The dark gate seemed to have countless mysterious patterns engraved on it. On both sides of the gate, countless Marine elites were neatly equipped to guard the East Gate.

The two leading men looked very powerful. If a pirate saw this scene at this moment, he would definitely cover his mouth, fearing that he would scream out of shock.

Because the two Marines standing outside the gate as guards at this moment were the Marines with the highest combat power, Admiral Akainu and Admiral Kizaru.

The two looked serious at this moment, exuding amazing momentum all over their bodies, and even the Marines behind them seemed to be infected by them.

Like a steel knife, sharp and deadly.

If anyone dared to appear at the door of this room at this moment, they would be waiting for an unimaginable terrible attack.

"Yoyo~ Sakazuki, what happened? Why did they ask us two Admirals to guard the gate? I sacrificed my precious nap time!"

Kizaru's obscene voice somewhat destroyed the solemn atmosphere, but the moment Sakazuki's voice as cold as ice sounded.

The whole corridor fell into a more solemn atmosphere.

"I don't know what happened specifically, but the Five Elders have ordered that anyone who approaches this meeting room representing the highest power at this moment will be killed! ! ! !!"

Akainu's voice suddenly raised a tone, like a sharp blade scraping at every Marine.

Kizaru's eyes also changed.

He couldn't help but think secretly in his heart.

"What happened? Could it be that the Revolutionary Army is going to launch a general attack on the World Government? No one told me!!"

"Three years! Three years after three years, it's another three years. I'm a Marine Admiral! You told me you were going to launch a general attack!!!!"

The golden light kept flashing on Kizaru's feet. ,

Sakazuki nodded with satisfaction after noticing Kizaru's performance.

It seems that Kizaru is still ambitious. It's good to be motivated. It seems that he can help me share some of the many things in the future.

And at this moment.

Behind the black door is a white world. The entire conference room is wrapped in white, white walls, white tables.

It's like a white wave burying the surroundings.

A huge round conference table is placed in the center of the room.

Five old men in different clothes sit in a circle around the round table.

The leader is wearing a black suit, meticulous, and his eyes, which should be turbid, have a brilliant light that doesn't match it.

His hands are folded on the table.

He scanned the people sitting around with his eyes.

On his left, a bald old man in a kimono held a strange long sword in his hand.

Countless gloomy ghosts are constantly emanating from the long sword.

The temperature in the room dropped a few degrees with the appearance of the long sword.

He carefully used a cotton swab to maintain his beloved knife, and was unmoved by the glances from the man in the black suit.

"Number One, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. Why did you go through so much trouble to even mobilize Sakazuki and the others?"

"I haven't heard of any major events recently." The man who spoke was wearing a red suit, and his tie was hanging randomly at the collar.

There was a horrible wound piercing the corner of his eye. In such a serious occasion, he actually put his feet on the holy round table.

He looked like a gangster.

Number One looked at him with dissatisfaction, then took out a newspaper from the folder and threw it on the table.

Then he tapped the table lightly with his hand.

"Take a look for yourself." Number One's voice was like a volcano about to erupt, and some emotions were constantly accumulating in it.

Hearing the unkindness in Number One's tone, the man in the red suit also looked serious.

He took his feet off the table, picked up the newspaper, and looked at the abnormality carefully.

His eyes gradually became gloomy, and a rare solemnity appeared on his unruly face.

"Do you suspect that the man in the prophecy has resurrected?"

Number One leaned forward and looked at the man in red and said.

"Number Five, in our records of the year, have you ever heard of this person's story? Although I don't know whether it is true or not, this legend has been circulating for 800 years. I don't think anyone wants to see him appear again."

"It doesn't matter whether he is real or not. What's important is that the World Government does not need such a legend to appear in the world alive."

"Number One, are you too nervous? The bald man put down the long knife in his hand.

Then he took the newspaper and glanced at it.

He said casually.

"Even if there are traces of the most ancient king in the historical text, it doesn't mean that he will really be resurrected. Anyway, I don't believe that there is a being in this world who can sleep for 800 years. It's ridiculous! ! ! "

The bald man's words were loud and clear, and the look in his eyes was even more determined.

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