In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 84: How Terrifying Is The Sky That Defeated The Human King?

Just like Akainu was looking at those criminals, cold and murderous.

In the scarlet eyes, there seemed to be countless evil spirits wailing in them, and endless desires were reincarnating in them. Just by looking at each other, Akainu almost sank into those eyes.

If he hadn't relied on strong willpower to get out of it, he could almost conclude that he would even completely lose himself in those eyes.

And all this, Mo Yi didn't even make a move, just because Sakazuki looked at him.

How could anyone be qualified to be equal to the king of mortals?

"What do you want to do!!" Every word of Akainu seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth. Although his eyes kept trembling, there was no trace of submission.

At this moment, he was as fragile as an ant standing in front of a dragon.

Even if the dragon didn't make a move, just bearing the dragon's breath, the ant might pay the price of his life.

"I just want to take back my things. Do you want to stop me?"

Mo Yi looked at Akainu, like an eternal ice.

Akainu's pupils suddenly dilated. His observation Haki had already reached a peak. [Every strong man who can refine his observation Haki to the peak will make his observation Haki change uniquely.

For example, Big Mom's second son Katakuri can use his observation Haki to predict the future briefly.

And Akainu can use his observation Haki to completely simulate the opponent's power and find the opponent's weakness.

One hit kill.

In Sakazuki's eyes, Golden Lion's simulation is a lion. Although it is powerful, its belly is a weakness. It can be broken and killed. If he is given a certain amount of time, he is confident that he can take down Golden Lion.

But Mo Yi in front of him.

Under his observation Haki, there is a piece of...

The sky!!

As boundless as the sky, how can the sky have weaknesses?

"Tsk! Marine, get out of the way in front of adults! It's not shameful!!" Golden Lion looked at Akainu sarcastically.

The Jackal also laughed loudly, his voice was like thunder, knocking all the few Marines who were still awake to the ground.

"Jackal thinks it's not shameful!!"

Mo Yi stood there indifferently. Opposite him, Sakazuki, who was three meters tall, was constantly swallowed by a kind of emotion called fear in his heart facing this "dwarf" who was less than two meters tall.

'Puff!' Suddenly Akainu laughed, and his face, which was always gloomy and scary, suddenly relaxed.

It was like he had untied some restraints.

"Can I ask a question?" Sakazuki could feel that the terrifying power that was constantly surging in the air around him had surrounded him.

And the Devil Fruit ability in his body seemed to be sealed, and he couldn't even do the basic elementalization.

"Interesting, asking me a question? There will be a price to pay!"

"Okay!" Akainu stared at Mo Yi with burning eyes, without any hesitation in his tone.

"What is justice in your eyes!!"

As this sentence came out, Akainu seemed to be relieved, and his whole body went limp. From the moment Mo Yi appeared, he did not doubt the other party's identity. Only the emperor who ruled everything eight hundred years ago could have such a terrifying power.

So, he asked the question in his heart.

"Justice? Justice?" Mo Yi repeated Akainu's words twice, and his eyes hesitated for a moment, and then quickly returned to the coldness of the past.

"Justice is defined by the victor, just like history. After I fell asleep eight hundred years ago, you won, all traces were erased, and the disloyal became evil.

"So-called justice is nothing but a means~!!"

Akainu was silent, and the muscles all over his body began to tighten continuously, and Fang's words kept ringing in his ears.

"Justice is defined by the victor!"

"So-called justice is nothing but a means!"

"The disloyal are evil!"

"No!!! Are you really a tyrant!!!" Akainu suddenly burst into a shocking roar, and the previously disappeared Logia ability revived again with his rage.

Red lava, dark red magma, like veins on his body, constantly intertwined and spread all over his body.


:"Is this guy crazy!!!" Golden Lion looked at Akainu in disbelief. After facing Mo Yi, even he couldn't muster the courage to fight him.

Facing this most ancient king, Golden Lion didn't even dare to draw his sword.

Only by truly seeing the power like the sky can we know what is the insurmountable gap.

Human instinct is powerful. It can make people recognize those irresistible dangers. But the strong people have stronger instincts.

As a Marine Admiral, Akainu's inability is almost perfect, so he should know that when facing a monster like Mo Yi, surrender is the only way out.

But now this guy has burst out with all his strength, and even has a vague intention of breaking through.

Akainu's huge body burst out with terrifying power, like the end of the world. The sky above his head seems to be constantly dyed red because of his anger.

"Can you bear the price of attacking me?

Facing Akainu's near-limit attack, Mo Yi's expression did not fluctuate at all, looking at the fist made of huge lava.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Justice is not nonsense!!!"

Boom boom!!!

Marine Admiral, Akainu, Sakazuki, let out a thunderous roar, and the huge lava fist whistled away with a terrifying sound of breaking through the air.

Nothing! Nothing!


In the midst of Golden Lion's dumbfounded expression, Mo Yi gently raised one hand, and the golden holy light instantly wrapped around his arm.

The next moment.

I only saw a very bright golden light bursting out instantly.

In the golden light, the lava fist was like white snow thrown into the fire, and it couldn't even stay for a moment, and it stopped abruptly, and the golden ashes flew away in an instant.

The surrounding space was like a torn curtain, twisting rapidly, and the surrounding ground seemed to be pulled away.

Crack, crack, crack!!!

The golden light came and went quickly.

Sakazuki stayed where he was, still punching, but he was motionless like a robot that had been paused.

"I am Marine Admiral Akainu, Sakazuki for absolute justice!!"

Akainu's voice was very soft, so soft that it was almost difficult for people to hear what he said.

...0 Ask for flowers……………………

Golden Lion swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

He knew Sakazuki was finished.



A breeze blew over Sakazuki's motionless body, and the mountain-like body continued to collapse in the breeze, like a handful of yellow sand.

There was only a red shirt left on the ground, with the word justice on it.

"But he is still a character." Mo Yi shook his head helplessly, looking at the only relic of Sakazuki on the ground, with a little appreciation in his eyes.

Even though he knew he was no match at all, he still punched for the justice in his heart. Such a guy, although stupid, also made Yi respect him a little.

However, even so, the moment he decided to punch himself, his fate was already doomed. Anyone who had the intention to kill the king was destined to die!

No tolerance!

"Gentle burial!" Mo Yi said lightly.

Then a golden road appeared under his feet, the golden brilliance dyed everything around yellow, and a road leading directly to Naval Headquarters appeared.


"This~" Golden Lion scratched his head and was speechless for a moment when he looked at Akainu who had been blasted into slag in front of him.

It was such a rare thing to be appreciated by the king. At least so far, his group of guys who ran out from the sixth floor have not been appreciated by the king.

"I really don't know whether to say you are lucky or unlucky."

Golden Lion sighed. Akainu was a strong man, both in spirit and strength. Even Golden Lion recognized this guy.


It is a tragedy to exist in the same era with the king. In this era when the king is resurrected, everyone has no other choice but to bow down.

Looking at Mo Yi's back walking leisurely on the golden road.

Golden Lion suddenly thought, how terrible is the existence that once forced the Face King to form an alliance to fight?

How terrible is the sky??

Mo Yi certainly didn't know Golden Lion's crazy thoughts. Even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care given his personality. At this moment, he "song felt that there were ten familiar voices constantly calling him.

In the King's Treasury, countless treasures seemed to start chirping with joy at the same time.

Making the golden treasure house even more dazzling.

"I'm here, are you ready, bastards?"

Mo Yi looked up at the towering Naval Headquarters, with a disdainful smile on his face.

A holy sword with endless holy light was imprisoned in a room in the Naval Headquarters by countless chains.

With the appearance of Mo Yi, the originally dim atmosphere continued to grow stronger.

Various sword marks continued to emerge in the surrounding space.

It seemed that this sword was born to be the pinnacle of all sword arts.

As he flashed, the whole Marineford's long sword and sharp sword all bowed slightly uncontrollably, like kneeling to a king, in submission.

In the conference room.

The long sword in No. 2's hand, which was filled with a ghostly aura, seemed to be trying its best to restrain something, and it was constantly trembling.

"Damn it! We have worked hard for so many years, but we are still not as good as the breath he leaked!!"

No. 3 roared, like an angry child, protesting dissatisfaction because he did not get his favorite candy. .

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