In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 9: The Legend Rocks Once Pursued

In addition to his powerful strength, Whitebeard Edward also has a broad mind.

And a character that shines on everything like the sun.

He will never say "no" to those who need help.

There are so many pirates in the world who have received the favor of this man, so they have come to this sea area from afar and abandoned everything.

To celebrate Dad's birthday.

"Where is Dad?" The pirate Kari looked at Edward, who should be sitting in the main seat at the moment, and he was nowhere to be seen.

He couldn't help but ask.

Marco, who was beside him, stared at the small house with a serious face.

His eyes were very alert, and there were a few wisps of blue flames on his hands.

He said in a gloomy voice

"Here comes an uninvited guest."

"Long time no see, Edward, do you want to try the wine from my hometown?" Shanks, one of the Four Emperors.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he handed a huge wine glass to Edward, who was like a giant.

The surroundings were surrounded by a thick, solid Conqueror's. If anyone dared to appear within half a meter of this room at this moment, it would be considered a provocation to a sea emperor. Edward leaned on a huge recliner and did not take the wine handed over by Shanks. "Shanks, if you want to make trouble on my birthday, the consequences will be serious, my lovely sons." "For this banquet, I spent a lot of thought..." The moment the voice fell. Edward burst out with Conqueror's that was comparable to Shanks. Crack, crack, crack, crack, the wooden boards around him made a wail of unbearable pressure. The two looked at each other, and an invisible lightning seemed to appear in the air. The atmosphere in the room changed suddenly. Even Marco and others outside the cabin felt the terrifying momentum. "Ah!!! Look! The sky!!!!" A pirate suddenly screamed in fear. Everyone saw an incredible scene. The endless sky seemed to be split in half.

One side was filled with black clouds, and the other side was swept by countless strong winds.

Crack! Crack!!

Even the sky seemed unable to withstand the anger of the two emperors.

But it was okay.

The momentum of the two came and went quickly.

"Hahahaha!! Misunderstood, misunderstanding!! I'm not here to fight with you!!" Shanks laughed loudly and scratched his head.

He showed an idiotic expression.

He said to Edward with a big mouthful of White Fang.

"It's your birthday today, I'll have a drink first!!" After that.

He raised the wine glass that was several times bigger than his and poured the wine into his stomach in big gulps.

Gulp~ Gulp~

"Good wine~! After drinking wine for so many years, the wine from my hometown is still the most delicious!" Shanks wiped his mouth randomly.

Then he took out a newspaper from his arms and threw it at Edward.

Edward took the newspaper.

On the front page of the newspaper, there were several large and exaggerated words written,

Shock! A mysterious strong man defeated Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, with a sword, suspected to be related to the Alabasta royal family.

"Gulala! Was the Crocodile killed instantly?" Edward laughed.

He picked up the toast beside him and drank it hard.

It seemed that he was very happy about Crocodile being beaten.

"Hahahaha!! Right, I am also a little happy that the guy was beaten, but!"

Shanks' voice suddenly sank.

"That man gave me a very uneasy feeling, the legendary strange sword that Rocks had been looking for all those years."

"It's the one in his hand!"

"What!!!" Edward shouted.

He sat up straight, picked up the newspaper, and stared at the sword in Mo Yi's hand seriously.

The Heaven's Chain was not originally a sword, but because of Mo Yi's preference, the form displayed in battle is a long sword with a chain as the sword body.

"It is indeed that sword, the legendary sword of the most ancient king Gilgamesh."

"Could it be..."

Edward's eyes became very solemn, and his face was so gloomy that water could drip out.

He suddenly remembered his old captain, a stone tablet about the most ancient king excavated by Rocks.

An incredible idea appeared in his mind.


Everything here is a paradise for food, with countless cakes and breads with long legs running all over the ground.

Even the trees around are a bit funny with childishness, as if faces are painted on them with camouflage pens.

A huge body sat in the forest.

Holding a newspaper in his hand, he tilted his head and looked at it carefully for a few times.

Then he lost interest and continued to feast on the food in front of him.

I could only vaguely hear her mumbling something...


PS: It has been less than a day since I posted the book, and nine chapters have been posted. This speed is really not slow. Please give me some free flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets to encourage me!

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