In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 66: The Godly Overlord! Heaven!

"The power is good, but..."


Mo Yi's left hand instantly hit Sett's stomach with all the strength in his body.



The fist burst out with a divine sound like the intersection of metal and stone.

The power was like countless ancient elephants exerting force together.

Sett's body, which seemed like a mountain, collapsed instantly.

The eyeballs bulged and almost fell to the ground.

The body bent like a cooked shrimp.

Bang! ~

"Jaw~!" The huge body collapsed to the ground.

Blood flowed from the corners of the mouth from time to time.

It took less than half a minute from the beginning to the end of the battle.

The three members of Roger's pirate group, the best of the old era, all fell to the ground at this moment.

Mihawk's eyes burst into a gleam of light. The moment Mo Yi swung the sword of Hegni, he seemed to see another way.

A road wider than his current swordsmanship.

A shortcut that can lead to the peak pursued by countless swordsmen.

At this moment, he finally made up his mind to follow Mo Yi, and became curious about the real swordsman that Mo Yi once said.

And Morgans...

This silly goose had been stunned by the powerful aftermath of Mo Yi's attack, and lay on the ground with foam at the mouth.

"Roger, we tried our best." Although Rayleigh was seriously injured, he still maintained a clear consciousness.

From this point of view, it can be seen that his strength is far stronger than that of the hot one.

"I know the price of attacking you, do it." Rayleigh closed his eyes as if he had resolved some knot in his heart.

Those who attack the "king" should be torn into pieces.

This was the original words translated from the stone tablet by the historian on the ship that year.

Rayleigh had been well prepared. ,

Swish! !

The terrifying golden light emerged again with a scorching temperature.

It directly covered Rayleigh and the other two.

Mihawk frowned reluctantly.

It is a great pity for such a respectable swordsman to fall like this.

But there was no blood flowing in front of him.

Instead, it was as if a thin film wrapped the bodies of Rayleigh and the other two.

The aftermath of the destructive power that Mo Yi had injected into the bodies of the three people was absorbed.

Otherwise, the three people would have been killed by the power in a moment.

The worst of them was Carlo.

Can he swallow Gilgamesh's holy light?

As long as Mo Yi wanted, he could have blown Carlo into a firework with a snap of his fingers.

"Why?" Rayleigh looked at Mo Yi in surprise, wondering if the other party would let him go.

According to the records on the stone tablet, this tyrant had never let go of anyone who dared to raise a weapon against him.

"You should thank your idiot captain and the coming dark age."

Mo Yi's words puzzled Rayleigh, and Morgans, who had woken up but was still pretending to be unconscious, raised his ears high.

Curiosity for intelligence has been integrated into his life.

Mihawk also felt that Mo Yi was about to say something earth-shattering.

"The endless dark age is about to come back, and the world still needs your strength. Except for those unforgivable old things, you are all qualified to be forgiven."

Mo Yi's next words surprised everyone.

In the dark, Swain, who had been missing, stared at Mo Yi's figure closely, and a small eavesdropping device on his body kept flashing a bright red light.

"What era can't you solve?" Rayleigh smiled bitterly, his eyes were even more dazed.

Although he didn't know what the dark age Mo Yi was talking about, in his opinion, with Mo Yi's strength, one person was enough to flatten the world.

Unexpectedly, Mo Yi said with a very solemn expression.

"No~! In the more distant past, even I joined the alliance with countless races. In the end, my 'friend' paid the price of mutual destruction and sealed the other party's leader."

"Countless races including me also fell into a deep sleep, which made that era pass."

"Now everything will come back again. I am the forerunner and the initiator. Although I don't care about this world, all human beings are my people."

"That race is about to revive, but there is still hope for the world, and my old friends will also wake up."

"What!!!" Mihawk was shocked and couldn't help shouting.

His always calm expression became even more stunned, and there was a deep shock in his light yellow eyes.

"With your strength, do you also want to join forces with others?" Now Mihawk already knows Mo Yi's identity, and is even more impressed by Mo Yi's power.

He can't imagine what kind of person can stand shoulder to shoulder with Mo Yi.

And what kind of terrible enemy can make the proud ancient king join forces with others to fight against it.

"What race can make you feel so difficult?"

Rayleigh's expression was even more exaggerated. He was a person who had boarded Raftel and knew deeply how powerful Mo Yi had been.

"Humph! If I were alone, I would not be afraid, but as a lone king, I should protect the human race. You all know that there are countless races in this world."

In addition to humans, there are many races in this world, including the fur tribe, the elves, the three-eyed tribe, the giant tribe, the fishman tribe, and countless other races living together under this sky

Mo Yi had been preparing for this speech in his mind for a while. With the appearance of the S card, he also had good intentions to increase the progress of the role in the future.

However, thinking of the terrifying power of the role card, the more he trembled in his heart.

"In the more distant past, all races were enslaved by one race. All races could only be allowed to survive if they offered their lives and souls.

And the races that could not offer sacrifices.

Will become their 'playthings'!!

The Protoss, a race that regards all living beings as ants. Any member of the Protoss has enough strength to rival or even crush you.

And the ruler of that race,

is called by all living beings..."



Regarding all living beings as must offer everything to be allowed to exist...anyone can rival us

Does such a race really exist?

Mihawk and Rayleigh are both at the top of the world.

How terrible it would be if any one of them could have such strength.

Both of them felt a tightness in their hearts, as if a haze slowly covered the sky. Morgans even made a shameful sound of swallowing saliva.

If someone else told them, they would definitely not believe it, but at this time, the one who said this was Mo Yi, the oldest king who ruled the human race eight hundred years ago!

His own strength is enough to dominate the world, there is no need to deceive them... So even if they don't believe it in their hearts, they know that this "God Clan" probably really exists...

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