After all, if there was no Crocodile, she would still be hunted by the World Government and live a life like a rat.

"The royal family Nefert established their own kingdom in this desert, and the Nefert family is the servant of the most ancient king."

"They guard the treasure house in the endless sea of ​​sand, waiting for the king's return!!"

"The culprit who disappeared a hundred years of history, that person's name is..."


In the endless darkness, a cold and mechanized voice slowly sounded.

"Ding! The current equipment character template, Gilgamesh, is 100% compatible."

"The progress of the divine body transformation is currently 99%."

"The progress of the divine body transformation is currently 100%!!"

Swish! !

As this mechanized voice fell.

In the endless darkness, an extremely dazzling golden light suddenly burst out.

In an instant! !

As if the momentum that could overturn the world burst out in an instant, a pair of scarlet eyes slowly opened in a trance.

The next moment! !

The more terrifying momentum showed a terrifying power of heaven.

Rumble! !


Buzz! ~

The space seemed unable to bear this god-like power and issued a wail of grief.

Countless black thunders flashed in the air, and even the space began to tremble slightly.


This heavenly power came quickly and went quickly.

At the same time.

There was only a light sound of "click".

The golden light began to gradually collapse like broken glass.

A handsome young man appeared in the golden light column.

"Hu~" With the man's light cry, the power of the golden light column was completely absorbed into his body.

The closed eyes slowly opened, revealing scarlet eyes like red agate.

Those were a pair of eyes without any emotion.

Cold, indifferent, with a bit of superiority, like a king who ruled the world.

"Eight hundred years~"

Mo Yi slowly spoke after a long while.

"What a long time~" There was a bit of sigh in his voice.

Looking at his hands that were constantly shining with golden light, he showed a smile that was enough to make all women fall in love with him.

"The transformation of the divine body is finally completed~",

Everything in the past began to be recalled in Mo Yi's mind.

A thousand years ago, Mo Yi traveled to this world with the strongest role-playing system.

This system can extract the character templates of the strongest in each world to play.

After playing, the Host will have the strength of the character template role.

And the strength will gradually increase as the degree of fit with the character increases.

Mo Yi was lucky to draw the character template of Gilgamesh, the oldest king from the world of heroes.

In that era, he became a supreme legend.

He created a gap in the history of a hundred years and has split the complete continent under him into various plates of different sizes.

But in the end.

When Mo Yi's fit with Gilgamesh reached the peak, this pit system actually told him.

Because his body will be deified, he needs to fall asleep.

In a panic, Mo Yi handed his treasures to his servants at that time for protection.

He used Gilgamesh's supreme power to create an independent space and sleep for eight hundred years.

Eight hundred years passed in the blink of an eye, but looking back on the past, he still felt a little emotional.

"Eight hundred years, I wonder if this era remembers the name of the most ancient king."

Mo Yi gently stretched his body and felt the terrifying power in his body.

It seemed that the space in front of him was like a piece of thin paper, and a little force would cause the space to completely collapse.

"The memory is a little~ fuzzy?"

Mo Yi shook his head. That distant memory was constantly blurred in the eight hundred years of sleep. Although he vaguely remembered some, he always felt that something very important had been forgotten.

Forget it, there is still a lot of time anyway." He whispered softly.

His body continued to fall from the dark mid-air and stood directly on the 'ground' condensed by his divine power.

"Hmm? Heaven's Lock? "

Mo Yi frowned, and then a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Someone actually coveted his treasure.

It's really interesting.



Mo Yi's body burst into a fierce golden light, and the next moment countless darkness was instantly shattered.

Mo Yi's trace had long disappeared.


The night in Alabasta was very desolate, and the strong wind swept the sand and dust outside the palace.

The guards looked around in fear. These guards who were like beasts in the past are now like dogs who have lost their homes.

A pair of invisible big hands seemed to strangle their throats, as if there was a more terrible monster spying on them in a corner.


Suddenly a guard fell to the ground, and his companion was about to step forward to check, and the next moment.

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