In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 59 The Master Of The World!

The water vapor on the horizon gradually turned into flowing clouds, and the blue sky gradually began to return to calm.

Mihawk was lying in the ruins, and the horrific wounds on his body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye under the golden light.

The wound that almost penetrated his entire body was constantly healing.

The pink granulation continued to grow, and the sluggish momentum of his whole body was also recovering little by little.

And all this was caused by Mo Yi's casual action.

Behind Mo Yi, countless bright and dazzling golden lights condensed into a gorgeous throne, which exuded an incomparable noble atmosphere.

Sitting on the throne, Mo Yi was shrouded in a supreme aura.

There was endless confidence between his eyebrows.

It seemed that the whole world was in front of him and should belong to him.

Morgans looked at Mo Yi in front of him, shocked and almost speechless.

That kind of demeanor, that kind of power, that kind of confidence.

He was like the master of the whole world.

As the president of the World Economic Newspaper, Morgans has seen countless big figures along the way. He was born in a humble family and rose from the dust.

Judging people and their appearance has long become his instinct.

Without this ability, how could Morgans' newspaper have come to where it is today.

Among the countless people he has met.

Whether they are as powerful as the Four Emperors, or as noble as the Celestial Dragons, or the Five Elders who stand at the pinnacle of power.

None of them has such an amazing momentum as the young boy in front of him.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what I need to do." Morgans half-knelt on the ground. No matter what the reason, he never lost his respect for the strong.

Mo Yi nodded with satisfaction.

He likes to talk to smart people, which can save him a lot of words.

The corners of his mouth slightly turned up.

There was a bit of playfulness in his scarlet eyes.

His eyes suddenly moved away from Morgans.

He ignored Morgans' question.


Looking at the sky in the distance, he seemed to be thinking about something.

Mihawk in the ruins also seemed to have noticed something, and his body had almost recovered to its peak.

Holding the big black knife in his hand, Ye stood up.


The solid rock was like a piece of fragile tofu in front of the black knife.

"Strong momentum!!" Mihawk's pair of light yellow eyes were a bit serious.

His tone was also very serious.

Observation Haki was doing his best.

He felt three powerful auras that were no less powerful than his own, approaching this direction at a very fast speed.

The speed was so fast that Mihawk, the former world's number one swordsman, couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

Before meeting Mo Yi, Mihawk spent almost half of his time looking for powerful opponents to fight.

In the entire New World, most of the famous strong men have experienced the baptism of the black knife.

But the auras that appeared at this moment were more powerful than he had ever experienced.

"Hehe~ A few pretty good old guys." Mo Yi chuckled.

Just when I wanted to take a nap, someone sent me a pillow.

These guys were very clever.

In front of Mo Yi, a translucent blue system panel appeared that only he could see.

A figure with a faint black and purple aura quietly stayed on the panel.

Is the big show planned for this role-playing finally about to begin?

"Uh~ Your Majesty, what are you and Lord Mihawk talking about?" Morgans looked at Mihawk, who suddenly became serious, and Mo Yi, who had a bit of playfulness on his face, with a puzzled look, and scratched his head.

Although Morgans is a man (bird) standing at the top of the dark world, when it comes to strength, it is shameful (bird). Even the New World soldiers can master the Observation Haki, but he didn't learn it.

However, as the holder of the albatross fruit, he has the powerful perception ability unique to birds like albatrosses.

Although he was a few points slower than Mo Yi and Mihawk, he also sensed three terrifying auras that frightened him.

Like a meteor, it quickly flew towards the direction of himself and others.

"Chijijiji~~" Morgans, who was about to say something, seemed to be frightened by the breath and actually made a few bird calls.

Mihawk glanced at Morgans with a contemptuous look and didn't even bother to look at him.

And he didn't understand why Mo Yi wanted to take such a scum into his team.

In Mihawk's opinion, with Mo Yi's strength, I'm afraid no one in the world can defeat him.

Such a strong man actually cares about a small news agency president, and such a shameful guy.

"Maybe the adults think more deeply than me."

Mihawk thought secretly in his heart.

The strong man who could easily defeat him, every word and action has a deep meaning. He didn't doubt Mo Yi's vision, but felt that he didn't understand Mo Yi's deep meaning.

As for the powerful aura that was flying.

Mihawk didn't take it to heart.

Although the three auras were extremely powerful, compared to Mo Yi, they were like the brilliance of a firefly and the brilliance of the sun and the moon. There was no possibility of comparison.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!!!

Three sounds of breaking through the air sounded at the same time.

Only a silver-white figure was seen, but it was one step faster.

It ran straight towards Mo Yi.

Above the sky, Rayleigh looked at the familiar figure of Mo Yi, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


The long sword at the waist was directly pulled out.

With unmatched momentum, he swung the sword suddenly.


A dazzling sword energy burst out from the silver-white long sword.

Boom! ! !

The terrifying sword energy quickly emerged, and the air around seemed to be completely emptied in an instant.

Under one knife.

The vacuum appeared!!

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