"If it weren't for the king's magnanimity, for the sake of the dark age that is about to arrive, you guys, all of you, the big soldiers, should die!"

"Right! Dajiu!!"

"Hoohoo! Huhoo!!"

"Dajiu! You are a fucking SX, you can sleep at this time!!" Kat looked at Dajiu who was sleeping soundly on the pile of corpses behind him with a black line on his head, and he felt a headache.

MD, why is my teammate such an unreliable idiot!

Kuzan was silent after listening to Kat's words. He also saw the newspaper of 1 Morgans, and similarly, knowing Mo Yi's strength, he didn't doubt the truth of [Yin's ten lives.

A man with enough power to subvert the world, why does he need to tell such a lie.

So even if he couldn't believe that terrible race in his heart, he knew that what Mo Yi said was probably true.

The gods who have the strength of the emperor when they grow up, and rule everything.

The Hades who led the five tribes to attack the sky, the Hades Admiral Army heaven-defying.

All of this made Kuzan feel a kind of fear before the storm.

What makes people feel fearful is not fear itself, but the despair of knowing that the dark age is coming, but being helpless.

In fact, he has some ideas in his heart, that the World government should unite all forces and even form an alliance with Mo Yi to fight against the resurrected Protoss.

But he doesn't even need to think about this suggestion, because he knows that it will be rejected by the Five Elders.

"30 Perhaps, it's not bad to redefine justice today."

He murmured softly.

"Hey!! Big Soldier! Do you still want to fight? I'm still in the mood!"

Katrina looked at the dazed Kuzan unhappily, because she was full of anger because of the snoring big drink beside her.

"Injured thousands of Marines and fifteen Vice Admirals."

"Crescent Hunter Katrina, the crime is unforgivable~!"

Kuzan suddenly showed a relieved smile at the corner of his mouth. No matter what the final result is, what he is defending at this moment is justice!!

"Ice World!!!"

Kuzan's hands suddenly appeared a layer of terrifying cold air, his body quickly squatted down, and his hands suddenly slapped the ground.

The powerful frost force quickly rushed towards Katrina. Wherever the cold air passed, everything seemed to have come to a frost world.

The ground turned into a step of frost, and the water molecules in the air were frozen into small particles and fell on the ground. Even the sea breeze stopped whistling at this moment, as if shocked by the terrifying power.

The glacial world pulled the whole world into the endless frost king!

"Hahaha!!! Good job!! Nine Tails Crescent Moon!!!" The terrifying moonlight suddenly appeared, and a huge Nine Tails demon fox covered in moonlight suddenly appeared in front of Kuzan, facing the terrifying power that could freeze everything in the world.

The long fox mouth showed a hideous smile, and from her big mouth, a wave with the power to annihilate everything was constantly condensing.

With the emergence of that power, boundless darkness fell again.

In the darkness, the terrifying "clicking" sound of ice freezing and the creepy roar of the beast continued to sound.

Among them, a drunken snoring sound was still ringing slowly.

Kizaru Admiral, as the last face of the three Admirals at this time, he was...

He was...

He was sitting on the steps with the legendary pirate, the lonely red Baloric Redfield.

His expression was as wretched as ever, but there was a bit of fear in his eyes that he had never had before.

Thinking of the terrifying aura that was just like the power of the emperor, passing by him, he felt a chill all over his body.

Damn! It's hard to be a Marine these days! Laozi is going to get off work!!!

"What a terrible power."

Kizaru looked at the golden holy light that was still left around with emotion, patted his chest a few times with lingering fear, and made a disgusting look that I was afraid of.

"How can we understand the power of adults? You are not smart."

Baloric Redfield put his umbrella aside. No matter how many times he saw it, every time he saw Mo Yi, he would feel that his terrifying power became stronger again.

"Yo yo yo~ There's nothing I can do. Do I have to protect the Marine's manpower~"

Kizaru shrugged his shoulders casually, and his tone was like he was doing it for the greater good.

Although it was a bit indescribable, Kizaru was really right. On the battlefield where the three Admirals appeared.

Akainu, who was at the outermost, ended up with no trace of his body because he attacked Mo Yi. If his Marine hadn't been protected by Yi Sui, he would have been killed by the killer jackal.

The dozen or so special Vice Admirals guarding the middle level were also beaten up, and some of them were considered to have the best chance of succeeding the Admiral. They were also miserable.

Although Kuzan didn't attack Mo Yi, he probably wouldn't get much benefit from fighting with the legendary pirate Katrina, and he would have suffered several serious injuries all over his body.

Only Kizaru, the Admiral who punched in at work, had no casualties even though all his subordinates fainted. Moreover, he decisively gave in when facing the Red Earl, and when Mo Yi appeared, he knelt down directly like Ryder. Although he didn't have much integrity of Marine. But he preserved the vitality of Marine to the maximum extent. Although it seemed that the king was somewhat disdainful of Kizaru's behavior. Mo Yi walked on the Golden Avenue, thinking about the Kizaru who had no character just now, he just felt a little funny. The three Marine Admirals, although their strength was average in his eyes. But their personalities were simply worlds apart. Sakazuki, for the sake of his perseverance in his heart, knew that he was not Mo Yi's opponent, but he still broke through the fear in his heart and punched. Although in order to implement absolute justice, what he did was wrathful to heaven and people, but he still had some character that others could not learn, forgetting life and death. Even if he was reduced to ashes, he became one of the few guys that Mo Yi could remember. Admiral Aokiji, although not as desperate as Akainu, still summoned up the courage to block Mo Yi's path even though Mo Yi had planted a haze in his heart, although it had no real effect.

But Mo Yi could sense that the guy was in deep confusion because of the actions of the World government.

But Kizaru...


It's better not to mention it.

He is just a real office worker.

"There are many kinds of people, and thousands of people have thousands of faces," Guo Yi smiled indifferently.

A huge building appeared in front of him.

And in front of him.

Two familiar figures gradually came into his sight, and the huge bodies stood firmly at the door of Naval Headquarters.

The Marines who were supposed to guard the gates on both sides fainted because of Mo Yi's arrival.

So they were piled up into two small mountains by the two people and placed on the two sides of the gate.

"You're here!" Sengoku now threw aside the cloak of justice he had been wearing. He was wearing a black suit, his tie had been loosened, and his whole body was covered with Buddha light. A strong aura kept circling around him.

Garp, who was standing next to him, showed two rows of white teeth. He was no longer as gloomy as he was in the conference room just now. Instead, he showed an idiotic look again.

If he didn't have senbei in his hand, he would have eaten it a long time ago.

The short Crane stood between the two of them, looking even smaller, but Mo Yi still noticed this old man with silver hair at first sight.

Transparent mind.

Crane has an absolutely transparent mind.

Even Mo Yi thinks this ability is very rare, and people with transparent minds are often particularly sensitive and can see things that ordinary people cannot perceive.

Crane put his hands together in front of Mo Yi, bowed slowly, and said.

"This must be the King of Humanity, right? My two companions have already told me about your deeds."

"Whether it's because of the Five Clans' attack on the sky or your feat of bringing the human race out of the Long Night Era, it's worth my tribute."

Mo Yi didn't say much after hearing this, but after Crane finished the tribute, he gently waved his left hand, and the golden holy light gently lifted Crane up.

"No need for greetings, Sengoku, Garp, are you two blocking my way?"

Even though Mo Yi admired the two guys in front of him very much, if they insisted on blocking his way, then their only choice was to accompany Sakazuki.

"Hahahaha!!! Sir, after all, I am still Marine, so Sengoku and I want to see how strong you are!!"

"Our last thing is to guard this gate for Marine~!!"

"Sengoku said a lot to me before, but I didn't remember it, but I remembered the key words."

"Let's fight!!!"

Garp laughed heartily, without any regret in his tone.

"Your Majesty, this idiot may not express it clearly, but the meaning is almost the same." Sengoku looked at his old friend with a black line, and wanted to slap him in the face.

Clearly, it was said before that while seeing Mo Yi's strength, it was also to express his attitude. Why did this word change when it came to Garp's mouth?


The cold wind made Sengoku feel a little bit biting, and he couldn't figure out what attitude the most ancient king in front of him would take towards his and others' extremely obscure surrender.


"Hahaha!! Interesting, interesting!! If it were someone else, I would have killed them the moment I said this to me.'

"But, for you two guys, I can give you this honor.

"Let me see what you two can do, please me to your heart's content."

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