On the morning of the second day of the Lunar New Year,

This time Liu Jianguo didn't call Liu Cong to get up, which made Liu Cong a little uncomfortable.

After all, since his grandfather arrived, Liu Cong has been called to get up at 7:30 every day. This time he didn't call, and Liu Cong was really uncomfortable.

After opening the door, Liu Cong saw his grandfather alone in the living room, studying how to play chess.

"Grandpa, why didn't you ask me to get up and play chess this morning?" Liu Cong walked up to Liu Jianguo in pajamas and asked.

Liu Jianguo was surprised to see Liu Cong getting up on time without shouting, and then snorted coldly.

"There's no point in fighting with you. After these days, you know how to bully an old man like me."

"I also want to be in a good mood before I leave, so I don't want to fall in love with you."

Liu Jianguo waved his hand, seeming a little impatient.

"Grandpa, you can't blame me for this, you can't win."

Liu Cong spread his hands helplessly, then realized that his grandfather was leaving, and asked: "Grandpa, when are you leaving? Why is it so sudden?"

Liu Jianguo glanced at Liu Cong, and then said: "Huh, if you don't leave, I will be mad at you. If you leave earlier, I can live longer."

"Dasun, don't listen to this bad old man. He even praised you before going to bed last night."

Li Xiulan heard her grandfather and grandson having sex in the living room early in the morning, so she came out curiously to take a look.

Liu Jianguo seemed a little embarrassed when he was exposed, "Don't talk nonsense. When did I praise him? What is there about him who is a junior college graduate that deserves my praise?"

Liu Jianguo said this on the surface, but Liu Cong could tell from his expression that he didn't look very angry.

He knew his grandfather's character. If his grandmother had lied, he would have provoked her long ago.

"Grandma, I heard from grandpa that you are leaving. When is it? Why don't you stay here for a few more days." Liu Cong looked at you and Li Xiulan and asked with some reluctance.

Grandma smiled and said: "If we don't leave today, we will leave tomorrow. We have some things to do when we go back."

"Your grandfather's student is going to school on the 8th, and he has to go back to prepare."

Liu Cong turned around and looked at his grandfather, feeling a little mixed in his heart.

An old professor who is retiring still insists on teaching for students and serving as a tutor for graduate students.

In this regard, Liu Cong still admires his grandfather. After all, at such an old age, he is still serving his country in his own way.

Although his grandfather was indeed a little too much towards him in the past, he definitely had good intentions and just used the wrong method.

Liu Cong knew that his grandfather still loved him deeply.

"Boy, what are you looking at? Is there any dust on my old man's face?"

Liu Jianguo touched his face subconsciously, and Liu Cong couldn't help but smile.

"Don't try to get close to me. If you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, you have to rely on your own ability. My old Liu family doesn't do any backdoor tricks..."

After saying this, Liu Jianguo began to talk at length, and Liu Cong didn't dare to say a word.

He was afraid that if he said one more word, Liu Jianguo would be able to talk about it for a long time.

After breakfast,

Seeing that his grandfather refused to play Go with him, Liu Cong opened the Go software and started to score points.

Before it even started, the call came.

Liu Cong calmed down and saw that it was Chen Qiong calling.

Liu Cong's first reaction was whether what happened yesterday was leaked.

After a few seconds, Liu Cong still answered the phone.

"Happy New Year, sister!"

"What's the reason for calling today?" Liu Cong asked Chen Qiong refreshedly.

"Brother, your mouth has become sweeter after a few days. You are making my sister like you more and more." Chen Qiong chattered on the other end of the phone.

"If you have anything to say, tell me quickly, or I'll hang up the phone."

Seeing that Chen Qiong was not in a good mood, Liu Cong turned around and wanted to hang up.

"No, I really need your help with something. Do you have time now?"

Chen Qiong asked this, and Liu Cong also said it honestly.

"It's nothing."

"That's great, let's meet at the coffee shop next to Chenhua Avenue." Chen Qiong said in a somewhat urgent voice, as if he had something important to tell Liu Cong.

Liu Cong didn't think much, so he turned around and agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Jianguo next to him asked curiously: "Boy, who was on the phone just now? You're not ashamed to call me sister at the same time."

Liu Cong put his phone in his pocket, took the helmet from the shelf, and turned to look at Liu Jianguo.

"What's wrong? Now you're starting to take care of my private life." Liu Cong said looking at Liu Jianguo sitting behind him on the sofa.

"Humph, I knew there would be no good for you kid if you go out."

"If you're not fooling around with this person today, you'll be fooling around with that person tomorrow. You still want to take the postgraduate entrance examination..."

Liu Jianguo just said something to Liu Cong, but Liu Cong ignored him. Zhang Guimei, who was next to him, was relatively calm and just watched Liu Jianguo scolding his son without saying a word.

"Mom, I'm going out. I'll be back later."

Liu Cong explained and went out directly.

"Hey, boy! I haven't finished speaking yet..."


After leaving the community gate, Liu Cong followed the navigation system to Chenhua Avenue.

The cold wind on the road made Liu Cong shiver, which made Liu Cong determined to find an opportunity to replace the car.

Twenty minutes later,

Liu Cong arrived at the place agreed with Chen Qiong.

"Brother, you are here."

Liu Cong was startled by the sudden sound.

Liu Cong took off his helmet, turned around and looked back. Chen Qiong had already walked behind his motorcycle.

Today, Chen Qiong is wearing an orange windbreaker with a turtleneck sweater, black tights, and a pair of Martin boots.

Today's Chen Qiong is particularly beautiful in Liu Cong's eyes. Today, she does not wear heavy makeup or many jewelry.

And her pair of furry earrings swayed gently in the breeze, looking particularly dazzling.

"Well, there was a traffic jam on the road today, so I came a little late." Liu Cong said calmly.

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong, smiled and nodded.

"Well, park the car nearby and let's go in and talk." Chen Qiong said to Liu Cong.


"What? You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend to meet your father? Is this something that a carbon-based creature can think of?"

Liu Cong stood up from his seat in shock.

"If you don't want to do it, you can do other things, but this is definitely not an option." Liu Cong said firmly to Chen Qiong with a firm attitude.

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Chen Qiong's eyes immediately turned red, and two huge tears fell down from the corners of his eyes.

Liu Cong didn't often see women crying, so he hurriedly went up to comfort her, and then asked carefully about the specific situation.

After some understanding, Liu Cong finally understood the ins and outs of this matter.


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