In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 58: For The Idiot Captain’S Wish!

The atmosphere in the cabin became a little weird.

The three old men looked at each other.

An inexplicable aura emanated from the three people.

It was as if a sleeping beast was about to wake up.

The emperor octopus in the ocean could hardly contain his fear and wanted to turn around and run away several times.

But it seemed as if there was some kind of power that bound him.

It actually went against his biological instincts and continued to move forward despite his fear.

"What are you talking about! Rayleigh!!!" Carlo looked at Rayleigh with a gloomy face.

A scarlet light appeared in his eyes.

His pupils shrank slightly, like a beast.

He twisted his wrist and made a 'crunching' sound.

The bones seemed to be rusty and kept rubbing together.

Seti also tilted his head, and his muscles were tense, like a volcano about to erupt.

The terrifying power kept flowing in his body.

The space around him was slightly distorted.

Calm Belt, which was already quiet, became even more lonely the moment he clenched his fist.

Swain still looked lazy.


For some reason, his figure lying on the table seemed a little blurry. It seemed that if he didn't pay attention, he would disappear in the cabin.

A small dagger on his waist appeared in front of him at some point and was placed on his chin. ,

It seemed to make him more comfortable.

"Heh~!" Rayleigh sneered.

The sun hit his glasses, making it difficult for everyone to see his eyes.

But under this warm sun, waves of frightening cold air continued to emerge from all directions.

This cold feeling was not physical coldness, but countless murderous auras piled up.

The accumulated terrifying momentum was like a substance, and it was a terrifying murderous intent that could freeze even the soul.

The deepest evil thoughts of mankind.

Pluton Rayleigh, the nickname of Pluton has never been nonsense.

The murderous aura like a sea of ​​blood and corpses constantly emerged from Rayleigh's body.





Four completely different but equally powerful auras kept colliding with each other on this inconspicuous little fishing boat.

Rumble! ! !

The sea suddenly raised a wave.

The huge waves surged dozens of meters.

The momentum of the four people made the surrounding air seem to solidify.

The black thunder kept adding in the air.




Rayleigh suddenly grasped the long knife at his waist, and the murderous aura on his body suddenly broke out.


Rayleigh's mouth corner suddenly pulled out an arc.

Revealing two rows of white teeth.

"Hahahaha!!! Old guys!! It seems that you haven't retreated! !~!"

"Hehehehe!!! Don't underestimate people! Mate!!" Carlo screamed and waved his palm.

"You've provoked me like this, and I'm hungry."

Swain picked up the dagger on the table.

With a slight movement, the dagger disappeared in an instant and appeared at his waist.

Sett also showed a big White Fang.

Some of his long golden hair was blown by the wind.

"Roger Pirates, let's go!!!"

"For the wish of a certain idiot captain, it's a pity that Jabba the bastard can't be found. If he knows, he will regret it to death!!"

"Hahahaha!!! I guess so too, I really want to see his expression."

Several people laughed and made jokes, as if they were back to their youth.


Boom boom!!!


A terrifying roar exploded in the sky.

Everyone looked up.

On the horizon, a golden figure, holding a dark red strange long sword, collided with a black swordsman.

The aftermath of the power smashed all the clouds in the sky into pieces.

The four looked at the two figures entangled not far away.

They all smiled.

It was the smile of victory before the battle.

"Mihawk, no match for him, you little brats, you are still a little tender." Carlo licked the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the figure opposite Mihawk that he had faced before.

An excited expression appeared on his face.

Claws appeared at the front of his fingers.

It was like a bloodthirsty beast seeing its prey.

"It's him! The guy who embarrassed us so much in Raftel!"

"Hehehehe!! It's our turn!!"

Boom! ! !

A muffled thunder exploded in the sky again.

In the eyes of the four people, Mihawk was shot onto an island like a meteor.

"It seems that we have to trouble him! Guys! Let the 'king' see how powerful we are!!"

The moment the voice fell, Rayleigh's feet suddenly burst out with a terrifying force, and he flew up instantly in the air.

Carlo had already disappeared from the boat, and he spread his arms in the air as if gliding.


Sett half-crouched down and exerted force with his legs.


The terrifying force directly overturned the fishing boat, and the emperor octopus below was staggered by the powerful force.

The sea was shocked and rolled up thousands of feet of waves.

Sett shot at the island with terrifying force like a cannonball.

On his shoulder.

Swain lay drowsily on it.

A few cold lights appeared in his half-open and half-closed eyes...

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