In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 49: The Pirate King's Flag! Hoist The Sails Again!

The moment he walked to the door.

He suddenly stopped.

He said in a very serious tone.

"The Roger Pirates have never avoided fighting, neither will Shanks, Red Hair Pirates..."

Shanks only said half of his words, and the rest was said by his partner behind him.

"Red Hair Pirates will naturally not!!!" Yasopp showed an arrogant smile.

Following Shanks, Laki Lu also bit the big bone in his hand fiercely.

The three walked out of the tavern.

Beckman stood at the door and looked at Rayleigh deeply.

He said nothing.

"It's great to be young, but when he really appears in front of you, you will know what powerlessness is. Right"

"Captain Roger, his clone made us so embarrassed back then, and you still said you would challenge his body."

"It's ridiculous~ But I'm also unlucky. The captain didn't do what he said, and I, the deputy captain, have to do it."

Rayleigh said to himself.

His eyes gradually became distant. In a trance, he saw a guy wearing a red captain's uniform and an idiotic smile, laughing at him.

"I'm going out to sea, don't wait for me to eat." Rayleigh looked at the proprietress of the tavern and said softly, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

And the proprietress, whose hands were constantly wiping the wine glass, froze in place.

She didn't move for a long time.


On this day, Pluton Rayleigh hung up a very worn-out pirate flag on a small raft.

And on that pirate flag, a skull with two cloud-like beards kept fluttering in the wind.

The pirate flag of Pirate King Roger appeared again in this ocean! ! !

The new era has indeed arrived, but there are some things that only the old guys seem to be qualified to compete with!


New World

In the territory of the BIGMOM Pirates.

On that uninhabited island.

Kaido of the Beasts and Aunt Linlin, both sat cross-legged on the ground.

Like two towering mountains.

The two of them constantly exuded a terrifying aura.

One was like an evil dragon, as if the power of heaven was coming to the world, and the white clouds in the sky continued to transform into dark clouds.

Thunder was faintly emerging in the dark clouds.

One exuded a mighty aura like an evil ghost, and the sun and thunder appeared behind her, like the master of the soul.

It was also like the devil of hell.

Katakuri stood beside the two of them. Even the three powerful generals were so insignificant in front of the Four Emperors.

If it weren't for Linlin still caring about his beloved second son.

I'm afraid he would have erupted with a more terrifying aura.

"Katakuri, is your previous information accurate?" Linlin's voice was not as violent as usual.

Instead, it was unexpectedly cold.

The previous irritability seemed to be suppressed.

At this moment, Linlin's royal demeanor was undoubtedly revealed.

Revealing an unparalleled kingly aura.

This was something Katakuri had never seen before.

"The message is absolutely accurate. The soul of the person who sent the message back is still in my mother's hands. He dare not lie. The person who appeared in Alabasta and knocked down Crocodile with a sword is the one who just destroyed the Gate of Justice."

"Hehehe! Linlin! I didn't lie to you! The treasure that our captain has been seeking for has appeared, but the owner of the treasure has also appeared!!!" Kaido laughed grimly.

The voice was like thunder in the sky, deafening.


Did Katakuri hear this word, his eyes suddenly widened, mother and Kaido's captain? ?

Has there ever been a person in this world who is above the Four Emperors?

Katakuri looked at his mother in disbelief.

It seems that he is a little unsure.

And Linlin did not notice her son's behavior.

He just sat on the ground with a gloomy face.

Red lips, purple eye shadow, Four Emperors who even destroyed countless countries for food.

There was a bit of solemnity on his face.

"Kaido~ If it's really him, are you ready for a fight? We've been spying on the 'king's' treasure! Mmmmm~" Suddenly Linlin showed an ugly smile.

There was a deep murderous intent hidden in that smile.

Kaido looked at Linlin and also showed a sinister smile, with dragon scales constantly appearing on his body.

"Cooperation? Linlin!! I still remember the captain's promise! If you and I form an alliance, even the so-called 'oldest' will fall, and we will each have half of his treasure!!"

"How is it!!!!"

Hearing this, Katakuri swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

The New World Four Emperors, the kings who reign over the entire ocean, actually formed an alliance because of an existence that they had never heard of.

Is the world about to start a real storm?

Or is a more terrifying era coming!


PS: To be honest, this data makes me feel very disappointed. I really want to ask, are there really any big guys reading this book?

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