In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 3 Hand It Over! The Secret Treasure Of The Ancient King!

A black figure appeared in front of him.



The guard hadn't even finished his words when a terrible force pierced his chest.

Blood flowed freely on the ground.

Plop~ Plop~!

The guards around him began to fall down one after another, and black figures appeared in the palace.

The bald man in the lead looked at the dead guards expressionlessly, his eyes as cold as a steel knife.

"MR. 2, are they all solved?"

A weirdo dressed in a ballerina's clothes behind him said with a chuckle.

"Don't worry, MR. 1, these fools are so easy to fool. The boss is probably at the door of Cobra's palace now."

"Finally, I don't have to stay in this shitty place anymore."

Bentham stretched his waist and his voice was a bit feminine.

"I hope the boss can get what he wants this time. I always feel that the title of the most ancient king is simply a lie. How could such a monster exist in this world?"

MR.1 sat on the body of a dead guard, propping his chin with his hand and looking at Bentham.

"Legends are just legends after all. Is it really good for the boss to be so obsessed with legends?"

"Oh, why do you care so much about him? Just do it when the boss asks you to do it."

Bentham raised a small finger and tapped MR.1's head.

But then, his eyes changed, and he looked at the sky behind him with a bit of horror.

MR.1 also stood up from the ground when he saw Bentham's abnormality.

Walked to his side and looked at the endless starry sky, and said.

"What's wrong, MR.2?"

The next second.

A cold voice appeared in their ears.

"What's wrong with you looking at it? Miscellaneous cultivators!?"


Cobra looked at the guards who had all fallen to the ground around him, but there was no trace of horror on his face.

At this moment, they were in a huge underground treasure house.

Countless gold, silver and jewels were piled up into mountains.

The most precious treasures in the world were thrown on the ground casually like garbage.

On the wall, countless precious gems emitted colorful lights.

The light from the gems reflected Crocodile's insatiable ambition.

"Cobra! I really didn't expect that there would be so many treasures hidden in such a country."

"Even the world's nobles may not have so many treasures, right?"

He bent down and picked up a huge East Blue gem from the ground. According to legend, only the world's largest Sea Kings can breed such precious gems in the sky.

"Crocodile, what is your purpose? You use the lives of the people of the country to threaten me, just for these treasures?"

Cobra faced one of the legendary pirates Seven Warlords of the Sea.


There was no fear on his face, but instead he showed an amazing kingly temperament.

He looked directly into Crocodile's eyes, and his mouth curled up.

"Treasure?" Crocodile was stunned for a moment after hearing Cobra's words, and then burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha!!! Cobra, how long are you going to play dumb!!!"

Crocodile's mouth drew a cruel smile, and his eyes flashed with a bloodthirsty red light.

He stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked the corner of his mouth.

He stared at Cobra and said word by word.

"I've gone through so much trouble, not to beat around the bush with you, so let's get straight to the point."

"Hand over the treasure of the most ancient king!!!"

"What!!!!" Hearing Crocodile's words, Cobra's eyes widened suddenly, and for the first time, this king showed an expression of loss of control.

But Cobra soon stabilized his mind.

Impossible! Only our family knows this secret and how he knows the secret. The families in this world who know this matter should not be able to say this matter.

Could it be that Crocodile is deceiving me?

Thinking of this, Cobra's face turned cold and he said coldly.

"Don't be silly! Crocodile, the so-called legend of the oldest king is just a joke to deceive children!"

"You, as a dignified Seven Warlords of the Sea, actually believe this kind of thing!"

"No matter where you get the news from, it must be just a rumor."

Cobra stared at Crocodile's eyes and said word by word.

"If you retreat now, I will not hold you responsible to the World government, otherwise, don't forget it!"

"Although I, Alabasta, don't want to become a world noble and move into Marineford, there are countless countries that are friendly with our country."

"Threatening the king of a country and entering the treasury, I'm afraid even you can't keep your identity as a Shichibukai!"


Crocodile's cigar fell to the ground after he finished smoking it.

There was also a bit of impatience on his face, as if he didn't listen to Cobra's words at all.

He straightened his coat, a trace of disdain hung on the corner of his mouth, looking at Cobra who kept persuading him to retreat as if he was looking at a clown.

And Cobra also felt something was wrong.

He frowned and slowly leaned towards the wall behind him.

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