In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 87 I Will Tell You: What Is The Gap?

Mo Yi laughed a rare laugh, the golden holy light quickly gathered, and the strength of his whole body instantly soared by more than one level.

Sengoku and Garp's eyes could not help but shrink slightly.

He became stronger!!!

"Ahem! I dare to ask His Majesty for advice. He saluted Mo Yi again.

A very strong aura suddenly emerged from the thin body, which was vaguely comparable to Garp and Sengoku.

Mo Yi's mouth brought a faint smile, and tilted up a little.

There was a rare interest in the blood-red eyes.

In Mo Yi's eyes, the three people in front of him had completely different personalities, and even their fighting methods were very different. The auras emanating from their bodies were constantly connected together, like an intricate big net.

The power of the three people was constantly intertwined, and the power of the three people was constantly integrated together, which turned out to be a wonderful state of you in me and me in you.

This state Mo Yi had seen it before, and he knew that this was a kind of wonderful change that could only occur between comrades who had experienced countless life-and-death battles and could still fight side by side. In this spider-web-like power, the power of the three people would be blessed to a certain extent.

This kind of intersection and tacit understanding between life and death is a state that only people who trust their lives to each other can appear.

In the era when Mo Yi was still active, there were also three people like the three people in front of him, with such momentum, who still caused a lot of obstacles to Mo Yi in those days.

But now is different from the past.

Looking at the three people, Mo Yi seemed to have some nostalgia.

He stretched out three fingers indifferently.

His tone was neutral without any emotional fluctuations, just like the Dead Sea.

"Three minutes, I give you three minutes as a reward for challenging me. You can get any shot at me within three minutes, and I will never fight back.

"In three minutes, I will tell you what the gap is!!"

Mo Yi's words were decisive. Such words would be a complete contempt for anyone, not to mention that the three of them were the pillars of Marine1, and countless pirates on the sea were once terrified.


Hearing Mo Yi's words, there was no surprise on the faces of the three people, and they didn't even think that what Yi said just now was wrong.

The strong have the power to specify the rules for the weak.

This is the rule that has not changed in nature for thousands of years.

In the eyes of outsiders, the three are not only Marine heroes, but Marshal Marine is also a peerless master standing at the top of the world.

But in front of Mo Yi, they are just complete weaklings.

"Puff! Then I won't be polite!" Garp laughed and threw the cloak on his body back.

The red suit was tightly attached to his body, and a strong breath continued to emanate, like a beast that had awakened.

He revealed a bloodthirsty look and looked at Mo Yi's figure ferociously.

A gleam of light suddenly flashed in his eyes.


Suddenly, Garp's figure disappeared in an instant, and a sound of breaking through the air rose out of thin air. Only a shadow passed by, and Garp looked like an evil dragon [Armament Haki tightly wrapped around his arms.

The two fists brought a terrifying sonic boom, and a huge deep pit appeared on the ground behind him because of his power.



"Fist bone·Jinghong!."!"

Garp took the lead, his iron fist danced through the air, and the terrifying power brought his huge fist and smashed it hard in the air.

The power was so strong that it actually created a vacuum area in the surrounding space, and even the air was forced out by the powerful fist wind.

Facing that terrifying punch, Mo Yi smiled and raised his left hand quickly. In an instant, a terrible force like the subversion of heaven and earth appeared on his arm.

Garp felt the power of Mo Yi, frowned, and felt that he was invincible, but since this punch had been thrown, there was no reason to stop.

He Garp has never regretted his life, and there is no room for him to withdraw his fist.

Even though he knew that there was no way to go ahead, Garp still believed that his iron fist could also create an infinite sky.

Jinghong! Jinghong!!

With one punch, the world was shocked!!

Garp used almost all his strength in this punch, and the strength continued to increase as he threw the punch. As he approached Mo Yi, he was so angry that he could not stop. Before Yi, he had a sense of heaven and earth at his side.

He could even faintly resist the rising power from Mo Yi.

"Not bad!~" Mo Yi praised, but the smile on his face was still there, as if even such a terrifying punch could not make him feel a little fearful.


Empty!! Empty!!

The powerful fist wind blew Mo Yi's golden hair, and the next moment..

Mo Yi's left hand suddenly raised, and his left hand instantly flattened, facing Garp's iron fist like a meteor.



Bang bang bang!!!

A very terrible impact broke out with the two of them as the center, and the ground under their feet was cracked inch by inch, and the ground was like a tortoise shell, and the air around them was completely sucked away in an instant.

The impact between the two continued to spread, and the white clouds in the sky collapsed bit by bit, and finally scattered into bursts of water vapor, falling into rain, before it fell.

The power swept again, and the rain that had not yet fallen was shattered.

The terrifying thunder of black and red kept roaring around the two. It was the momentum collision like substance produced by the collision between the ultimate forces.

Crack, crack, crack!!!


"This!!!!" Sengoku, with a serious face, looked at the incredible scene in front of him with shock. He saw Mo Yi, who was like a child in front of Garp, spread his palms calmly. In front of him, Garp was sweating profusely, with blue veins bulging, and blood vessels on his fists swelled up, and the blood in his body kept boiling.

Bloodshot covered his eyes, but he still couldn't shake Yi's body.

Even, from beginning to end, Mo Yi didn't move at all. He just stood there, facing the almost full-strength attack of Garp, understating it, without any fluctuations.

Even the floor under his feet was not damaged at all, which means that while he took Garp's shocking punch, he was able to spare some strength to protect the floor under his feet.



He didn't deliberately protect the floor, because Garp's punch couldn't be fully transmitted! In other words!!

Gilgamesh took all the power of Garp's terrifying punch at the moment of his power explosion, and the aftermath of all this was just his careless leakage!!

Sengoku's eyes tightened again, but this was obviously not the time to think about these problems.

Sengoku suddenly exerted force under his feet, and the golden Buddha light instantly enveloped him. His body suddenly swelled. The little giant who was originally more than three meters tall turned into a giant Buddha with golden light all over his body, tens of meters high.


The huge golden Buddha burst out with a powerful speed that was inconsistent with it, like a golden stream of light, rushing towards Yi quickly.

Garp, who was hit by Mo Yi, also grinned, exerted force on his feet again, and retreated violently. He had guessed that this punch could not do anything to Mo Yi, but he did not expect that the other party would take it so lightly.


I am not alone!!



Garp and Sengoku and others quickly crossed in the air, one moving forward, one moving backward, one with a gloomy brow, and one grinning, with a strong fighting spirit.

"々` Your Majesty! Sorry!!!"

"The Buddha Kingdom on the Palm!!!"

Sengoku hardly gave Mo Yi a chance to breathe, so that before Mo Yi could retract his hand to block Garp's punch, he came with terrifying power, and the powerful Buddha light on his fists seemed to want to annihilate everything.

He came with endless murderous aura.

Mo Yi looked at the Buddha that kept attacking in front of him with some interest in his eyes, as if he was watching a big show.

Unconsciously, behind the gorgeous golden Buddha, there was such a terrifying power.

"Big Golden Buddha, tsk tsk, this ability looks quite festive." Mo Yi didn't care about the terrifying power that was so close, and teased casually. The scarlet eyes suddenly burst out a chilling golden light in the next second. Boom!!! A golden light that was much more dazzling than the golden Buddha transformed by Sengoku instantly appeared behind Mo Yi. The terrifying golden holy light gradually emerged, and under the golden holy light, even the (screaming) golden Buddha's body fluctuated a little. "This is!!! No! Be quick!!" Sengoku frowned slightly, and the strength in his hand increased a little. Between the palms of the golden Buddha, countless Buddha lights seemed to outline a huge country, like the sky, and rushed straight to Mo Yi. Buzz buzz buzz!! Woo~ The huge palm almost covered the sky above Mo Yi's head, and fell down with boundless power!! "Golden Dragon~Dance!" Just when the huge Buddha's hand was about to fall, Mo Yi's voice, without any fluctuation, sounded calmly.



Behind Mo Yi, countless golden holy lights suddenly twisted together, and in the golden light, a figure covered with golden scales gradually emerged.

With a terrifying power like the power of heaven, he let out a terrifying roar, and scales were constantly drawn in the golden light.

The next moment!!

A golden dragon with endless holy light suddenly appeared.


The dragon let out a roar, and angrily killed the Buddha's hand that kept falling. The terrifying power instantly hit Sengoku's palm.

The golden Buddha subdued the golden dragon.

The golden dragon broke the Buddha's hand.

The two dazzling golden lights kept colliding with each other.

And the person who caused all this, Mo Yi, stood under the giant palm leisurely. .

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