it for him.

"It seems that I will not be able to complete this great task in this life. I can only leave this ideal to my descendants to complete."

Liu Cong is still very open-minded. He is not sad because he can't go back, but has already thought out all his options at the moment.

[Host, it is possible that you can complete this matter in this lifetime]

[I just calculated that you still have a lifespan of 120 years. If we develop normally by then, human beings will have already flown out of the solar system under your leadership and have found places to survive on various planets]

[And you can also sell longevity potions in the system mall. One potion can give you ten years of life]

[However, a bottle of life-span potion requires one billion reputation points. In other words, you can’t even afford a bottle of life-span potion now]

[But by that time, you may be able to afford this potion]

Liu Cong was surprised. Before this, Liu Cong had never seen this option in the system mall. If the system hadn't told him, he would never have known about it.

However, what puzzles Liu Cong is his own lifespan.

"Tuan Tuan, why do I still have so much life!"

"This shouldn't be the case!" Liu Cong was puzzled.

[Well, the life span of a normal human being is about one hundred years, but this is not the limit of human beings]

[The maximum lifespan of human beings is about three hundred years old. This is a lifespan that can only be achieved when the body's functions are developed]

[And before you, you took the physique strengthening potion, which improved your physique, so your life span will be increased]

At this point, Liu Cong completely understood what the system was saying.

"Tuan Tuan, according to what you said, can my lifespan be improved by taking physical strengthening potions?" Liu Cong asked.

The system nodded.

[Yes, a bottle of physical strengthening potion can probably increase your life span by twenty years, but once it reaches the upper limit, it can no longer be strengthened]

However, Liu Cong was still very happy.

The physical strengthening potion mall only sells 100 million reputation points. According to the current situation, Liu Cong can buy three bottles of physical strengthening potion, which means that it can increase his life span by 60 years, which is also very good.

"That's also very good."

"I can do a lot of things in these three hundred years. As for whether I need to use the potion to increase my lifespan, I'll tell you then!" Liu Cong said.

[Yes, host]

[Your current plan should still be based on the plan in your mind. If you want to realize the subsequent plan, your first step is to unify Blue Star]

[Destroy all those alien races, or drive them out]

[This way you can develop your technology safely when the time comes]

With that said, Tuantuan walked up to Liu Cong and yawned.

[Host, that’s all I have to say today]

[Since I am still in a state of upgrading, I can’t think of many things at the moment. I still need to rest, so I won’t talk about it now]

With that said, Tuantuan immediately disappeared from Liu Cong's sight.

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