In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 83: Meet The King! Why Don’T You Kneel?

The dazzling light like the sun illuminated the entire Marineford in an instant, and a terrifying aura erupted instantly.

Under this terrifying momentum, the huge Marineford actually trembled for a moment, and space and time seemed to pause for a moment when the aura appeared.

In the conference room, the Five Elders, who had been motionless, looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

Here it comes!!!

The most ancient king has arrived!!!

Garp felt the familiar power, and his fists were clenched together, and he didn't notice that his joints were slightly white. His face was even more entangled, looking at the Five Elders on the stage

His eyes were uncertain.

Sengoku, who was beside him, was much calmer. Even though his heart was already full of huge waves, his expression on his face was still as calm as before. However, Crane, who knew the two of them well, had already taken in their every move.

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart. These two old friends of hers must have really experienced something that she couldn't imagine. They actually doubted Marine, who had always been loyal to her. Also, that aura was too strong. Even Rocks was far inferior to this sudden momentum. Is this the power of the king of mankind? He's heart trembled slightly. He had experienced almost all the major events of the entire Haiyuan Year and witnessed the birth of countless strong people, but no one could make her heart so afraid and yearning? He couldn't tell why she felt that yearning. But there was always a faint feeling of closeness mixed in, which made her heart involuntarily confused. What she didn't know was that Mo Yi's power, that is, Gilgamesh's power, came from all human ambitions. For humans, that power was as dazzling and desirable as the sun 673, but it was also as hot as the sun. Even if you watched from a distance, you might be burned. This feeling is very difficult for ordinary people to perceive, but the crane Vice Admiral who ate the Wash Wash Fruit has an extremely transparent heart, so he can sensitively perceive the extraordinary power.

"Akainu and Kuzan can't stop him!!!" Kong sat on the chair with his eyes closed, but the firmness in his tone was not concealed, as if he had seen the defeat of the highest combat power of the Marine country.

"Humph!!! Get out of our way first!" No. 3 snorted coldly, pretending to be indifferent, but the fear in his eyes betrayed him.

In any case, if you want to get to this room, you have to pass through the entire Marineford. There are countless Marines. Even if they can't affect Gilgamesh's strength, he has long understood the principle that ants bite elephants.

As long as it can cause a little trouble, the life and death of those big soldiers is not important at all!! As long as it can stop Gilgamesh a little, it's fine!! That adult has promised to support us, just hold on! Hold on a little longer. For the Five Elders, the Marines fighting desperately in Marineford were just a group of chess pieces that could be discarded at any time. As long as they could master the treasure, they would have as many soldiers as they wanted.

"I hope he appears in front of you! I hope you won't..."

"Garp! Get ready for a tough battle!!!" Seeing Garp with a mocking smile on his face and about to blurt out disrespectful words, Sengoku quickly interrupted his old comrade.

Then he pulled Garp up, saluted the Five Elders with a standard military salute, and then walked towards the gate. Garp said nothing, followed Sengoku and walked out together

The Five Elders looked at the two Marine pillars who stood up, frowned, and No. 1 angrily slapped the table in front of him. The powerful force made the table made by Adam Wood tremble and several cracks appeared.

"Sengoku!! Garp!! What are you two going to do!! Are you going to run away from the enemy?!" Number One put a big hat on the two of them.

Such words are nothing short of humiliation for the two heroes who have devoted their youth to Marine.

Hearing this, Sengoku's last hope for the World Government was quietly shattered. He turned around and said with a smile that was not much better than crying.

"What are you talking about? Garp and I are just going to guard the gate, right, Garp!"

"Ah! Yes, just guard the gate!!"

The two of them emphasized the word "gate".

The last hesitation in their eyes was gone, leaving only a ball of fire that was burning for some unknown reason.

Without looking back, they pushed open the door and walked out of this parliament that represents the highest power. This parliament that countless people flock to could not make these two people stay for the slightest.

We will go back and guard the gate for you.

But it's not for the World Government.

But for.

The final justice!!!

"Huh!!! Stupid!!" said No. 2.

Although Garp and Sengoku's meaning was obscure, everyone present was old and experienced, so they naturally didn't miss it.


The chair made an extremely harsh sound on the ground. The silver-haired He Vice Admiral stood up, gently patted the non-existent dust on his body, and then looked at the Five Elders meaningfully.

He also slowly moved his steps towards the door, as if he was carrying a heavy burden with every step.

The eyes of the Five Elders, which had not fluctuated at all because of Sengoku and Garp's departure, could not help but ripple at the trembling back of He.

"He! Do you know what you are doing?"

The No. 5, who had always been a gangster, looked at He who was already standing at the door and shouted loudly.

He did not turn his head because of his shouting, and his body paused slightly in place.

"Master No. 5, I still remember you said that justice is a spirit that exists to protect the weak. Marine can shed blood for any evil, but for personal desires and heresy, Crane cannot say anything!!" After saying that, he placed his hand on the door covered with patterns.

Before she could exert her strength.

The door suddenly opened.

The two giant figures of Garp and Sengoku appeared at the door, as if they had known that Crane would come out behind them.

They had been waiting for her to appear.


Crane stood behind the two people, staggering like an old man about to walk into the night, but every step was extremely firm.

"Hahaha! I told you, Crane will definitely beat them up."

"Bullshit! Garp, do you know how to speak? Sister Crane is talking about reason! Is there only paste in your brain!"

"What! It's all the same reason,"

"Forget it! If your brain was half the size of your fist, I would have saved a lot of trouble over the years!!"

Listening to the voices ringing in his ears, Crane didn't say anything but smiled.

Just like that day.

The three young ghosts walked shoulder to shoulder towards the sailboat that represented the most powerful man in the world.

"You, still haven't changed..."

The shadows of the three people stretched longer and farther in the corridor.

The expressions of the Five Elders were as gloomy as ice.

Sora looked at everything around him and smiled incoherently.

Is this the result you want?

Perhaps it is not bad to redefine justice today.

At the same time..

Outside Marineford..

Akainu looked at the golden figure that was constantly condensing in front of him with a gloomy face, and every cell in his body was trembling.

Even though the existence in front of him had not yet fully appeared on the battlefield.


Akainu already had a clear answer in his heart.

The most ancient king, Gilgamesh!!!

The majesty that seemed to have dominated everything countless years ago was like an undisguised flag. In the sky, countless clouds continued to gather, hiding the sun tightly behind it.

It seemed that because of the appearance of this man, even Yaoyang had to avoid his edge.

"This is the 'holy land'? It's really simple!" Mo Yi's voice was not loud, and he could even be said to be whispering, but all the creatures in the entire Marineford "heard his words clearly.

With a low word, all things held their breath, afraid to miss a word of his.

This is...

The majesty of the king!



The Golden Lion half-knelt on the ground, and the huge body of the jackal behind him also half-knelt like the Golden Lion. The Marines who had no time to dodge were about to suffer an unexpected disaster and die under the knees of the jackal.




Amid the fearful cries of countless Marines, a golden curtain instantly appeared under the knees of the jackal, protecting the group of Marines who had no time to dodge.

"Jackals, they are human, I said, just let them be quiet, there is no need to kill them all. "

Mo Yi's tone did not contain much blame, as if if these guys were not human, he would not care even if they were all killed by the jackal.

"Okay, sir!" The jackal scratched his head innocently, and his face seemed a little embarrassed.


As soon as Akainu opened his mouth, he felt a terrible power suddenly covering him, and that power was as boundless as the sea.

He spat a mouthful of blood directly on the ground, his face was pale, and his eyes could not hide the boundless fear.

At this moment, when Mo Yi appeared in front of him, he finally knew why Kizaru and Aokiji watched the Gate of Justice disappear in the hands of this man that day.

"You know who I am, why don't you kneel?"

"Who gave you the qualification to stand!!" Mo Yi's voice was a bit arrogant and arrogant, and there was no emotion in his eyes when he looked at Akainu.

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