In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 65 The Universe Is Also Small!

Looking at the demon-like wolf on the ground.

He was shocked and did not continue to entangle.

He was willing to challenge strong enemies for the sake of swordsmanship, but he was not a madman who was looking for death.

He returned to Mo Yi's back after a few flashes.

He put the black knife·night on his back again, like a guard, without saying a word.

"I can't beat it~!" Rayleigh sighed with emotion.

But the fighting spirit in his eyes was still boiling.


"Interesting!! Interesting!!!" Mo Yi looked at the three old guys and actually applauded.

There was a bit of appreciation and pity in his eyes.

"You are one of the few guys in this era who know my strength, but you still challenge me with courage. There is only a fine line between ignorance and courage."


"This fine line is the difference between heaven and earth. Do you think you are ignorant or courageous?" Mo Yi looked at the three people seriously.

There was a bit of suffocating seriousness in his tone.

At the moment when he was serious.

It was like the sky and earth were hanging upside down, day and night were overturned, as if the center of everything in the world was all concentrated on him.

His joy and anger were the good and bad fortune of the world, and his words and deeds were the supreme decree.

The style of the most ancient king, Gilgamesh, was fully unfolded at this moment.

"Even the sky and the earth are too small!"

"Hahaha!!!! Of course, we old guys know your strength, and we never think we can defeat you. Even except for Roger, the idiot, even we don't believe that there is really a "monster" like you in this world."

"Facing you, we will be afraid and scared. Because of your existence, many of our companions have taken the initiative to ask the ship doctor to cut out your memory, otherwise they would not have the courage to go to sea."

"But, there is no way." Rayleigh smiled bitterly, with amazing brilliance in his eyes, and Seti and Carlo, who turned into a wolf, were also like this.

Staring at Mo Yi and saying word by word.

"Captain brags, someone has to complete it!!"

The three of them spoke with deep pride.

It seems that even if they know that Mo Yi can crush them to death like ants, they are still fearless.

"Hahahahahahaha!!!!" Mo Yi, no! At this moment, the most ancient king Gilgamesh burst into a thunderous laughter.

There was a strong joy in this laughter.

Looking at the three people, there was a bit of appreciation and praise in his eyes.

Knowing that it is impossible to do it, foolish! But..

It is what a real man does.

Rayleigh and the other two won Mo Yi's respect, but at the same time they will face...

The baptism from the strongest tyrant in the world...

"I admire your courage, so are you ready? To show my respect, I will..."

Mo Yi's voice has not fallen.

The figure instantly appeared on the head of the huge wolf.

"Tell you what 'power' is!"

"Carlo!!" Rayleigh's pupils shrank suddenly, holding the moon-white knife and rushing towards Mo Yi.

It was too late.

A burst of golden holy light burst out from under Mo Yi's feet, and the terrifying power was instantly struck.


Hualala! ! !

Carlo didn't even have time to scream, and the dark purple energy covering his body quickly collapsed.

Under one blow, it was like a landslide.

Tianlang was like a chicken and a dog.

Instantly wiped out! ! !

Boom! ! !

The dark purple power was completely melted.

Sett reacted very quickly, and he jumped high and grabbed Carlo, who had rolled his eyes and fainted.


Rayleigh was even faster than him and stepped on Sett's shoulder and flew up directly.

On the long sword, the endless sword energy of the underworld gushed out, killing Mo Yi who was constantly falling in the air.

Mo Yi smiled slightly.

A dark red light suddenly appeared in his hand.


A strange breath appeared, and countless souls from the abyss kept wailing.

The most evil sword! !

The world-destroying magic sword! ! !

The sword of Hegni came out in response.

"Have you seen the real hell?"

Swoosh! ! !

The terrifying magic blade instantly swung out countless magic energy, and almost at the same time, Mo Yi's figure had already appeared behind Rayleigh.

The sword of Hegni in his hand brought a hint of bright red.

Rayleigh's expression was a bit incredible, his mouth opened uncontrollably, and the pair of eyes that seemed to be wise forever.

With deep fear.

"The gap~ is too big!" At the moment when he finished speaking, countless knife edges burst open on Rayleigh's body.

The neat robe was torn to pieces, and blood gushed out instantly.

The body fell down powerlessly in mid-air.

"Shipmate!!!!" Sett roared, put the fainted Carlo on the ground, jumped up again, and grabbed Rayleigh.

Seeing that Rayleigh was seriously injured, but not in danger of life, he was relieved.


At the moment his body landed.

A figure in front of him, emitting a faint golden light, glanced at him coldly.

A chill quickly rushed from Seti's back to his brain.

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