In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 60 You Are Not Worthy Enough To Fight With My King!


Bang! ! ! !

The next moment.

The vacuum zone suddenly expanded countless times. Under the moon-white slash, the huge vacuum was like a big hand that directly clasped down.

The pressure that could crush steel and shattered continued to emerge.

Crack, crack, crack~


Although the slash had not yet completely fallen, the entire island had begun to cry out in grief under the heavy burden.

The earth was constantly cracking, the vegetation was all crushed, and the mountains began to collapse.

The power of a knife was so terrifying! ! !

But facing this terrifying slash.

Mo Yi was not shocked at all, and his expression was still so indifferent.

It seemed that everything that happened in this world could not move him.

It seemed that everything was within his expectations, and everything was under his control.

Mihawk, who stood behind him like a bodyguard.

He was also fearless, and even his sharp eyes burst out with a fighting spirit that was inconsistent with it.

Rayleigh's slash once again aroused Mihawk's fighting spirit.

As a complete sword fanatic, although he was defeated and conquered by Mo Yi.

But it did not affect his clear sword heart at all.

Pluton Rayleigh who appeared in front of him was the opponent he had once been looking for.

But he could not find the trace of the other party.

Now this person appeared in front of him.

Facing an opponent whose sword will was comparable to his own,

his fiery sword heart began to be constantly agitated.

The black knife in his hand, Night, also made bursts of sword sounds.

If he had not lost the bet to Mo Yi before and became Mo Yi's subordinate.

At this moment, I am afraid he would have rushed out long ago to see how much weight this old man, known as Pluton, has.

Compared with Mo Yi's indifference, Mihawk's fighting spirit

Morgans, who was half-kneeling on the ground, looked embarrassed

His body was directly pressed to the ground.

The feathers all over his body exploded in all directions, and the originally neat suit was also in a mess.

Cold sweat continued to flow from all parts of its body.


At this moment, Morgans smelled the breath of death.

Pluton Rayleigh!!! Why did this old guy appear here!!!

Morgans, who claims to be the world's most intelligent Grandmaster, naturally knows how terrible the strength of this old man with silver hair and a smile is.

If it weren't for the pressure like a mountain that was pinned to the ground at this moment.

He wanted to throw his arms and run away.

What day is today!!! First it was Mihawk, then it was Pluton!!!

You gods are fighting, don't involve me!!!

"Hahaha!!! Gilgamesh!! It's been twenty years! Finally I can see the real body!!"

"Let me see your tricks~!!"

Rayleigh turned the long sword in his hand and laughed boldly.

There was a bit of fear in his eyes hidden under the lenses.

This man who seemed so free and easy in the face of his almost full-strength attack.

His strength.

As early as twenty years ago, on Raftel, which was called the miracle island, he had already experienced it.

At that time, the Roger Pirates, which were still at their peak, were almost completely wiped out by his clones.

To this day, Mo Yi's powerful figure would appear in Rayleigh's dreams from time to time like a nightmare.

Thinking of this, Rayleigh's long sword became even heavier, and the whole person rushed down with all his strength, just like a meteor, following the sword energy he swung out.

Mo Yi raised his head, and his scarlet eyes were as unfathomable as the deep sea.

Looking at Rayleigh's figure, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

During his eight hundred years of sleep, he had a dream that relieved his boredom.

His clones left in his resort were defeated, and those people were all a bunch of idiots, but they were all a bunch of interesting idiots.

"Mihawk~" Mo Yi whispered Mihawk's name softly.


Mihawk behind him seemed to have received some order.

He exerted force on his feet.

His body shot out like an arrow from a bow, and the black knife in his hand burst out with terrifying sword energy.

Endless night seemed to descend upon the world as Mihawk slashed with his sword.

In an instant.

It was as if day turned into night.

The sky and earth changed color.

After the battle with Mo Yi, Mihawk seemed to have broken his own shackles. His momentum and sword intent at this time had changed greatly compared to before.

Obviously, he should be at a disadvantage when the sword was launched from below, but the big black knife, Night, was like breaking the darkness that swallowed the world.

With terrifying momentum, he swung it out suddenly.

Boom! !


The vacuum that Rayleigh slashed out disappeared in an instant.

The pressure left by the suddenly disappeared vacuum exploded directly, but before Zang Sheng exploded.

It was instantly annihilated by Mihawk's black sword energy that seemed to be able to swallow everything.

"You are not worthy, let him take action!!!"

Mihawk rushed towards Rayleigh with a black knife in his hand, but his tone was not leaving any room for him.

In his opinion, Rayleigh might be very strong, but he was far from being able to fight with Mo Yi.

The so-called Pluton is not worthy of that person taking action! !

"Oh! It really hurts my heart. The junior in my heart is really rude. Haha!" Rayleigh still had a smile on his face.

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