In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 78 The Human King’S Team Has Begun To Grow!

The owner of this voice is the man in white who was eavesdropping on Mo Yi in the secret room that day. He is the highest leader of the CP organization and the person who has authority far above the CPO. In the World Government's classification system, he is the highest combat power level no less than the Marine Admiral. Hearing Sakazuki scolding the CP in an impolite tone, although his face was not fluctuating, he, who has always been hidden in the dark, actually took the initiative to appear, which has already explained his attitude. Sakazuki, you are overstepping your boundaries! "My people, it's not your turn to talk!!!" Snap! Sizzle! Snap! The magma with terrifying high temperature dripped from Akainu's hand to the ground, burning a big hole in the floor, and the threat was beyond words. However, an invisible wave emerged from the white-clothed man, as if a transparent film formed in the air and covered the magma. The magma that seemed to be able to burn everything before was instantly destroyed and turned into a mass of black rock. The two looked at each other, neither giving in. "Hunter, please explain the situation!" Ming No. 1 ignored the two people who were fighting. It should be said that he was in no mood to care about these things now. He just felt uneasy. This feeling of uneasiness has been surrounding him, making him feel uneasy. So today, the originally designated plan against the "Oldest King" was arranged in advance. "He will definitely come!" The Five Elders knew in their hearts that as long as the holy sword with the might of heaven was still in Marineford, that guy would definitely come. "CPO sent three assassins to the World Economic News, but they were all wiped out." "How is it possible! The strength of your CPO assassination team is at least at the level of Vice Admiral [How can they be wiped out in assassinating a small Morgans!" Akainu looked at Hunter in disbelief. Hunter ignored the shocked Akainu and continued. " Seven Warlords of the Sea Hawkeye Mihawk and Pluton Rayleigh are all in the World Economic News Agency, and it seems that they have already joined Gilgamesh's army.

"Not to mention the assassination team, even if you go, you may not come back alive!"


Although Sakazuki was dissatisfied with this description, he knew in his heart that if he really followed what Hunter said, then even if he went, he might be in danger of death.

Facing two of the strongest people standing at the top of the world, or the most lethal swordsmen, even Sakazuki, who is a Logia ability user, may be killed instantly by the combination of the two.

In a one-on-one fight, the strength of both parties may be comparable, but there is no possibility of winning in a one-on-two fight.

"This is not good news. Although I have never seen Hawkeye's strength, since he is called the world's number one swordsman, his skills are naturally powerful. "

The former Marine Marshal Kong interrupted the stalemate between the two. Although his speech was a bit slow, he exuded an aura that made people feel extremely reassured.

This old man, who was over a hundred years old, was the real spiritual leader of these Marines. Although he did not directly persuade Sakazuki, Sakazuki's expression changed from the previous solemnity to great respect.

He turned around and appeared beside Kong, supporting the trembling old man.

When Sakazuki was still a soldier, this old man had already stood at the top of the Marine. If he had not helped Sakazuki several times, Sakazuki, who slaughtered the village at that time, would have been beheaded and displayed to the public.

Where would there be today's Akainu Admiral.

Not to mention, Golden Three Kakuzu was once a disciple of this old man, not to mention the respect that Garp, Sengoku and Crane had for the old man.

"Teacher, even you are alarmed, but this is a battle that is bound to be lost!!" Sengoku looked at his teacher and sighed in his heart.

In his opinion, Marine had no chance to stop the Ancient King. Not long ago, the power like Kamui appeared in front of him.

"Ahem~ Although I don't know Hawkeye's strength, I have personally experienced Rayleigh's ability. It is understandable that CPO cannot complete the task. After all.."

"It is difficult for anyone to resist two legends at the same time. Ahem~ Everyone is for justice. Don't make it so awkward. "

When this person spoke, the two of them were silent, just nodded silently.

Sora then showed a satisfied look, and then looked at the Five Elders on the high platform, his turbid eyes slightly raised.

"My Lords, as far as I know, Gilgamesh wants the treasure he mentioned, so if handing over this thing can avoid a war, why not return it to its original owner?"

Sora slowly said the doubts in everyone's hearts word by word. Garp and Sengoku both knew that Mo Yi's target was never the fragile Marine in his eyes, but the treasure that once belonged to him. It was his reverse scale, a forbidden place that no one could touch!!

A dragon has a reverse scale and it will die if it is touched!!!

Garp, who was wearing the word "justice", held his hands in front of his chest, his eyes wide open, looking at the people on the high platform, waiting for their answers. Based on his understanding of Gilgamesh, that aloof man should not even be interested in taking action as long as he achieves his goal.

Everyone was waiting for Five Elders' answer.

But from the moment Sora asked this question, the room fell into silence.

The faces of the Five Elders continued to darken, and they looked at Sora with some entanglement.

If it wasn't Sora who asked this question, they would probably ignore it directly.


this man who looked extremely old was the one who could control everything in the entire Naval Headquarters.

The current Marine Marshal was his successor and his disciple, and he was also trained by him to become the pillar of the Marine today.

Garp the Fist was a Marine hero that he taught with all his heart and soul.

The only woman in the entire Marine who could be called the Chief of Staff by everyone had been constantly tempered under his hands to get to where she is today.

Sakazuki was able to walk down from the beheading platform because of him and become today's Akainu Admiral.

This man's seemingly unintentional question was like strangling the lifeblood of the Five Elders.

But if his question was ignored, would Sora's next attitude affect the form of this group of Marines?

Number One suddenly regretted inviting this old man out of retirement, perhaps it was a wrong decision.

This person who is like a pillar of stability in the Marines, after retiring to the mountains for more than ten years, has become the biggest problem of this meeting.

...0Please give me flowers:0(084505430Feilu172042100]

This is far beyond the Five Elders' imagination.

Garp, Sengoku, and Crane, who had said nothing from beginning to end, were all looking at the Five Elders. Even the lazy Aokiji could sense the extraordinary aura. Although he had little contact with Sora, as a fan of Vice Admiral Garp, he knew which team to take without thinking.

Although Sakazuki had received a lot of advice from the Five Elders in private, he had not completely lost his humanity by standing beside his savior, although he also believed that Mo Yi's behavior was a provocation to justice and was unforgivable.

But he held back and stopped talking.

One minute...

Two minutes...

Three minutes...

The room fell into a long silence, which made people's hearts tighten. The CP leader hunter didn't know when he had returned to the darkness.

Looking at the Five Elders who bowed their heads and remained silent on the stage.

Garp and Sengoku sighed in disappointment in his heart.

He knew clearly that there was a terrifying danger that could threaten all mankind and was about to revive, but he still used the name of "justice" to cover up his inner greed.


Even if he had never seen Gilgamesh's treasure, Sengoku could imagine how powerful it was.

Thinking of the sword of rebellion that was like the Lord of the World, which was like the sky and the earth hanging upside down, Sengoku couldn't help but tremble. The treasure that Gilgamesh could take seriously should be a divine weapon on par with the holy sword.

Garp's eyes drooped, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It was a laugh that only appeared when he was extremely angry.

Tsuru, who knew the two of them very well, looked at the gloomy Sengoku and the laughing Garp. Although she didn't know what happened in her heart, she was so wise that she also guessed something.

"It's not surprising that Garp, an idiot, showed such an expression, but even If Sengoku said so, it means they know the truth that I don't know. The two of them came back from Windmill Village together not long ago. "

"Could it be!!!"

Tsuru's eyes were as boundless as the sea, and the brilliance in his eyes was as turbulent as the waves.

They have seen Gilgamesh!!!

Tsuru gave an answer close to the truth almost instantly.

Garp and Sengoku must have met Gilgamesh in private and knew some truths that others didn't know, otherwise Sengoku's wooden head would never show such an expression.

Tsuru decided to ask about the matter clearly after this meeting.

Tsuru felt that everything could be solved clearly. After all, the two old guys were so old, they would not defect to become pirates.

Time passed by minute by minute.


Number 4, who had always been very lazy, tapped the table several times with his fingers, making a "dangdangdang" sound.

All people's eyes were focused on him.

"Sora, what do you think justice is!!"

"Justice is the sanctity of the body, justice is solemn and cannot be interfered with, justice is the World Government!!"

"Only by staying strong forever, and always making evil and darkness fear, can justice protect everything.

"Only by being strong can all lawless people be afraid, crawling on the ground, like a dog that has lost its home! Ten!"

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