In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 68: God Clan! Underworld Clan! Five Clans Attack The Sky!


The moment the golden hand fell, the void began to twist continuously, as if it could not bear the power of the hand.

The space was like a fragile mirror, and cracks began to appear.

Rayleigh and Mihawk were both shocked.

Although they did not know the reason why Mo Yi suddenly took action, they knew that there must be other people here at this moment.

But they did not notice it.

The Observation Haki of both of them was at the top of the world, and at this moment, they were blocked from perception, which made them feel a little absurd.

It seemed to start from the contact with Mo Yi.

The two who were originally standing at the top of the world suddenly became two ignorant children, completely unable to understand each other's behavior.

And every step felt that the other party was seeing more deeply than themselves.

"Where did Swain go! No! That guy is not still waiting for a sneak attack!!!" Rayleigh felt a little uneasy.

The four of them went there at the same time. At this moment, Sett and Carlo were both knocked unconscious on the ground. Although they were injured, they were not in danger of death.

If his old friend still wanted to attack secretly, he would be in great danger.

Don't think that Mo Yi seemed to be friendly to them before.

The title of the oldest tyrant of mankind is really not a joke.

"Gill... No, Your Majesty the Oldest King, that man may be our partner, please show mercy!!"

Rayleigh was in a panic and begged for mercy.

Although these old guys were determined to die to find Mo Yi, now that they don't have to die, who can still think about it.

And seeing that the so-called "God Clan" is about to wake up, even if Mo Yi didn't say it so clearly, he can imagine that the terrible race, once awakened, will definitely take the terrible road to surpass the heavens.

The old bones of himself and others can die on the road of resistance, but they must not die unclearly.

But Mo Yi's movements did not pause at all because of Rayleigh's words.

Instead, he increased a bit of hostility out of thin air.


The void suddenly shattered, and the golden hand instantly sank into the void, grabbing a figure from the darkness.

"No!!!" The figure caught by the golden hand screamed.

He never thought that his ability would be cracked.

Rayleigh looked at Swain who was caught by Mo Yi, clenched his fists tightly, and then a little doubt appeared in his eyes.

He was not a fool without a brain, and he knew clearly what methods his old friend had.

As early as the Roger Pirates, the battle plans of these guys were all formulated by Rayleigh. Although Swain was good at assassination, he did not have this weird ability.

This is obviously the ability of Devil Fruit, which is obviously not mastered by Swain.

Others don't know, but Rayleigh knows in his heart that Swain claims to be the best sailor and will never allow himself to eat Devil Fruit and become a landlubber.

"Mate!!! Save me!!!" Swain, who was caught in the golden hand, shouted for help to Rayleigh.

Rayleigh, who heard the call for help, was stunned as if struck by lightning.

Even though the wounds on his body were still bleeding, he still pulled out the long knife at his waist.

The moon-white sword energy swept over his body.

He pointed the knife at Swain's nose with one hand, frowned slightly, and a layer of frost seemed to appear on his face.

"Who are you!!!!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!! Of course I am Swain!!!" Feeling the destructive power in the holy light, Swain was eager to break free.


The big hand condensed by the holy light was like a swamp. The more he struggled, the deeper his body was imprisoned.

The terrifying pressure almost made him breathless.

"Who are you? Swain never calls me mate! Because he thinks that only those who are better at swimming than him are worthy of being the mate, so no matter how many times I defeat him, he will never call me mate!!!"

Rayleigh's voice was trembling a little, because he knew that if his old friend was not replaced by someone, then the other party would definitely do it secretly.


His old friend who was very stubborn and lazy but obsessed with his position as mate, I'm afraid he has already... Already...


Thinking of this, Rayleigh's anger almost burst out of his eyes. Regardless of his seriously injured body, he wanted to kill the man with a long knife in his hand.

But he had no choice.

Mo Yi's damage to him was too severe. Even if he stood up, his body had already tried his best. Even the emergence of sword energy was just a short-lived product of anger, and soon returned to Xumi.

"Damn it!!! I'm from the World government... ah ah ah ah ah!!!!" Seeing that his identity was exposed, the man was about to use the World government to threaten Mo Yi to let him go.

But Mo Yi didn't give him a chance to waste time.

The terrifying power exploded instantly.

With a bang, the man was crushed under the big hand.

Blood exploded in the air, like a burst of blood mist, and the sticky brain dripped on the ground.

All the bones in the body turned into dregs.

The so-called death without a complete body is just like this.

The golden light crushed the man's body, wrapped a small black device, and came to Mo Yi.

Mo Yi looked at the device in front of him with some disdain.

He showed some disdain.

He said slowly.

"You bastards, get ready, you have kept my treasure for long enough, and now it's time to return it to its original owner!"

The moment the voice fell.

The golden holy light flashed violently, and the monitor was directly blown to pieces.


Naval Headquarters.


A strictly confidential basement,

This is an absolute forbidden place that even the CPO with the highest authority is not qualified to enter without the permission of the Five Elders.

Anyone who strays into this place, whether a high-ranking government official or a Marine general, will disappear from the world without exception.

And when searching for these missing people in the World government database, Song will get a result.

That is.

No such person!!!

A man wearing a white suit, a white hat, and a purple carved flower on his chest is sitting in this secret room at this moment.

He holds a black monitoring telephone bug in his hand.

Mo Yi's voice keeps echoing in the secret room. ,

"Bastards, get ready, you have kept my treasure for long enough, and next, it's time to return it to its original owner!"

"Bastards, get ready, you keep my treasure............"


The white walls around are like some special medium.

The sound spread in it will not be emitted, but will echo over and over again like a basketball being hit continuously.

There is no joy or anger on the man's face, as if the death of his subordinates can not make him have the slightest emotional fluctuation.

But if someone familiar with this man sees his current appearance,.

He will be shocked, because at this moment, this man who is called the immovable cornerstone of the CP organization.

The man who gradually established the terrifying special operations organization CP0.

Tears kept appearing in his eyes.

This is an abnormal performance that only appears when he can't control his emotions.


The monitoring telephone bug kept sending out busy tones, and the harsh tone became more shrill in the room.

It has reached a level that a normal person cannot tolerate.

Even if the sound continues to be allowed to ring, even the eardrums will be destroyed by this harsh sound wave.


The man hit a castanets, and the harsh busy tone disappeared instantly as if Shizune was pressed.

"Gods, Hades, Heaven, Heaven-defying." The man's tears fell to the ground like pearls from a broken string. At this moment, his emotions were completely out of control. Let the tears fall. Now the man had only one thought in his mind. This world is going to change!!! He was in a high position and knew some truths that ordinary people could not know. After deciphering countless historical stone tablets, he knew that there was an unimaginable dark age eight hundred years ago. However, how many of those stone tablets were deliberately recorded for the purpose of layout? They had no way to verify it. Bang!!! He quickly stood up, and a terrifying force burst out from his feet, and he disappeared in the room in an instant. This matter... must be informed to the Five Elders.. It might even alarm... That adult!!!! New World.. Uninhabited island.. Mo Yi's eyes were filled with a little bit of imperceptible pride. As early as the first second that guy lurked in the void. He sensed something, and he also sensed the listening device.

Originally, he wanted to kill that bastard directly.

But he changed his mind and thought, what a good messenger, and he could directly drag the World government into it with his own layout.

Why not?

That's why he waited until that moment before taking action.

"Bastard!!" Mo Yi waved his palm casually, and the holy light emitted a scorching high temperature, which directly evaporated the remains and remnants of the people around him.

Rayleigh was sitting in the ruins at this moment.

I don't know what he was thinking.

The revival of the Protoss mentioned by Mo Yi may have frightened him.

But compared to his old friend who was so close.

It became insignificant.

The precipitation of years made Rayleigh, who was already extremely intelligent, even more profound. After a short period of depression.

He gradually recovered his mind.

"Death is not the end of everything, and cakes are also the starting point of everything." Mo Yi's indifferent words made Rayleigh a little confused.

I seem to have guessed something, but I can't explain it clearly.

"In the more distant times, there were countless beings who could resurrect the dead, and now they are about to wake up."

"As long as we can resist the gods, when they wake up, the powerful people who have passed away in this era will be awakened from hell and continue to fight for the coming dark age."

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