The book will be on the shelves at 7:30 pm!

Please pre-order!

After more than ten days, the book is finally going to be on the shelves! (The first four hundred words of appreciation, the surprise at the end! Don't miss it!)

I am still very excited at the moment! !

To be honest, the performance of this book is not good, and it is even a little bad.

But I still persisted.

Not for anything else, just to live up to those brothers who gave me flowers and reviews! !

I have been thinking about how to write the appreciation for the book before, and I am not afraid of being laughed at by everyone. I even secretly read many god-tier appreciation for the book.

But when it comes to writing, I can't write it.

Then I will tell you something from my heart.

My friends don't know that I am writing a novel recently, and I am not embarrassed to tell them.

It's not that writing a novel is embarrassing, but that efforts without results will be laughed at.

I used to be a fat man of 180 pounds. I couldn't run and would pant after walking up a few steps.

I don't know how many times I have said that I want to lose weight, but I have always failed.

So before I decided to write a novel, I made a decision.

I want to lose weight! ! ! ! If I don't even have the willpower to lose weight, how can I stick to doing something?

Now I weigh 135 pounds! ! ! It took 3 months, eating eggs, chicken breasts, and going to the gym for three hours without fail.

They all said I couldn't do it!

But now!

I can do it! ! ! ! I can do it! ! ! ! !

I want to quietly stand out and then surprise everyone. This seems very hypocritical.


To be honest, when I typed this, the author's tears were rolling in my eyes.

It's useless to say it anymore! ! !

Please first order! ... I promise to bring you more novel plots in the future, and I will respect the feelings of every reader.

So please give me a subscription.

Maybe it's just a few cents, but it's really important to me.

Let me say it again.

Please subscribe first!!! Please subscribe first!!! Please subscribe first!!!

Readers who have read this, I will give you a short story I once wrote. The gods revived, and the Western gods tore up the treaty and began to attack the Eastern human civilization.

Wind!!! Strong wind!!!

A huge crack appeared in the sky, and behind the crack was a deep and boundless darkness. The angels who once represented holiness destroyed steel forests.

Humans finally realized that the existence of science does not mean the disappearance of gods. They went from excitement to fear, and then suddenly remembered those Chinese gods who they said were feudal superstitions.

They prayed, they knelt, but there was no response, from prayer to abuse, as if the Chinese gods abandoned their believers, and as if these gods had never appeared.

"Damn, these guys, bullets can't hurt him at all." Countless feathers of light fell from the sky, and a soldier in camouflage hid behind a piece of ruins and had run out of bullets.

The bullet was blocked by a light curtain just before it hit the angel, and fell to the ground helplessly.

'Although I can't hurt them, at least I know they also need to protect themselves. If we break the light curtain, it's still unknown whether we can hurt him.' An older soldier beside him continued to shoot at the sky.

'Besides, this is the Celestial Empire, it's not the turn of these birdmen to be so unscrupulous.'

The angel looked at the ground indifferently, as if he was just looking at ants. With a wave of his hand, the once glorious city became a ruin.

The figures of people running suddenly caused a ripple in his heart. Why would those weak females desperately protect their cubs? Why did those males, who were obviously fragile and vulnerable, still fight back against him with their weak weapons? He was a little annoyed. He wanted to completely destroy this place, and then go to his master to ask the questions in his heart. "Is Lord Gabriel too concerned about this city?" He looked at the increasing number of compatriots around him and threw out his own questions. "Even you, the guy called the Hero King, came here." "So you can only be a power angel." A blond man suddenly appeared beside him. There were no wings behind him, and he came in the air. "Here are guys you dare not imagine." The angels did not attack again after causing damage from the first time they appeared. They seemed to be waiting for something to appear. Although the gunfire was still roaring, no harm had been caused to those high-ranking guys so far. But did they receive the order to cover the people's retreat, even at the cost of their lives? "Old Wang, didn't you say that there was no one in the school? Then why is my son's head teacher still there?"

'Teacher Zhao, come here quickly' the sergeant shouted to the teacher, but the man just looked at him and smiled. He was wearing a white shirt.

He made a hushing gesture to the troops. He was so conspicuous in the ruins. He looked very ordinary, but the moment he appeared, the soldiers' eyes were all focused on him.

A melody came from nowhere. It was a sound they had never heard before, but it seemed that they had heard it since they were born.


A quick sound came out, and an angel suddenly fell from the sky. The soldiers suddenly came to their senses. The angel who could not be hurt by bullets was killed by someone, and he was killed by an arrow, which was the bow and arrow abandoned by the war for hundreds of years.

"What! What's going on?" The middle-aged sergeant was stunned, and then he heard a heavy song. He didn't understand the lyrics, but the meaning of the lyrics seemed to be remembered by him all the time.

The lyrics mean that, the valiant Qin, we will fight together for the country, and we will not turn back until our blood dries up and we die. The valiant Qin, we will restore our mountains and rivers, and we will not stop fighting until our blood dries up and we die. Wind! Wind! Strong wind!!

Countless soldiers in armor appeared from behind Teacher Zhao, and bows and arrows and light feathers began to collide.

Beside Teacher Zhao, there were several people in eunuch robes, carrying a sedan chair with a five-clawed black dragon on it. He slowly lay in the sedan chair, smiling at the corners of his mouth,

and his eyes were full of boundless coldness.

"If someone offends China, what should be done?" His voice was not loud, but everyone listened attentively.

"Blood debts must be paid with blood, and only death can be avenged." The soldiers around him began to roar, and the wind whistled, as if because of his anger.

Between heaven and earth, only the strange rhythm remained. The first round of fighting between the two sides stopped. The blond man in the sky laughed loudly, "Here it comes, it's finally here." "I'm back. Leave the next thing to me. You guys go protect your people." The lazy voice was unquestionable. The middle-aged officer gritted his teeth, waved his hand and began to evacuate the battlefield.

"That's Qin Song, that's a war song," the middle-aged sergeant said softly, "Zhao Zheng, Zhao Zheng, first it was an angel, then it was said that the giant spirit was killing to the west, now it's you, Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng"

"Hahaha, Emperor Zulong, you are finally here. I thought you were old and confused and didn't dare to fight." The hero king laughed with the fighting spirit in his eyes, "What's the point of talking about the war between miscellaneous soldiers? Why don't we fight it?"

"Hmph, how dare a barbarian speak nonsense in front of your majesty? I am a guilty minister and I am willing to fight with him." A man in golden armor knelt down in front of the Qin Emperor,

"Hehe, General Bai, do you really think these guys are here to fight? They are just here to test the bottom, but" Qin Emperor suddenly sat up, "Where do you think this is? Who do you think I am? Bai Qi, take his head"

"I will obey your order" Bai Qi soared into the sky and a sword was caught in his hand.

Behind him, countless wronged souls were angry, corpses piled up, blood flowed everywhere, and those angels who seemed to have no emotions retreated one after another. Bai Qi went straight to the Hero King.

But the Hero King looked at him with a smile. Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him and the swords collided. Bai Qi's eyes showed a hint of amusement.

"Hey! Zulong, you know my intentions, so is it necessary to do this?"

A woman retreated to the side of the Hero King, and Bai Qi also stood in the air and looked at the First Emperor.

"Any god can start a war and provoke my China, but when it ends is up to me!!!" Qin Huang stood up, and a five-clawed black dragon descended from the sky and hovered around him.

"Wind! Strong wind!!" As if sensing Qin Huang's anger, countless soldiers shouted with murderous intent.

Bai Qi held the sword in his hand and slashed at the Hero King, and the woman went up to meet the sword.

This time she did not block the knife. "The king once said that the daughter of a barbarian was not worthy of being stained with Chinese blood. It's a pity for you, a beauty." The knife cut off her arm, but she recovered in an instant. The two people's confrontation became faster and faster, and only two black lights were left in the air. The Qin Emperor lazily watched the war in the sky and suddenly seemed to hear some news. "Come back, Abai." The two people who were still fighting suddenly separated. Bai Qi's body was covered with fine sword wounds, but the woman was unharmed. Bai Qi's eyes were red, and there was a hint of evil smile on the corner of his mouth. He didn't say anything and just stood behind the First Emperor. "You guys are doing it. This is the plan. Interesting! I, Daqin, accepted it. After that, without waiting for the Hero King to say anything, the black army retreated like a torrent, and at the moment when the Qin army disappeared, countless angels began to fall from the sky. "It's really terrible, so it turns out that you guys are just sacrifices for others," the Hero King murmured. He turned and left, and the woman was still floating there. She looked at her hands, and those hands began to collapse, and finally spread to her whole body. She seemed to have never appeared and dissipated in that world. "Any living being can provoke war and provocation against Daqin and China, but when the war ends and when you surrender, Daqin has the final say. "

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