In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 4 Welcome The Arrival Of The Most Ancient King!

Crocodile suddenly said.

"The royal family Nefert established their own kingdom in this desert, and the Nefert family is the servant of the most ancient king."

"They guard the treasure house in the endless sea of ​​sand, waiting for the king's return!!"

"The culprit who lost a hundred years of history, his name is..."


After saying that, he looked at Cobra with a bit of tyranny in his eyes, staring at the king of Alabasta.

Seeing Cobra's expression, it gradually changed from shock to horror.

He raised one of his hands with satisfaction.

"My historian, is the translation correct?"

"Servant of the most ancient king, royal family of Alabasta, patriarch of the Nefert family."

"Nefert Cobra!!"

As Crocodile said this, Cobra's whole body was cold and fell into an ice cellar.

He stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

"Huh?!!" Crocodile wanted to mock this guy who tried to deceive him.

But the next moment, his eyes were deeply attracted by a strong golden light.

On the wall behind Cobra, which was not inlaid with any gemstones.

A key hung high above was constantly emitting golden light.

Crocodile could feel that there was a powerful force sleeping in the key.

Once that power was released, even he would be shattered in an instant.

"Hahaha!!! Is that it!"


Kobuda also felt the appearance of the light behind him, and shouted, trying to grab the key.

But how could his speed compare with Crocodile.

Bang! !

Hualala! ! !

Crocodile appeared behind Kobuda with a grin, and a big hand grabbed the key.


"The oldest king?" Garp looked at Sengoku with a serious expression, and the senbei in his hand was crushed.

The pair of tiger eyes stared at his old friend with a cold light.

Like a ferocious tiger.

The atmosphere in the room gradually reached a freezing point.

The D clan is known as the natural enemy of God. The secret of D has always been connected with the legendary oldest king.

And now the stone tablet about the connection between the two has been deciphered by Marine.

No wonder Garp has such a big reaction.

"The stone tablet says that in the endless sea of ​​sand, the oldest king fell into an endless sleep and his servants will be on that golden sea of ​​sand."

"Build a great kingdom and wait for the king to return."

Sengoku watched Garp's fingers tapping on the table.

The pair of eyes full of wisdom became very deep.

"The king will wake up from his sleep in eight hundred years, and let the world remember his reputation again on the sea of ​​sand."

"And today..."

Sengoku's voice paused, and the tone was lowered a little, as if he didn't believe what he was about to say.

"It was eight hundred years later..."


"He is mine!!!!" Crocodile smiled wildly.

Looking at the power that was about to fall into his hands.

In a trance, he had seen the world trembling under his feet. Even the so-called Celestial Dragons and Five Elders were just ants kneeling before him.


In a flash.

A pair of blood-red eyes appeared in front of Crocodile.

Those were a pair of eyes like an endless hell.

At the moment of looking at them, Crocodile's heart seemed to be swallowed by the scarlet.

Almost sank into the pair of eyes without any emotion.



The next moment.

Crocodile's body quickly retreated, took a step back, and returned directly to the ground, with Armament Haki1 completely covered in his hand.

A layer of cold sweat formed on his head.

"Bastard, what do you want to do to my treasure?" Mo Yi floated in the air, looking at Crocodile as if he was looking at an ant.

The golden holy light kept shining on his body.

The terrifying power made Crocodile dare not make any extra movements.

Cobra looked at Mo Yi's god-like figure, his pupils kept dilating.

A voice began to surround his ears.

A passage passed down from generation to generation in the Nefert family echoed in his mind.

"Eight hundred years later, the great and most ancient king will appear in front of his servants with endless holy light.

His feet are on the road to eternal life, and he carries thousands of lives behind him. He is the end of everything and the master of everything.

He is...

Click! !

Without the slightest hesitation, Cobra, the "king" who would maintain his kingly dignity even when facing an enemy who could easily crush him to death.

At this moment, facing Mo Yi, he knelt on the ground as if worshiping a god.

He knocked his head deeply on the ground, and his whole body trembled with excitement.

"The Nefert family welcomes the most ancient king Gilgamesh! ! ! "

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