In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 79 Sweeping Everything!

"But if the World Government, which symbolizes justice, surrenders to a tyrant who has been sleeping for eight hundred years, then who will fear justice!!"

"Justice that is not feared is like nothing!!"

"Those pirates will plunder the sea more recklessly, and the cries of the victims will spread across the entire sea."

"Anyone can surrender, anyone can retreat, but the World Government cannot!!! Justice cannot!!!"

The words of No. 4 exploded in Kong's ears like thunder.

These words were obviously specious, but they made everyone speechless.

Akainu's eyes burst out with an unparalleled light, and the words of No. 4 simply hit his heart.

Every word made his heart unable to calm down for a long time.

Even his breathing could not help but bring an extremely hot breath.

The air around him kept getting hotter.

Absolute justice!!! This is what Akainu advocates. For the sake of general justice, for the sake of pure justice, even if everything is sacrificed, it is worth it.

But when these words fell into Sengoku's ears, for some reason, a sentence suddenly emerged in his mind.

Justice is such a high-sounding word!!!

Such hypocritical and despicable remarks were actually spoken by the Five Elders who were "eighty-seventy" powerful.

This made Sengoku, who was a little disappointed with the World Government, look dark again.

For so many years, I have been upholding such "justice".

After the voice of No. 4 fell, Kong was silent.

The old man who gave everything for Marine showed a smile that could not be said to be bitter or sad.


Before he could speak, a sudden powerful explosion completely interrupted what he was about to say.

CP leader Hunter appeared instantly, and the pair of eyes that seemed to remain calm forever were rarely flustered.

"The criminals of Eternal Hell who were once released by Gilgamesh suddenly appeared outside Marineford and are now rushing towards Naval Headquarters!!"

"How brave!!!!" Akainu roared, his eyes seemed to be splashing with flames, and the terrifying magma instantly wrapped his body.

Like a flaming meteor, he quickly rushed out.

At the same time, Kuzan, who was lazy behind him, also stood up, and countless ice appeared under his feet.

"Mr. Garp, this is up to you!!" After saying that, he glanced at No. 1 and others who had a bad face, and flew out of the window like an ice-covered blue phoenix [breaking through the air and healing.

At the same time.

The Marines surrounding the periphery of Marineford had extremely terrified expressions on their faces, and the weapons in their hands kept shaking with their bodies. Looking at the man who walked out of the golden light, they couldn't help shrinking their pupils.

A man with a strange headdress, a shiny forehead, a cigar in his mouth, blond hair, and a lion-like aura appeared in front of them.

Two long swords were tucked into his waist. Although they were not unsheathed, countless cold air was radiating all the time, like an evil ghost coming to the world.

"Hehehe!!! Marine brats!! Don't you recognize your Master Shiki!!!!" Golden Lion Shiki, the being that represents supreme notoriety, once again heard his hunting in the sea after decades.

"Impossible!!! His legs!! Weren't his legs chopped off!!!" A Marine who knew the details of Golden Lion's escape route was crushed by fear and fell to the ground.

Weakly questioning, in front of this powerful being that almost established an empire, these Marines didn't even have the qualifications to swing their weapons.

The figure of Golden Lion, like a little giant, just appeared, and scared the group of "elites" out of their wits.

"Ah? Are you talking about this pair of legs?" Golden Lion raised his foot and showed a ferocious smile, "Hehehe!!! I really have to thank you Marines! Without you, I wouldn't be your subordinate, and I wouldn't have such a useful leg!!"


The next second after Golden Lion's laughter, his figure disappeared like a ghost in the group of frightened birds. In front of Marine.


The next second.

A slash like from hell fell on the earth, instantly tearing through Marine.

"Ah!! Ahhhhh!!!!!"

"Monster!!! No!!"

" Admiral! Where is Admiral!! This kind of monster!!! Ahhhh!!"

Puff!! Puff~!!!

The sound of the knife cutting into flesh and blood became the main melody like the abyss. Golden Lion's devil-like figure, holding a sharp blade, raged in the crowd like cutting melons and vegetables.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!!!

A figure with heavy anger ran towards Golden Lion quickly.

He had only a bunch of hair in his hand, and the long knife in his hand carried a powerful sword energy. The speed was so fast that it left a trail of afterimages in the air.

"Damn!!! Why would a guy of Golden Lion's level suddenly appear!! We must hold on until the Admiral arrives!" Momonga knew that he would not be Golden Lion's opponent.

But as Marine's Vice Admiral, and also the Vice closest to the Eastern Garrison where Golden Lion appeared, Admiral, he must come to stop that terrifying guy even if he has to sacrifice his life.

"Don't panic!!! All the remaining personnel retreat! The rest of the Marine Vice Admiral and Admiral are on their way!!!"

"It's Vice Admiral!! Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel is here!!"

"We're saved!! Let's go!! We can only be a burden in this kind of battle!!!"

The Marines were all encouraged by Flying Squirrel's voice.

As one of the strongest Vice Admirals among the Marines, everyone privately believed that as long as Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel could have a Logia Fruit, he could serve as Admiral.

This shows how high Flying Squirrel's prestige is among the Marines.

"Hehehe! Vice Admiral scum, dare to stop me!!!" Golden Lion laughed when he saw Flying Squirrel appear, and indeed stopped the butcher knife in his hand.

The famous swords Deadwood and Sakura Ten were stained with countless blood. In just a few minutes, I don't know how many elite Marines were killed by him.

For the dragon, killing ants is a joke, but it is not as fun as playing with tigers and leopards.

"The one who made the entire Naval Headquarters so nervous, is it you? Shiki!!"


Flying Squirrel swung the long sword in his hand violently, and a terrifying blue half-moon sword energy appeared instantly, and he rushed towards Golden Lion with unstoppable power.


The ground cracked inch by inch wherever the sword energy passed, and the air seemed to be completely drained by the terrifying sword energy.

The Marines were right, Flying Squirrel's swordsmanship was almost enough to fight with Hawkeye in the past, and he was at the top of the world..0

He once created a record of killing five pirates with bounties exceeding 700 million by himself.

The swordsmanship was so strong that it shook the world.

But his opponent today was...

Admiral Feitian..

Golden Lion Shiki!!

Shiki looked at the terrifying attack that seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth, and a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he slowly raised the dead wood.


Suddenly a breeze blew around him.

The next moment!

The breeze suddenly rose up, roaring like a hurricane, and constantly surrounded the dead tree in Golden Lion's hand. Even the sky became extremely gloomy under this sudden change.

"One-sword style·Wind Lion Dance!!!"



Shiki's sword slashed out, and the terrifying hurricane turned into a lion roaring to the sky, wrapped in a terrifying sword energy, and rushed straight to Momonga. The seemingly indestructible half-moon sword energy, the moment it touched the lion, was like a bubble.

"Damn!!! Sword!!!" Momonga reacted very quickly. Seeing that his slash was no match for Golden Lion, the long sword in his hand quickly wrapped a layer of no-armor color, and in front of him, the long sword danced lightly, and a transparent cover was instantly formed.

Bang bang bang!!


"Is it really not working!" Momonga smiled bitterly at the cover that had a crack. He couldn't even withstand a sword.



The lion roared again, exerting force suddenly, and the flying squirrel was instantly enveloped by the terrifying sword energy and fell down in front of the terrifying lion's might.

Hehehe! Still so weak, Marine, and what did you say before, Marine is waiting for me? No, no, no, you may be wrong, I am just an appetizer, and just one of several appetizers. "

The Golden Lion walked step by step to the front of the flying squirrel, laughing arrogantly.

"I am just cleaning up the garbage for the king. "

The white Marine uniform on the flying squirrel was in a mess. There were many Marines around who were affected by the sword of Golden Lion. Seeing the flying squirrel who came to rescue them but was seriously injured, these fragile 2.4 Marines stopped running.

Looking at Golden Lion with a fierce look like a beast.

"Flying squirrel Vice Admiral!! Let go of flying squirrel Vice Admiral!!!"

"Pirate!!! Don't be so arrogant!!!"

"Put down Vice Admiral!!!!"

They all roared at Golden Lion who was holding the half-dead flying squirrel in his hand.

Hua La La La!!!

The momentum of tens of thousands of Marines seemed to be connected into one, and even the momentum of Golden Lion was suppressed.

"Hehehe!! Interesting!! Interesting!!!" Golden Lion looked at this group of guys like beasts and gently let go of the flying squirrel in his hand.


The seriously injured flying squirrel fell to the ground, bleeding, and in the hands of Golden Lion He couldn't even hold on for a second in the Lion's hands.

"Run! Run!" Momonga used all his strength to roar, but the Marines, who were already furious, only wanted to avenge him at this moment [seriously ignored the huge experience gap.


It should be said that in this absolute numerical suppression, after this group of elite Marines overcame their fear of Golden Lion, they had a sympathetic understanding, and the truth is that ants can kill elephants. .

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