In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 67: The Grand Marshal Of The Underworld! Heaven-Defying!

Morgans' feathers were trembling constantly. If it weren't for the last bit of dignity as a gangster supporting him, he would be like a wild bird, with shit and urine flowing everywhere. This can't be blamed entirely on him. Morgans, who ate the albatross fruit, is a bit timid. In addition, what Mo Yi said was too shocking. Rayleigh and Mihawk couldn't help but exude a strong Haki. Facing such a terrifying momentum at such a close distance, coupled with the huge information area in Mo Yi's words. The double blow to the mind and body made Morgans want to faint again. But Mo Yi seemed to let Morgan hear this on purpose. A few faint golden lights attached to Morgans' feathers, and when he was about to faint several times, it would stimulate his spirit and let a cold breath flow into his body. Forcing him to stay awake. "If it's really like what you said, even if all the strong men of all races are gathered together, they may not be able to compete with it."

Rayleigh has experienced more major events than Mihawk. After a moment of distraction, he immediately thought of this question.

You know.

Although there is no shortage of strong people in this world, and there are even people who are stronger than himself and Mihawk, there are only a few of them.

If it is really according to Mo Yi's statement.

Any person in the God Clan, as long as he is an adult, has the power to match or even crush them, then what about the geniuses in the God Clan? What about the strong?

What kind of terrible combat power will they have.

A race with an average combat power that can reach the height of Shichibukai, what kind of strength will the elites among them have or even the leaders of that level.

All this is too crazy, so crazy that Rayleigh can't imagine it.

If the person who said this was not Mo Yi, he could just laugh it off.

But since the most ancient king can say such words with such a serious and solemn attitude, Rayleigh naturally won't think that the other party is lying.

He just couldn't imagine how terrible such a terrible race, a race that could crush all living beings in the world with its power, would be.

What kind of great power would that being called "Heaven" by all living beings have?

Heaven! Just such a title made Rayleigh a little breathless.

Can such a race really be defeated??

Even in the ancient times, when there were many strong people, they didn't believe that such a race could be defeated.

Even if all the races were added together, how many strong people could be born.

Every strong person must have his own different path, talent, hard work, and methods are indispensable, so that there is a chance to see their strength so far.

Rayleigh and Mihawk, how much they paid for this sword and body skills, only they themselves know.

But from what Mo Yi said before, the people of the God Clan don't need to work hard to achieve the strength that all living beings can only reach through hard practice.

Even if all the races are added together, they can't do it~

Everyone was angry at the same time.

Rayleigh looked at Mo Yi in confusion, and not only him, but Mihawk also looked at Mo Yi with the same eyes.

As for Morgans, he hoped that Mo Yi would say something to comfort him, even if it was a lie.

He was like a chicken on the stove.

Weak, pitiful, and powerless.

The seemingly indifferent look on Mo Yi's face gradually faded, and his scarlet eyes were filled with an unprecedented gloom.

His expression was a little nostalgic, as if he was recalling the era that made him fight so hard.

"Although the talents of the gods make all living beings tremble, there are still races that do not want to be enslaved in that era." "Although no one can surpass the gods in talent, there is no absolute in the world. There is always one thing that is born." "Although hundreds of races in the world have gathered together, only five races are qualified to enter the battlefield. The rest of the races are not even qualified to get close to the gods." "That battle is called..." "Five Races Attack the Sky~" The moment Mo Yi's voice fell, the golden light behind him continued to emerge, and the whole world was plunged into a golden color. The terrifying golden holy light continued to outline a mural. The appearance of the painting, everyone could not see it, only felt that there was a mist covering everything, even if they used their full strength to show their observation and hearing, they still could not see the twelve. All the perceptions fell on the golden scroll, like a mud cow into the sea, silent. "Don't waste your energy. You are still far from the realm you are in. You are not even qualified to watch the battle."

Mo Yi looked at Rayleigh and Mihawk who were constantly trying to see the picture clearly, and waved his hands in disappointment.

Mihawk and the others were speechless for a while.

Although they knew that what Mo Yi said might be true, they felt ridiculous. There were actually people in this world who said that the realm of truth and Hawkeye was too low.

If outsiders heard this, they would probably mock Mo Yi as a lunatic.


Both of them knew that these words were actually said by Mo Yi, so they couldn't be false.

There were a lot of emotions in my heart.

With their strength, they were qualified to watch the war. What a horrible battlefield it would be.

Compared to the two of them, Morgans was much more relaxed. He turned his head away, his eyes rolling around, and he refused to look at the golden scroll.

MD, even those two masters are not worthy of watching, I can't watch it, what if something happens and it hits me.

"In that battle, a huge hole was punched in the sky, and the heaven where the gods lived fell into an endless sea of ​​fire, burning everything in the world.

Countless races were destroyed, and the human race was almost exterminated." Although Mo Yi's voice was indifferent, the killing intent in it was as piercing as the autumn wind.

"The world was turned upside down, and the world was destroyed. These can't describe even one ten-thousandth of that battle."

"In that era, countless races had to work together to have a chance to spend the endless night." Mo Yi's face looked a little lonely, as if sighing and reminiscing.

"The five tribes are..."

Rayleigh wanted to ask more, hoping to know what kind of tribes existed in the past and could participate in that war.

But he saw Mo Yi waving his hand, unwilling to answer his question.

"Knowing too much will not benefit you. On the contrary, your strength may stagnate because of fear."

Mo Yi narrowed his eyes.

Looking at the sun in the sky, he murmured, "Once, even the sun was just a toy of the eight tribes of the gods.

As soon as these words came out, it was like a thunderbolt.

What kind of strong man can play with the sun? The terrifying temperature may evaporate even if you get too close.

"However, the guy who controlled the sun died under a sword, and the person who swung the sword, in my eyes, [he is the only one in the world who can be called a swordsman!!!"

Mo Yi glanced at Mihawk, and saw that Mihawk's eyes were as sharp as lightning, and there was a look of yearning on his face.

The sword intent that had been a little dim because of Mo Yi's description before became extremely sharp again, and the whole person was as upright as a peerless sword.

Seeing this scene, Mo Yi nodded with satisfaction in his heart.

Mihawk really yearns for the top of the sword. Hearing Mo Yi Yi's words seemed to open the door of swordsmanship again.

There is actually someone in the world who can kill the god who controls the sun. What kind of style is that sword?

He couldn't help but imagine that scene.

Since someone has walked the road ahead, I, Mihawk, should stand shoulder to shoulder with him. One day I can also reach that point!!

Compared with Mihawk's clear sword heart at this time, the old Rayleigh is a little calmer.

"々` Are you the leader of that alliance?"

Rayleigh didn't even notice that he unconsciously used a respectful title when facing Mo Yi.

This man who has led mankind out of the darkness from the endless night is worthy of everyone's kneeling.

At this moment Rayleigh suddenly figured out why such a great emperor would be erased from the dust of history.

Even if there is a little bit of news, he will be called a tyrant.

Because no matter which emperor or person in power, he hopes that such a person will be known to the world.

Otherwise, there will only be one king's name in this world.

A king who protected the weak human race from ancient times until he became the master of the world.

The oldest king.


His glory is enough to cover everything.

Hearing his question, Mo Yi was also happy, thinking that old age means more thoughts, and he really has to rely on him to pick up his words.

Otherwise, pointing at Mihawk, the sword idiot, and Morgans, the goose, I'm afraid I will suffocate to death.

"It's not me. The human race was too weak at the time. If we act rashly, the risk for the human race is too great. In that level of battle, the weak humans will be in danger of dying even if they just look at it from a distance (Wang Li Zhao). "So when the alliance was formed, I didn't agree directly, but that guy convinced me. "Mo Yi pursed his lips and looked at a place in the void, his eyes slightly condensed. To be able to talk to someone as powerful as Mo Yi, that person's strength must be at least equal to Mo Yi. Rayleigh's heart moved, that person must be the leader of one of the five tribes of the Heaven-destroying God. Otherwise, he would not even see the face of the most ancient king. He had a deep understanding of Mo Yi's arrogance and Haki. If it weren't for the fact that his former captain happened to be appreciated by Mo Yi, and that the God Clan was about to revive, I'm afraid he would have gone to play cards with Roger. "Forget it, it doesn't hurt to tell you. One of the five tribes of the Heaven-destroying God is called the Hades Clan. Coincidentally, your nickname is Pluton. "I really want to know what kind of expression that guy will have when he wakes up and knows your name." Pluton scratched his head with a bright face. This nickname was not given by him, but was called out by everyone. It seems that he needs to change his nickname. He doesn't think he can afford to offend a being of the same level as Gilgamesh.

"His name is......"

"The Grand Marshal of the Underworld, heaven-defying!!!"


Before he finished speaking, Mo Yi suddenly waved his hand.

"Have you seen enough! Bastards!!!!"

The golden holy light turned into a giant hand and grabbed the void with all its might. .

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