In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 1: Eight Hundred Years Ago! The Ancient King!

Naval Headquarters.


Countless huge warships surrounded this holy place representing the world's highest power center.

The waves roared and hit the indestructible walls.

I don't know why.

Today, everyone in Marine felt a little uneasy.

It seemed that something big was about to happen.

The last time this happened was sixty years ago...

When Rocks attacked the Valley of God...

In an office with extremely gorgeous decoration, a goat was constantly chewing discarded reports.

Sengoku, the Marine Marshal, sat on a chair with his hands constantly crossed.

There was a bit of anxiety in his eyes as deep as the sea.

Looking at a report on the table.

His brows were slightly wrinkled...

The Marine at the door seemed to be affected by him, and his body couldn't help but stand straight.

Click... Click...


Sengoku heard the sound of food being chewed.

His originally serious expression was instantly covered with black lines.

Bang! ! !

"Garp! You bastard! Can't you see I'm busy now!!" Sengoku punched Garp on the head beside him.

But unfortunately.

Garp was not only unharmed by Sengoku's punch, but even stared at Sengoku with a pair of idiot eyes, and handed the senbei in his hand to Sengoku and said.

"What's wrong! Isn't it quite peaceful recently? The pirates haven't made any noise, and there is no news from the Revolutionary Army. Why are you so tense?"

Sengoku curled his lips, rubbed his red fist, and then looked at his old comrade-in-arms and said seriously.

"Three days ago, a historical text was delivered to the bottom of the Impel down. Do you remember it?"

"Ah! I know, I went there personally for the escort mission. What's wrong? Didn't I hand it over to the historians to decipher it?"

Garp threw the senbei high up, opened his mouth wide and kept moving his body below, trying to catch the falling senbei.

Sengoku resisted the urge to throw Garp out and said patiently.

"Just now I got the news that most of the content has been deciphered."

"Wow! The speed is so fast this time. Since these guys learned Ohara's knowledge, the speed has been getting faster and faster."

"I would rather they were slower this time!" Sengoku whispered.

"The inscription records the fragments of the lost history. They seem to have deciphered something amazing."

"It's related to the D family!!"

The moment he heard this, Garp's expression suddenly became serious.

The word justice behind him moved without wind, and his eyebrows raised slightly, like a sleeping tiger being awakened.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little tense.

Garp exuded an amazing aura.

Marine's heroic demeanor was fully displayed at this moment.

"About the D family?"

"Yes, there is also something related to the 'Oldest King'."



In Baroque Works.

Nico Robin, wearing a pair of white gloves, carefully used a brush to remove dust from a huge stone tablet in front of him.

This stone tablet was accidentally discovered by Oh Works not long ago in the depths of Alabasta.

Crocodile sent it to Nico Robin and asked him to decipher the text on it.

Nico Robin, who was born in Ohara, has long been extremely skilled in this kind of thing.

"An ancient stone tablet from eight hundred years ago, it is actually a stone tablet that records history. I thought it was just a trivial stone tablet that recorded some customs."

Robin said to himself.

After joining the Baroque Works, Robin has forgotten how many stone tablets that seem to be historical texts he has helped Crocodile decipher.

But most of them are stone tablets that record some useless customs and habits.

This is the first time that content about eight hundred years ago has appeared on a stone tablet.

This makes Robin feel a little excited.

The lost hundred years can only be seen on this ancient stone tablet.

"'God War?'" Robin's hand is recording faster and faster.

But her expression became more and more serious, and finally she seemed to have seen something incredible.

She covered her mouth with one hand


The last relic of Ohara, which she regarded as a treasure, fell to the floor.

"What did you find!!"

Seeing Robin's strangeness, Crocodile's body instantly turned into sand and appeared beside Robin.

Although he had been disappointed countless times, as long as there was a glimmer of hope, Crocodile would not let it go.

In order to find the legendary treasure house of God, he, a Seven Warlords of the Sea, had stayed in this barren Alabasta for several years.

"The oldest... the oldest king!!!"

Hearing Robin's words, Crocodile's eyes burst into a gleam of light, and his big hand directly strangled Robin's wrist.

He stared at Robin like a hungry wolf.

"Go on..."

Robin's wrist was hurt by Crocodile's grip, but he did not dare to resist.

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