In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 6 The Most Powerful Tyrant In History!

"Big news!! Big news!! I've said it so many times! What I want is big news!! There are only these trivial things every day!!"

Morgans, the president of the World Economic Newspaper, lay on the rocking chair, looking at the employees who kept coming in and out of the conference room.

He pulled his feathers anxiously.

He dropped the teacup in front of him to the ground.

His old rival, the Wall Newspaper, has been gaining momentum recently, and even obtained the exclusive authorization of the World government.

Recently, there is a tendency to crush his own World Economic Newspaper.

"If we don't make a big news, it will be really difficult."

"It really can't be done!" Morgans' eyes became fierce.

On the surface, Morgans looks like an ordinary news agency president, but secretly.

He is one of the five giants in the underground dark world.

Over the years, I don't know how many competitors he has used shady means to bring down behind the scenes.

"No~! The World government has already set its sights on me! It's really difficult!!" Morgans directly rejected his own idea in his heart.

Bang! ! !

The door of the office was suddenly knocked open, and a Zoan fruit user with a rhino head looked at Morgans with ecstasy and shouted.

"President!! Big news!! Really big news!!!" He excitedly raised the photo in his hand.

Hearing this.

Morgans' eyes changed, and he suddenly exerted force on his feet. As an albatross user of the Zoan Bird-Bird Fruit.

Morgans' speed was so fast that the rhino man could not see him.

He just felt his hand lighten.

The photo appeared in Morgans' hand.

"This is... This is~!!" Morgans' eyes widened, and the feathers all over his body exploded in all directions.

There was a bit of disbelief in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth twitched from time to time.

He flipped the photos one by one, and the expression on his face became more and more terrified. The two bird claws on the ground.

He exerted more and more force, and even scraped four big holes in the precious white bear carpet.

"This is the big news~"

Morgans muttered to himself. Then his eyes became very enthusiastic, and his body suddenly jumped high.

He shouted excitedly.

"All members, start publishing this set of photos overnight."

"The title is..."

"The mysterious strong man who revived Alabasta killed the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile with one sword!"

"Quick!! Quick!!"

Morgans' loud voice echoed throughout the newspaper office.


Garp looked at the information Sengoku threw to him with his eyes wide open.

His expression became more and more gloomy.

"Garp! Are you overreacting! This is just a legend."

"So far, there is nothing that can directly prove that Gilgamesh really exists in the world."

"It should be the same as those useless historical texts found before, just recording some legendary prophecies."

Sengoku looked at his old friend who was so irritable at the moment, and couldn't help but comfort him.

But although he said so, Sengoku's heart also had an extremely uneasy feeling.

Boom! ! !


The weather was originally clear, but suddenly it became windy.

The ferocious thunder continued to explode in the sky.

The dark clouds covered the sky, as if some terrible monster was about to appear.

The lightning reflected on Garp's face, adding a bit of ferocity to the Marine hero.

"Gilgamesh, exists~"

Boom! ! !

Crack! ! Crack! !

The thunder suddenly exploded, like a series of silver snakes dancing wildly in the sky.

It was chilling.

The guard at the door looked at the weather outside and felt a chill in his body.

He tightened his clothes unconsciously.

Sengoku's eyes suddenly widened, and there was deep disbelief in his eyes. At this moment, his deep eyes were staring at Garp tightly.

Both hands also firmly grasped the corner of the table.

He exerted force unconsciously on his hand, and forcibly broke a crack on the extremely solid conference table.

"What are you talking about!"

Garp said that sentence as if he had let out a sigh of relief, and leaned back on the chair.

He looked at his old comrade with a complicated expression and said.

"The oldest king Gilgamesh, I knew about his existence when I was a child."

"There are too many things I can't tell you, but I can tell you one thing."

"If the stone tablet records that Gilgamesh will be resurrected today eight hundred years later"


Garp paused, and there were some inexplicable meanings in his eyes.

"He will definitely come back to the world as the oldest king."

"Get ready, Sengoku! Compared to him, Rocks is just a minion."

Sengoku clenched his fists suddenly. Rocks' strength is the most terrifying existence in the past hundred years.

But in front of Gilgamesh, he can only become a minion.

What kind of monster is this! ! !

"If the stone tablet is correct, you will see the most powerful in history..."


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