Liu Cong looked at the empty room, smiled and shook his head.

"I don't say hello every time I come out, and I don't say a word when I leave."

"It's difficult!"

When it comes to difficulty, the thing in front of you is the most difficult.

Now that I have these two pieces of information in my hand, it is equivalent to having the ability to navigate space.

Maybe one day, humans will survive on all the planets in the solar system.

This is something that has been difficult for humans to imagine since ancient times.

However, if we can develop stably in the future, humans will achieve this goal sooner or later. It is only a matter of time.

What Liu Cong needs to consider now is to quickly exploit resources, develop technology, and eliminate all the countries that are against him in one fell swoop to unify Blue Star.

This is all the goal that I want to achieve now.

Thinking of this, Liu Cong couldn't help but enter the system and open the relevant information about the starship.

The next second he opened the information, countless information poured into his mind.

The huge amount of information made Liu Cong's eyes look in a trance at this time, as if he was going blind.

Liu Cong couldn't bear it anymore and felt like his brain was going to explode.

In the end, there was really no other way, so he drank two bottles of spirit-enhancing potions before he recovered.

It took Liu Cong more than an hour to accept this information, which is enough to show how huge the amount of information is.

From the information, it is known that the energy source of this interstellar spacecraft can be modified by oneself, but the best one to use now is controllable nuclear fusion energy, which also has the best endurance.

If there are good energy alternatives in the future, Liu Cong will replace them without hesitation.

From the information, we know that this spaceship is divided into many types of small spaceships, not just a large spaceship.

Moreover, their tasks are also different.

There are battle starships in charge of combat, starships in charge of resource allocation, resource allocation starships, and manned starships, etc.!

Such many types of starships together form such a huge starship group.

If such a lineup were placed in the solar system, they would be completely invincible and have no opponent at all.

If such a fleet group can really be built, at least China's civilization level can be raised by about 0.3 levels to reach level 1.3 civilization.

Don't underestimate this level 0.3 civilization. Some countries may not be able to break through this shackles for thousands of years.

Because it is really too difficult.

"It seems that I still need an aviation research and development base, but where can I find such a base?"

Liu Cong was very worried about this.

Now that he already has the information, Liu Cong wants to implement this task as soon as possible.

After all, in the near future, the interstellar mining vehicle will be able to take off, and its first stop will be to the moon.

Because there is gray metal, the core metal in the engine of the interstellar mining vehicle, on the moon.

With this metal, Liu Cong no longer has to worry about the service life of the interstellar mining vehicle.

The core components of the engines on Star Fleet spacecraft also need to be replaced with this substance called gray metal.

Because a simple pure alloy can no longer satisfy Liu Cong's space progress.

From the current point of view, gray metal is still the best metal choice for spacecraft engines.

"No matter, let me study it for now. As for the base, it won't be too late to talk about it in two days."

As he spoke, Liu Cong inserted his USB flash drive into the desktop computer in his room. This was his computer with the best performance.

Liu Cong looked at the desktop computer in front of him and suddenly had an idea.

"Now, regardless of the CPU and graphics card of this computer, many times it can no longer meet my daily use."

"It seems that I have to find time to design a domestic 1nm computer chip."

Liu Cong said while turning on the computer.

He fell into deep thought when he saw the pop-up window on the computer assistant. The computer boot speed beat 99.9% of people.

But then he didn't think too much, he directly opened the file in the USB flash drive, and then started to study it.

Since there were too many files this time, Liu Cong could only open the drawings of the main ship to take a look.

Liu Cong waited for half an hour before opening this drawing.

After opening it, the detailed introduction in front of him was enough to shock Liu Cong.

Name: Starship

Purpose: manning

Power source: Controllable nuclear fusion (can later be modified according to specific new energy sources)

Sailing speed: average speed 120 kilometers per second

Maximum capacity of people: 20,000



These numbers were simply dazzling for Liu Cong.

However, what shocked Liu Cong the most was the speed of the spacecraft, which could reach an average speed of 120 kilometers per second.

This speed is enough for Liu Cong to run through the solar system in one day, which is very terrifying.

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