In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 48 Even If It's The Four Emperors, Run Away If You See Them!

Unless that elder speaks up.

Otherwise, when the five of them reach a consensus, all the voices of opposition will stop.

"Then the dignity of the Marine will be abandoned!~" Sakazuki said excitedly.

Although the terrifying aura behind him reminded him all the time that he was facing such a terrible monster at the moment.


As the dignity of the Marine Admiral, he still roared unwillingly.

"Sakazuki~" It was not the Five Elders or Marshal Sengoku who responded to him.

But Vice Admiral Crane, who had been silent all the time.

This short lady with silver hair stood up from her seat tremblingly.

As she stood up.

Even No. 2 restrained his sword intent, for fear of disturbing her. Vice Admiral Crane has a unique status among the Marines, so that even the Five Elders showed great respect for him.

"Vice Admiral Crane." Sakazuki looked at Crane who walked in front of him, and his tone lowered involuntarily.

Crane seemed to be emitting a calming power at any time.

Sakazuki, who was still furious just now, calmed down immediately.

He looked at Crane with great respect.

"Only the strong can talk about dignity, and the weak can only survive."

"As a balancer, the World Government needs to be stronger than the stronger to be able to raise the weak to the point of talking about dignity."

"But if that person is really the one who was resurrected in the legend."

"Then, we are indeed not qualified to talk about dignity in front of him."

As soon as these words came out, even Kizaru and Aokiji, who had experienced Mo Yi's strength in person, were a little shocked.

Although they were palpitating with Mo Yi's strength.

But I really didn't expect that Crane Vice Admiral actually thought that the World Government was the weaker party in front of that person.

Moreover, the Five Elders seemed to want to refute.


Kizaru couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Why did I suddenly feel that my happy life of clocking in and getting off work on the hour was coming to an end.

What kind of existence is Gilgamesh! ! !


Sabaody Archipelago.

In the tavern.

The three highest officials of the Red Hair Pirates sat on the chairs.

There were several bottles of wine that looked expensive in front of them.

Rayleigh looked at the four people, including the red-haired one, with a smile on his face.

There was a bit of teasing in his wise eyes.

Beckman scratched his head helplessly.

In fact, the three of them could not be considered eavesdropping, after all, who would eavesdrop and put their heads at the door.


It was very embarrassing. If the owner didn't say anything, it would be fine.

But Rayleigh caught them directly.

The situation became a little confusing.

"Hahaha!! Officer, they are my partners, Beckman, Yasopp, and Laki Lu, they are all very interesting people."

Shanks was not embarrassed because his crew was caught eavesdropping, but laughed.

It made Rayleigh a little bit amused.

After so many years, this bastard is still this kind of personality.

He is really different from his father.

Rayleigh's mind flashed a figure that once made the whole world breathless.

There was also a bit of sigh.

"It's interesting. I have heard of Beckman. You can get to where you are today, thanks to him. Thank you for taking care of this troublesome kid."

The Four Emperors actually became a troublesome kid in Rayleigh's mouth.


He is indeed qualified to say this, regardless of his qualifications or strength.

Rayleigh raised his glass to Beckman and drank it all.

Beckman also raised his glass in a hurry.

Just as he was about to drink, he heard Rayleigh say.

"I know your purpose and your thoughts, but unfortunately, I can't tell you what I saw about Raftel."


"As a senior, I will give you a piece of advice. If you really accidentally run into this guy, running away is not a shameful thing."


Beckman's eyes widened instantly, and the eyes of several other people also showed a bit of disbelief.

Red-haired Shanks's face was even more serious.

The terrifying Conqueror's appeared on him instantly.

Like an emperor.

Just looking at Haki, he was even far more powerful than Rayleigh.

"Not bad momentum, but still far from it. Remember to tell that clown, if you meet that guy, don't show off your tricks."

"You've been a pig for so long that you almost forget what you are."

Rayleigh's words were a bit teasing.

He didn't care about Shanks' terrifying momentum.

He leaned back in his seat leisurely.

And Shanks knew that his deputy captain was not joking.

He really thought that he and others would not be the opponent of that guy.

"I know!" Shanks drank the last sip of wine.

Then he stood up and walked out the door without looking back.

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