In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 69 The Magnificent Ancient Times!

Hearing Mo Yi's words, Rayleigh suddenly became energetic.

Even his sluggish spirit was lifted.

He looked at Mo Yi with burning eyes.

He did not doubt Mo Yi's words. After all, even the existence of eight hundred years ago was standing alive in front of him.

Even resurrection from the dead is not a difficult thing.

He just felt a little excited.

His old friends and the dead idiot captain are well-deserved strong men of the era.

If there is really a day of resurrection!!!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help trembling all over. If it weren't for the years of rationality reminding him, he might have danced with joy.

What Mo Yi said just now was not a lie to Rayleigh.

Although Mo Yi does not have a character card that can revive the dead now.


There are countless strong men who can revive the dead in the world.

There will definitely be a chance to draw cards of that level in the future.

At that time, maybe he will really revive Roger and his group of guys and pull up a pirate group from the old era to play with.

As he spoke, Mo Yi's body began to continuously emit tiny fragments of light, as if it would dissipate between heaven and earth at any time.

"Your Majesty, are you going to kill Marineford?" Mihawk also called Mo Yi the way Morgans called him.

Although he was not as skilled as others, Mihawk was not a treacherous person.

He said he would become Mo Yi's subordinate.

He had already regarded himself as Mo Yi's subordinate, and began to pay attention to what Mo Yi had just said to the monitor.

His eyes were even more excited.

It was rumored that one of the Five Elders had a famous sword that was ranked higher than the Big Black Sword Night.

He had wanted to try it for a long time.

The sharpest sword in the world.

How sharp is it.

"I have my own plan for this matter, you decide for yourself."

Mo Yi responded to Mihawk's words casually.


His eyes were on Morgans, the silly goose.

He saw that guy, because he could not adapt to such a huge amount of information for a while, he looked more and more stupid.

He gently hooked his fingers, and the golden holy light slid violently.

"Ahhh!! Your Majesty, are you leaving? Farewell, Your Majesty!" Morgans shuddered and came back to his senses.

Looking at Mo Yi, who was emitting light and whose breath was becoming more and more erratic.

He fell to the ground stupidly.

Not to mention, looking at his appearance, he really looked a bit like a big white goose.

"Remember my words, every human is my subject and my people, and they have the right to know."

After hearing this, Morgans's originally confused mind was directly cleared up.

What does it mean!!!

Does the 'king' mean that I should publish all the previous things in the newspaper!!

My God! Compared with this incident, what I reported in the past few decades was all garbage. Can it be considered news?

Can it be called big news??

Compared with the awakening of the gods, those news are not even as good as the gossip spread by rural old ladies!!

Once it touches his own industry.

Originally shocked by this group of monster-like strong men, Morgans showed an extremely inconsistent sense of neatness.

The whole person (bird) exuded a bit of competence.

The stupid eyes burst out with an extremely frightening brilliance.

Rayleigh and Mihawk almost noticed the change of this guy at the same time. This feeling was like a swordsman suddenly grasping a famous sword in his hand.

Under the sky, between the four seas.

I can be free with just one sword.

This kind of demeanor is not abrupt when it appears on Mihawk or Rayleigh, but it is so weird when it appears on a guy who has been submissive from the beginning to now.

Swordsmen have swordsmanship, kings have hegemony, and knights have chivalry.

And Morgans also has his own way.

Keyboard way! In this era without keyboards, he is the earliest keyboard warrior. In his writing, black and white are reversed, and the sun and moon are tilted.

Moreover, because of the reputation of the World News, countless people flock to believe him when he reverses black and white and calls a deer a horse.

The reputation accumulated over decades has pushed his newspaper to an absolute height.

Even if one day the nonsense that Demon fruit power is not afraid of the sea appears in the world newspapers.

There will be many people with poor brains who will try it.

Even if he drowns in the sea, someone might still argue for Morgans that the person with the ability had a leg cramp.

Morgans's mind started to spin rapidly again.

Countless rumors and headlines flashed through his mind like a passing glance.

Even the layout of the newspaper and the date of distribution have been thought out.

"Your Majesty, I understand what you mean, but the World Government's 'scum' has already set their sights on me! I dare not even report your feat of destroying the Gate of Justice.

"But since your Majesty has ordered, I, Morgans, will complete your mission even if I die, in order to repay you for saving mankind from the endless night!!"

"Morgans congratulates your Majesty again, congratulations on your awakening from the endless sleep!!"

Morgans' words were like jumping, bursting out all at once.

Then he knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Mo Yi.

There was a bit of fearlessness on his bird's face, and I didn't know how he did it. Mihawk even saw some heroism on his face.

Looking at Morgans's appearance.

Mo Yi also felt a little funny in his heart.

Morgans's current appearance, where is there a trace of stupidity?

It is this shrewd mind and the vision of this team, which are more flexible than Rayleigh and Mihawk.

Haven't you seen Mihawk's embarrassment after being almost cut in half by a knife?

Haven't you seen two of Rayleigh's three people lying on the ground half dead, and one of them lying in the ruins in a mess.

No matter you are the world's number one swordsman or Pluton, the deputy of the Pirate King.

You still end up in a very embarrassing situation.

Look at me, Master Morgans, face is worth a few dollars, and not suffering is the real thing!

Morgans thought smugly in his heart.

He was even more determined to keep Mo Yi as a thigh.

That's why he accepted Mo Yi's explanation without hesitation.

Now he made this gesture, it's clear that he wants to reward Mo Yi.

You are so powerful, just protect me, don't let your little bird be destroyed by others!!

Although he didn't say this, the meaning was almost clear.

Mo Yi could see what this guy was thinking.

But the corner of his mouth was filled with a teasing smile.

He looked at Morgans with a playful look.

"Well, that's really hard for you."

"It's not hard! It's not hard!! If your Majesty pities me...ah!!!! Your Majesty!!!!" Morgans was about to ask for some protection when he saw Mo Yi's figure like quicksand in the wind.

He kept disintegrating.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared without a trace.


Morgans collapsed directly on the ground, staring at the place where Mo Yi disappeared with his lifeless eyes, his face sank, and he almost cried.


Your Majesty!! Don't play like this!!! You just left like this, what should I do!!

Now it's good, if he dares to report these news one by one, you don't even have to think about it to know that the World Government will definitely pluck all his feathers off.

But if he doesn't report it,

Mo Yi would not let him go. If a being who had ruled the world for eight hundred years set his sights on him, what would happen, he dared not think about it.

The feathered bird's face was blue and purple.

Mihawk looked at Morgans' face, and he, who was always serious, actually wanted to laugh.

"Hey~! Let's go."

"Ah, where are you going?" The soul-destroying Morgans seemed to have turned into a goose again.

Even Rayleigh, who was sitting in the ruins, couldn't bear it.

He covered his head with tears and laughter.

I really don't know if this Morgans is really stupid or just pretending to be stupid.

Since the king didn't take Mihawk, who was taken in by him, hasn't the meaning been expressed clearly??

I really don't know how to judge this guy.

"Where else can I go to your nest! I want to change into clean clothes now"

Mihawk's tone was a little impatient.

Although he didn't have any mysophobia, he was noble by nature and couldn't stand the greasy feeling of blood and dust all over his body.

"Go back to the nest~" Morgans murmured first.

Then suddenly his eyes lit up.


I'm so stupid!! Really~!!

Your Majesty didn't take Mihawk away. The meaning was so obvious, but I didn't think of it.

"Let's go, let's go!! I'll call someone to pick us up now. Are you seriously injured? How much strength do you have left?" Looking at Mihawk who suddenly became his own man.

Morgans shook his arms excitedly.

Hahahaha!!! World government! CPO trembles under the pen of Master Morgans!!!! If I Morgans were not born, the key road would be like a long night!! Keys come!!!!



In the highest conference room.

The Five Elders have been gathered for an unknown period of time.

The room seemed to be covered with a layer of haze, and the powerful Five Elders were silent at this moment.

The recording sent by the CPO was like a mountain pressing on everyone's heart.

The already depressing atmosphere became even hotter.

It made them feel restless.

But even so.

Still no one was willing to break the silence, as if the terrifying news had never happened as long as no one mentioned it.

They all knew.

From the moment Gilgamesh appeared.

The world’s sky.


The hegemony of the World Government actually began to become precarious because of a village of one person.

This was something they had never imagined.

But at this moment.

They understood.

The so-called impossibility was nothing more than a lack of vision caused by insufficient strength.

“Do you think Gilgamesh’s words are credible~” Finally, No. 1 broke the silence first.

The pair of eyes that were always like the abyss in the past are now constantly floating with fear.

PS: It’s not that he became Wu Gengji, but the second character played by the protagonist is related to him, and all of these may appear!

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