In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 5 No One Can Stand Before The Ancient King!

"Get up?"

Mo Yi looked at Cobra who was kneeling on the ground and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well done, the Nefert family has lived up to my expectations!"

"Lord Gilgamesh, the Nefert family has been here to protect your treasures."


Cobra did not finish his words, but looked at Crocodile with murderous eyes.

"You are... the most ancient king?"

Crocodile couldn't believe his ears. The most ancient king who disappeared from the world eight hundred years ago in the legend.

Why did he appear in front of him.


If he was not the most ancient king, how could this young man who looked no more than twenty years old in front of him give him such a great sense of oppression.

His body trembled instinctively at this moment, and he looked at Mo Yi with great fear.

This man called the sand crocodile.

When facing Mo Yi, he actually had no intention of daring to take action at all.

It was like a jackal would never dare to provoke a dragon.

Every cell in his body was telling himself.

If he took action against this man.

He would die! ! !

"What are you looking at, bastard?"

"What an unreasonable beast."

"Didn't anyone tell you that kneeling down is your only way out when facing me?"

The moment Mo Yi's voice fell, his body appeared in front of Crocodile.

The terrifying holy light around him burst out with amazing power.

Ss ... He gritted his teeth and lowered his head, fearing that Mo Yi would see his unwilling expression.

Damn it!!! Is it really that Gilgamesh 2 has been resurrected! How is it possible!!! An old monster that has been sleeping for 800 years!!!

"Greetings, the most ancient king, Gilgamesh!!!"

Even if Crocodile was unwilling in his heart, he had to kneel down in front of Mo Yi at this moment.

And Mo Yi looked at the sand crocodile kneeling on the ground.

"Such a narrow space is really disgusting." He whispered softly.

A golden light appeared in his hand and waved upwards.

A terrifying force like the power of heaven broke out instantly.

Boom! !

Crack! ! !


The light turned into a huge beam of light, covering everything around.

The next moment.

Everything around disappeared. This treasure house buried thousands of meters deep in the ground by the Cobra family was exposed under the sky for the first time.


Crocodile stared at the scene in front of him in amazement.

The thousands of meters of desert.

As if evaporated by the terrifying beam of light,

the layers of dark clouds in the sky were all shattered at this moment.

The bright moon hanging high in the sky, with the moment Mo Yi appeared, actually began to ooze blood-like residual red.

In a flash.

A scarlet half moon slowly emerged behind Mo Yi.

His body floated in the air.

The key in front of him kept spinning.

"Lock of the Sky, long time no see." Mo Yi said softly.

Then he slowly stretched out his hands, and the moment he touched the key.

Golden light burst out from his body.

A strange long sword made of chains appeared in Mo Yi's hand.

One man and one sword, standing in the sky.

The golden-haired blood-red eyes looked at the world as ants.

The most ancient king Gilgamesh.

Reign over the world again! ! ! !

"Take my sword, and you will live or die?" Mo Yi was holding the Heaven's Chain that had been gone for eight hundred years, and he was filled with joy.

But Crocodile's face turned cold when he heard this.

But before he could say anything.

Mo Yi casually waved the Heaven's Chain in his hand in the air.

In an instant.

It was as if the world was overturned, and countless forces turned into layers of shackles and rushed straight to Crocodile.

Bang bang bang~!


The sword energy was like an angry dragon, and the countless shackles bound Crocodile, making him unable to move.

And the Logia fruit ability that he was proud of was actually ineffective at this moment.

In his eyes, the angry dragon.

Getting closer.

Getting closer...

Getting closer...

"Awoo!!!!" The dragon instantly pierced through Crocodile's body, and in a trance, it seemed like countless chains.

It stretched out from the void, as if it was going to completely cut off Crocodile's vitality.


At this moment.

Mo Yi's hand froze, and the dragon shattered instantly.

Crocodile's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, under the strong will to survive.

His body almost turned into sand in an instant and quickly dissipated.

Cobra had already been stunned by Mo Yi's power, and stood there motionless.

In the distance, a large white bird with a camera hanging on its neck flew slowly, and the camera kept flashing....


PS: Only when acting, can you follow the character's own personality, and the 100% fit is also increased by Devil Fruit, not in the true sense, exactly the same as Gilgamesh.

Don't worry, big brother, finally, I shamelessly ask for a wave of support

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