In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 70 The Most Ancient King Was Once Easily Defeated!

Number One's voice was very dull, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth.

If possible, even he didn't want to break the silence.

However, since things have come to this point, they must be resolved.


Even if they can solve it, how can they solve it?

Every word Mo Yi said was stimulating their nerves.

Whether it was the God Clan that ruled the world in his mouth, or the Hades Clan that rose up in resistance, they all moved the five people with palpitations.

"Shocking, not enough to describe! I reserve my opinion on his words!" Number Two rarely wiped his beloved knife, and the pair of eyes hidden under the glasses were uncertain.

The atmosphere in the room fell into endless silence again after Number Two's voice fell.

Like frost, the cold air continued to spread in the conference room.

Everyone's heart was covered with a haze.

"I believe in Gilgamesh's words, no, it should be said that I have to believe it!" Number Four's appearance is no longer as lazy as before, with a little light in his eyes, and a stack of information with unclear fonts in his hands.

The data seemed to be covered by some special energy.

Everyone's eyes were focused on his hands. Number One even stood up and asked excitedly, "Deciphered? Have all the historical texts about him been deciphered?!"

Everyone knew who he was talking about, but they didn't want to mention the name that gave them a headache.

"The deciphering work is basically completed. There is good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" In the extremely tense environment, it seemed that only Number Four was particularly excited, as if he had found a fun toy, which was inconsistent with the solemnity in the conference room.

Number One, who was always rigorous, frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with Number Five's behavior at the moment, but helplessly, the highest power of the World Government, in order to maintain balance, was placed in the hands of five people separately.

Even he had no right to inquire about the historical text without the permission of Number Five.

"Good news." Number 5, who was wearing a red suit and had several scars on his eyes, took over the words of Number 4 as the atmosphere became increasingly weird.

However, his twitching eyes and his palms clasped tightly on the corner of the table showed that even he was trying his best to control his anger.

If it were normal, the carefree Number 5 might even be more unruly than Number 4, but in this situation, it was almost a matter of life and death for the World Government, and Number 4 actually had the mind to make such a fuss, which really made him reluctant to sign.

Although Number 2 and Number 3 didn't say anything, their eyes were also somewhat unfriendly. Looking at the figure of Number 4, the corners of their mouths also drooped down a little.

Number 4 saw all the expressions of the people, but he still looked so indifferent, as if he didn't care about the attitude of his companions.

He pushed his glasses, then took out a document and placed it on the table.

He coughed, then spoke softly. ,

"From the stone tablet recording his real name, we can know that in the more ancient times, there was a terrifying existence far superior to him, and even defeated him ten times.

When everyone heard this, they all frowned.

They now have a better understanding of Gilgamesh's strength, although they have not seen it with their own eyes.

But Impel down warden, the man with quasi-Admiral strength, was defeated by a sword, and the entire prison system was completely collapsed because of him. The terrible demons who were erased from history by them disappeared in Eternal Hell. Marine, who had maintained "justice for a hundred years", was as fragile as a naughty child in front of him.

The Gate of Justice was like being erased and disappeared forever in the world. Marine Admiral, the highest combat power, Kizaru, Aokiji, was suppressed by momentum and could not move.

Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, was severely injured by a sword.

In addition, according to the latest intelligence, the Pirate King's deputy, Pluton Rayleigh, and his old subordinates challenged him, but he defeated them all in one breath.

The world's greatest swordsman, Mihawk, the man who truly stood at the top of the world, was also taken in by him and became his subordinate.

Such a terrible man actually had a defeat?

This made everyone unable to believe their ears. If it wasn't for No. 5 who said this, I'm afraid they would have cursed by now.

Several people looked closely at No. 5's expression, with a few traces of expectation in their eyes, and they roughly guessed in their hearts that No. 5's good news [probably related to the existence that defeated Gilgamesh.

After saying that sentence just now, No. 5 stopped talking and looked at everyone like a bullfight.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I've already told you all the news!"

"No more?"

"No more!"


The table was hit hard by a punch, and No. 1 looked at No. 4 in anger, the fire in his eyes almost bursting out, like a wild bull.

"Do you know what you are talking about!!! Making trouble in such a serious meeting! Is this what you do as a Five Elders!!"

No wonder No. 1 was so angry.

Good fellow, so your good news is that there was once a being more powerful than Gilgamesh, what's the use of this news??

"Why are you in a hurry? I didn't tell you the news."

Looking at the furious No. 1 in front of him, No. 4 still spoke slowly.

"The bad news is that the being has been sealed."

"And, everything hidden in the lost hundred years of history is only known to that person."

"You!!!" No. 1 couldn't control his anger at all, and waves of terrible breath continued to emanate from his body, but the next moment, No. 1's breath stopped abruptly

Looking at No. 5 with a look of almost fear.

"Gurgle~" As powerful as he is, he still inevitably made a shameful sound, and his Adam's apple moved uncontrollably.

No. 4's face was no longer so playful, but he also had the same solemn expression as everyone else, with his hands tightly crossed together.

"Not too stupid." His voice made the already somewhat gloomy meeting room even more eerie.

"Don't have any illusions. Get ready to welcome the king."

There are no fools among the Five Elders.

The seemingly contradictory words of No. 4 actually completely tore apart the luck in the hearts of several people.

Every word he didn't say was to confirm the news left by Mo Yi before.

The so-called good news and bad news were just tricks he used to mock several people.

As the only one among the five who had the authority to mobilize all the historical texts, he knew too many unknown secrets...0

But what he didn't know was how much of this was a big show that Mo Yi had set up eight hundred years ago.

Behind everything was pulled together by an invisible big hand.

"Next time, just say it directly." No. 2 looked at No. 4 coldly, and the famous sword in his hand made a sad cry. In the air around him, countless ghosts seemed to emerge faintly.

"Okay~ our fault, if he wants to come, let him come, let us take a good look at the style of this 'king'!"

"Transfer all combat forces to Marineford, the three Marine Admirals and the reserve Admiral, as well as Kong, together."

"In addition, Morgans, that big fat bird, now seems to have completely become his lackey, notify the CPO to take action!" Number One was like a robot, and one command after another jumped out of his mouth like popcorn.

"Don't worry! The CPO has already set off. If you still need to order this matter, then the meaning of the existence of CP will no longer exist!" Number Five said seriously.

"Very good! Do your best to block all news about the 'God Clan' and the 'Underworld Clan', and in addition..." Number One's voice paused, and his hands kept overlapping.

There was a bit of entanglement in his expression, but in the end, his face turned cold and he said sternly, "Dispatch Buster Call to surround Alabasta. Let's see how this king will treat his loyal servants!" After saying this, No. 1 closed his eyes, and it seemed that there was some reluctance on his face.

Whoosh!! Whoosh!!

Following No. 1's order, the sound of breaking through the air continued to be heard in the conference room, and black shadows quickly shuttled through the room.

After a long time, No. 1 opened his eyes again, and a strange look kept passing through his deep eyes.

"Next, let's talk about the Protoss..."

At the same time.

New World.

In the World Economic Newspaper.

All the employees stopped their work and stood in a row like soldiers.

Their expressions were solemn and solemn. If you didn't know that 0.5 of them were members of the newspaper, you would have thought they were a group of well-trained soldiers.

They looked at Morgans, who was also very solemn in front of them, and their eyes kept emitting a light called worship.

Morgans straightened his clothes, slightly fastened his tie, and looked at the old employees who had followed him for more than ten years, feeling deeply moved.

"Young men! What is the original intention of our establishment of a news agency!!" Morgans shouted, shaking his head and changing his head, with a bit of funny and ridiculous look, but his words were indeed full of pride.

"For the people of the world! Everyone has the right to know!!!"

All the employees burst into a shocking roar in unison, with an excited look like a fanatical religious believer, and a flame called ideal bursting in their eyes.

Morgans nodded with satisfaction at the employees' reactions.

In the past ten years, in order not to raise the employees' wages, they have been brainwashing them, telling them that everything you do is for ideals and dreams!

It is a lie to say it once, and it is nonsense to say it ten times, but what about hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of times?

After telling lies for more than ten years, the fake has become true. Morgans's group of employees are simply a group of completely brainwashed pyramid scheme members. .

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