In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 80 That Lord Is Coming!

Golden Lion was not afraid of the Marines who were like a sea of ​​people, but was very excited. He was like a lion that had been caged for countless years. His sword and his heart were eager for the blood of the enemy.

The momentum of both sides kept colliding with each other, and the flying squirrel on the ground had fainted due to excessive blood loss.

When the Golden Lion 1VS30000 drama was about to start, something strange happened.

From behind countless Marines, a huge golden Uzumaki appeared, and the Marines who had previously shared the same hatred for the enemy seemed to have sensed something.

Their bodies stiffened instinctively.

The golden Uzumaki began to expand continuously.

Ten meters.

Thirty meters..

Seventy meters..

Finally, the golden Uzumaki expanded to more than a hundred meters, emitting light in the air like a huge electron.



A giant foot that was more than ten meters long suddenly fell from the Uzumaki and landed directly in the crowd. Dozens of Marines who were unable to dodge were trampled into pulp, and they didn't even have time to scream. They were like rotten tomatoes, sticking to the big foot.

The disgusting smell of blood spread instantly.

"What is this!!!"

"Giants? Even giants don't have such huge feet!"

"Ah!!!! I remember!! It's that family of 30!!! Impossible!!! Aren't they all imprisoned on the sixth floor of Impel Down!!!"

When the big foot appeared, Golden Lion's face was filled with boredom.


The famous swords Kumu and Sakura were sheathed directly.

The golden Uzumaki shrank suddenly, and the shadowy figure instantly appeared on the battlefield.

Just by appearing, countless Marines were trampled to death.

Naked upper body, with a dull expression on his face, he looked a bit silly.

The huge battleship, after a hundred years, appeared in front of Marine again, a super giant as high as 120 meters.

And he was born with strange strength, a demon that could crush everything.

After being captured by Marine, he was erased from history, making people forget this nightmare whose mere existence represented a disaster.

"Shiki!!! Don't waste time!! The adults are coming soon!!!"

Boom boom boom!!!

The Jackal's shout was like a terrifying storm, forming a terrifying sound wave attack on the ground.

In an instant, countless Marines were shocked to death by him.

The fighting spirit that was originally re-condensed because of the flying squirrel completely collapsed with the appearance of the terrifying figure of the Jackal!!


"What a joke!! How to fight such a giant!!!"

Even if it is the technology that Marine is most proud of, it may not be more painful to hit the Jackal than a mosquito bite.

In front of absolute power, everything is useless and pale.

"Then move! Disturbing Laozi's fun! I hate it!!" Golden Lion shouted in dissatisfaction, and then sat cross-legged on the already unconscious flying squirrel.

He took out the wine gourd from his waist and drank.

The jackal looked at the Marines who were fleeing like ants at his feet, and a cruel smile appeared on his seemingly honest face.

"Okay! Leave them to me!!! By the way, those guys are here, let's not get left behind!!"

"Tsk! Don't worry, Laozi is Golden Lion!!" Shiki curled his lips, looking at the Jackal who crushed hundreds of Marines with one foot, and showed ten expectant expressions.

Roger!! Laozi is better than you this time. Under the command of that adult, Laozi will personally trample this false justice under his feet!

Those guys shouldn't encounter any trouble, Golden Lion licked his lips, looked up at the deeper Marineford, and put on an extremely cold smile on his face.

" Golden Lion is here! "Due to the defense force, Smoker had no way to support Vice Admiral Momonga, and could only continue to guard the central area of ​​Marineford with Ghost Spider and others.

But through the news of Den Den Mushi, they now know that the man who came to attack is the legendary pirate Admiral Shiki, but they don't know what the sudden huge vibration is.

"Don't worry! Akainu Admiral has already rushed over! We have Kizaru behind us The Admiral is here, it's okay, just do your job well and you will be worthy of justice!"

Huoshaoshan comforted the irritable Morgans, while Ghost Spider on the side seemed to have discovered something, frowning tightly, looking at the direction not far away, holding the weapon tightly in his hand.

Snap!! Snap!! Snap!!

Suddenly, four or five heavy objects began to fall from the sky in succession. Morgans looked closely and saw that they were the Vice Admirals who had been transferred to support the front line. They saw that their eyes were white and they had obviously lost their vital signs.

They were thrown over like garbage.

"General Saka!! Vice Admiral Roy!!! Damn!! Who is it!!!!" Morgans was furious, hugged several Vice Admirals tightly, and used his ability to quietly put the bodies of several people on the ground.

"Hoohoo~Are these little cuties waiting for my mercy? Hoohoo~You have no chance. Everything I have is dedicated to the 'king'!!" A woman's voice kept echoing on the horizon.

At the same time, a breath of a terrifying monster like that of the ancient times was constantly emanating, and the Marine who had eaten the Zoan fruit began to tremble uncontrollably.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and even some Marines who had eaten the branch of the Zoan dog-dog fruit had completely activated the ability of the fruit and turned into a half-human, half-dog mentality. ,

Looking at the distance as if facing a great enemy, with the tail tightly clamped behind him, it was a manifestation of submission and cowardice. Before the man came out, the surrounding situation had already risen.

"Burp!!!!" A huge sound sounded, like a burp, but with a strong smell of alcohol. Even Smoker, a player who has been soaking in a wine barrel for many years, felt a little dizzy and drowsy.

"Katerina Tippen, the lord doesn't like you, burp!" Another drunken voice sounded.

"Bullshit!! That's the lord, the lord.... Anyway, you fart!!" The woman was choked by the man, and after holding it in for a long time, she finally uttered a curse.

Slowly, the two figures finally appeared in front of Marine.

A woman with heavy makeup, strange clothes and a high nose, like a witch, walked towards Marine with elegant steps.

With a very hideous smile on her face.

The most vicious criminal in the world, who once destroyed countless countries, was finally captured and put into the sixth floor of Impel Down under the calculation of Marine and the betrayal of the crew.

When she was still active in the outside world, Sherlock Linlin was not even a qualified villain.

Crescent Moon Hunter, Ruoyue Hunter, Katerina Tippen appeared again with a terrifying murderous aura.

Behind her, nine fox tails were floating in the air, and the light around seemed to be attracted by her tails. Everything except her was dimmed.

Beside Katharina Tippen, there was a huge man with a drunk face and a big sausage nose. He held a huge wine jug in his hand, and wine kept overflowing from it.

No one knew the origin of Bucks Choate, the big wine drinker, and no one knew what he had done, but what can be confirmed is that this guy who looks like a simple drunkard has been erased by the World Government more than once.

Even before he was imprisoned, he had experienced several traces of being erased.

No one knows what happened in that lost history, but there is only one thing that is certain, that is, this man once brought great pain to the world.

Marines looked at the two people who appeared at 600, and cold sweat flowed all over their bodies.

Fighting against two legends together?

Can it really be done!!!

The air around them seemed to stop moving at this moment, as if it had solidified.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't stand there, my master said he wants a clean venue. "Katerina Tippen laughed loudly, and the murderous aura burst out like the sky and the earth hanging upside down.

Swish, swish, swish!!!

Smoker, Ghost Spider, Burning Mountain, and other famous Admirals held their weapons in their hands, carrying the power of Marine, and rushed up fiercely.

"Don't underestimate Marine!!! You bastards!!!"

"Those who tarnish justice must die!!!"

"Old guys!!! Go back to your era!! This era doesn't belong to you!!!"

Looking at the crazy people, Katerina Tippen smiled.


A dazzling silver light suddenly burst out from the whole body, and with the appearance of this light, the surroundings instantly fell into darkness.

Dajiu's figure kept moving in the dark night.

Katerina raised her hand, and everything was silent in the darkness.

"Dajiu, don't be outdone by those guys!!!"

Everything was swallowed by darkness again, like an endless night....

"It looks very lively, yo yo yo is a terrible atmosphere, it's a pity that I still have to protect the Holy Court and can't support it. "

Kizaru leaned his head and pretended to look at the scene below. Starting from the Holy Court, the topography of Marineford was like a mountain.

From his angle, he had a clear view of everything that happened below.

And even if he didn't look, with his observation Haki, he could easily perceive everything.

But this Marine Admiral, the name of clocking in at work is not for nothing. He said it was a pity, but the expression on his face almost said, what a trouble! Fortunately, I didn't go.

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