Seeing the principal personally coming forward to unlock his handcuffs, Liu Cong cast a grateful look at the principal.

"Principal, I'm sorry. It's the Chinese New Year, so I'd like you to go there in person."

Facing the stooped old man in front of him, Liu Cong looked apologetic.

The principal looked a little anxious, then waved his hand.

"You can't have anything happen to you now. We can't afford it if something happens to you."

Hearing what Principal Zhu said, Liu Cong felt warm in his heart. He did not expect that he was so important in the principal's mind.

Later, Liu Cong learned from the conversation between the two that the old man standing in front of the director was Director Zhao's superior, named Tang Guozhong.

Liu Cong couldn't help but sneer when he saw that Director Zhao, who was so superior just now, was so humble in front of the old man in front of him.

"Hurry up and apologize to the person in front of you now. I can't protect you even if he is angry."

Tang Guozhong's eyes were full of indifference, completely losing the gentleness in the past.

Director Zhao was so frightened when he heard these words that he immediately ran forward and bowed ninety degrees to Liu Cong.

"I'm sorry, I'm blind and blind. It was my fault just now. Zhao Dabao will make amends to you now."

Liu Cong looked at Director Zhao in front of him. He was no longer as majestic as before. Now he looked like a child who had made a mistake in front of Liu Cong.

Liu Cong glanced at Director Zhao indifferently, and then said: "Where was your majesty just now?"

"I think you have done this kind of unjust thing, right? Now you ask me to forgive you, how can I forgive you?"

After hearing Liu Cong's words, Director Zhao in front of him felt something was wrong.

Recalling his conversation with Zhou Lei just now, he knew that he had gone too far. He felt that Liu Cong must have thought that he often collected money to do things for others in private.

In fact, it is.

Over the years, Director Zhao has been corrupt in private, and has even handled many unjust cases.

"It's my fault, I apologize to you, and I hope you, sir, don't argue with me."

Director Zhao kept bowing and apologizing to Liu Cong, but Liu Cong just looked at him indifferently and did not speak for a long time.

"Here, do you think this is okay?"

"I will ask my superiors for instructions tomorrow and demote Zhao Dabao to a first-level official position. This will be regarded as an apology to you."

Tang Guozhong pushed Director Zhao away, walked up to Liu Cong and looked at Liu Cong with a smile.

When Director Zhao heard that he was being demoted, his legs were so frightened that he would have fallen down if he hadn't been holding on to the railing next to him.

Looking at the energetic old man in front of him, Liu Cong was a little unsure about paying attention.

Because Liu Cong didn't want to let Director Zhao go, Liu Cong felt that it would be too easy for him to let Director Zhao go.

When Liu Cong couldn't make up his mind, he looked at Principal Zhu next to him. Principal Zhu looked at Liu Cong and nodded to Liu Cong.

Seeing Principal Zhu's intention, maybe he didn't want to make this matter a big deal. After all, if he investigates deeply, a lot of things may be implicated.

From the principal's point of view, he probably wants to develop into small things as much as possible.

Liu Cong faced Tang Guozhong and nodded.

"Okay, this punishment is enough. I think he won't dare to do it again next time."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Tang Guozhong was overjoyed and quickly held Liu Cong's hand and said, "Thank you for understanding!"

"I can guarantee that he will never dare to do it next time. If something similar happens again, I will remove him from his official position as soon as possible."

Seeing Tang Guozhong's unequivocal guarantee, Liu Cong glanced at Director Zhao who had softened next to him.

In front of him, Director Zhao was half-kneeling beside the iron gate, already in a state of disbelief.

Ever since he learned Liu Cong's identity from Tang Guozhong, he was also surprised. He didn't expect that one day he would be kicked on an iron plate, and the iron plate was so hard.

Even Tang Guozhong was stunned for a moment when he saw Liu Cong. He did not expect that the person Zhu Zixiao wanted to protect no matter what, would be so young.

Seeing that the matter had been resolved, Liu Cong felt that there was no need to stay here.

After all, it's already dark, and my family will be worried if I don't go back.

"Well, I think it's getting late. If there's nothing else, I'll go back first." Liu Cong said politely to Tang Guozhong.

"Okay, let's leave our contact information. If you have anything that can't be solved in the future, just call me."

Since the phone was still in the hands of the police who had just confiscated his phone, Liu Cong could only report the phone number to Tang Guozhong.

In this way, after Liu Cong took the mobile phone, he and Principal Zhu walked out of the police station door.

At this time, it was already dark, and the streets outside were deserted and empty of people.

"Principal, I really bothered you today. If it weren't for you, I would still be in there now."

Facing Principal Zhu, Liu Cong was full of apologies.

Principal Zhu was originally a very busy man and rarely took vacations. Finally, he was able to watch TV and drink tea at home on the first night of the new year. However, Liu Cong called him over to the rescue and even brought reinforcements.

"Classmate Liu Cong, what are you talking about?"

"That Zhao Dabao is indeed too arrogant. I can't help but punish him."

Principal Zhu and Liu Cong walked side by side on the sidewalk with their hands behind their backs. When Liu Cong heard what Principal Zhu said, he nodded slightly.

"Yeah, I don't know how much money Director Zhao has made behind his back, and how many people he has harmed." Liu Cong said as he gradually clenched his fists.

In response, the principal smiled helplessly.

"Classmate Liu Cong, you still have a long way to go, man! Taigang is easy to break." Principal Zhu couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the young and energetic Liu Cong.

How could Liu Cong not understand this principle of Principal Zhu, but young people are young people, how can they be called young people if they are not bloated.

"Principal, do you want to come and sit at my house?" Liu Cong asked.

The principal smiled and waved his hand, "I'll definitely do it if I have the chance."

"It's too late today. I have to go back to watch the Spring Festival Gala. I was so busy with the Spring Festival Gala last night that I didn't even watch it."

Liu Cong glanced at Principal Zhu and didn't force it.

Afterwards, he waited on the roadside for a long time before waiting for a taxi. After watching Principal Zhu leave, Liu Cong also planned to go home.

Liu Cong first made a phone call to Wang Dachun and Shen Teng to report that they were safe. After hanging up the phone, he also took a taxi back.

It was already after nine o'clock in the evening when Liu Cong got home. When Li Xiulan saw Liu Cong coming back with instant noodles in his hand, she knew that her grandson had not eaten yet.

"Grandson, instant noodles are not healthy. Grandma will go to the kitchen and make you a bowl of egg noodles now."

With that said, Li Xiulan was about to go to the kitchen to cook for Liu Cong, but Liu Cong grabbed her.

"No, grandma, I'll just make do with it tonight."

Liu Jianguo on the side quietly put down his phone and took off his reading glasses when he saw Liu Cong coming back.

"I'm afraid you didn't go out to find friends. You probably went out to hang out with some random people. Otherwise, you wouldn't have come back without eating."

Although Liu Jianguo was right, how could Liu Cong admit that if Liu Jianguo knew that he was arrested for fighting, he would not have his skin peeled off?

Ever since, an old man and a young man started fighting with each other in the living room.

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