In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 90 The Entire Square Fell Into Silence

On the execution square, Roger was hung high up, his eyes revealing endless determination and unyielding.

"Roger, Pirate King! Do you have any last words?" the executioner asked coldly.

Roger smiled slightly and shouted to the sky: "I am... Pirate King!"


Accompanied by the sound of gunfire, Roger's life was extinguished, and the whole square fell into a dead silence.

"Roger is dead... The era of Pirate King is over..." someone in the crowd whispered.

At this moment, a figure slowly walked into the square, it was Mo Yi. He looked at the cold corpse, and an inexplicable emotion surged in his heart.

[Ding! Sign in successfully, get sub-human blood!]

Suddenly, a strange change appeared in Mo Yi's vision. He saw a black ghost-like figure, slowly turning around him.

"This is......" Mo Yi looked at the ghost in surprise, and a strong impulse surged in his heart.

At this moment, the red-nosed Buggy and Shanks under the brim of the hat, both held back tears, as if they vowed in their hearts to inherit Roger's legacy.

The sky suddenly became gloomy, as if it was also sad for Roger's death.

"The Pirate King is dead, and a new era is coming!" A man in a pink feather coat said excitedly.

"Doflamingo, stop talking nonsense here!" Someone retorted dissatisfiedly.

The emotions in the crowd began to become complicated. Some people felt relieved, some felt excited, and some felt unwilling.

Mo Yi ignored all this, and all his attention was focused on the black ghost.

"IBM, can you sense my emotions?" Mo Yi asked in a low voice.

The ghost seemed to nod, and a voice sounded in Mo Yi's mind: "Yes, Master."

"Very good, you go find the man in the pink feather coat now, I want to know all his information." Yi gave an order.

IBM disappeared silently in the air, as if it had never existed.

Soon, IBM returned to Mo Yi's side and reported Doflamingo's information to him.

Mo Yi nodded, with a gleam in his eyes. He knew that this new era was destined not to be peaceful.

At this time, big raindrops began to fall, soaking the whole square. The crowd began to stir, some people began to leave, but some people were still standing there, as if waiting for something.

Mo Yi raised the umbrella in his hand and slowly walked out of the square. Behind him was the end of an era, and in front of him was the beginning of another era.

At this time, a man with earrings walked out of the crowd and blocked Mo Ji's way.

"Boy, you look special, do you want to be a pirate with me?" The man said in a ruffian tone.

Mo Yi glanced at him lightly, did not answer, but continued to walk forward.

The man was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "You have personality, I like it! One day, you will be my partner!"

Mo Yi did not look back, but disappeared in the rain. The man with earrings was left, laughing alone in the rain, as if he saw a certain picture in the future.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the dock of Madara Barge, covering the land eroded by the sea breeze with a layer of golden gauze. Mo Yi was walking aimlessly on the wooden plank road with a simple bag on his back. Suddenly, he noticed a young boy in a Marine uniform, looking at the distant horizon with a firm gaze.

"Hey, little guy, do you want to be a Marine so early?" Mo Yi walked over with a smile, squatted down, and looked at the boy at eye level.

The boy turned his head, revealing a childish and serious face, and nodded: "My name is Smoker, I want to be a Marine Admiral and protect this sea!"

Mo Yi heard this, and a trace of praise flashed in his eyes: "Good ambition, I look forward to the day when you become Admiral."

Standing up, Mo Yi took a deep breath of the salty and humid air brought by the sea breeze, and decided to go back to the Kingdom of Oikot first. There was an old man who adopted him and took care of him there, and he had to go back to see him.

The scenery along the way quickly receded in Mo Yi's eyes, but his heart had already flown back to the familiar and warm cottage. Suddenly, a burst of hurried footsteps interrupted his thoughts. He turned around and saw five figures following him stealthily.

"Oh, this kid is alone, and he is carrying so many things. He seems to be a fat sheep!" A pirate said to his companions with a grin.

Mo Yi frowned. He didn't want to cause trouble, but he didn't want to be treated as a soft persimmon by these pirates. He stopped, turned around, and stared at these pirates coldly.

"Boy, if you know what's good for you, just hand over your belongings, and we might let you go." The pirate leader arrogantly waved the knife in his hand.

Mo Yi sneered and said nothing. Seeing this, the crew members were frightened and pale, and they knelt down one by one, begging for mercy from the pirates.

"Captain, please spare us, we have nothing!"

"Please, please spare us!"

The pirates were even more proud when they saw this. They laughed at the weakness of the crew members and approached Mo Yi step by step.

"It seems that this kid is quite tough, but what can he do? In this sea, fists are the hard truth!" The pirate leader said, waving his knife to slash at Sai Yi.

However, his knife seemed to be slashed in the air, and could not touch Mo Yi's body at all. Mo Yi smiled slightly, waved his hand lightly, and an invisible force instantly knocked the pirate leader away.

"What's going on?!" The pirates looked at Mo Yi in horror. They had never seen such a weird scene.

"Xiao Hei, teach them a lesson!" Mo Yi shouted softly, and a black shadow sprang out from his shadow, so fast that it was almost invisible. The next moment, a pirate had fallen to the ground, unconscious.

"Ah——!" The pirates screamed in fear, and they fled in all directions, but no matter how fast they ran, they could not escape the pursuit of the black shadow.

"No... don't kill me!" A pirate knelt on the ground, holding his head with both hands, begging for mercy.

But Mo Yi had no mercy, he said coldly: "On this sea, the pure ones are not qualified to beg for mercy.

As soon as the voice fell, the black shadow attacked again, and the remaining pirates were instantly wiped out. Mo Yi stood there, looking at the corpses of pirates on the ground, without a trace of ripples in his eyes. He knew that this world was full of dangers and unknowns, and only by constantly strengthening himself could he gain a foothold in this sea.

On the sea, violent winds and rainstorms raged, and a pirate ship was tottering in the waves. Suddenly, a mysterious force appeared from the sky, and a beam of light fell straight down, instantly hitting the pirate ship.

"What is this?" On the pirate ship, a pirate named Jing shouted in fear.

"I don't know, but it doesn't feel good. "Captain Mihawk frowned and looked at the light column in the sky, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

Just then, a figure slowly walked out of the light column. It was a boy holding a black umbrella. He was wearing a black windbreaker and looked at the pirate ship below expressionlessly.

"Such a strong breath......" Mihawk was shocked. He could feel the strong breath emanating from this boy, even stronger than him as a pirate captain.

"Hey, kid, who are you?" Mihawk asked loudly.

The boy did not answer, but just stood there quietly, as if the whole world had nothing to do with him.

Just then, a sharp breath came from the sky. Mihawk looked up and saw a man in a black coat and a black sword flying towards them.

"Hawkeye Mihawk!" Mihawk exclaimed.

Hawkeye landed on the pirate ship, and his eyes fell directly on the boy holding the umbrella.

"Are you here to look for that thing too?" Hawkeye asked lightly.

The boy still didn't speak, but just nodded slightly.

Hawkeye frowned slightly, he could feel that the boy had the same aura as him, which was a powerful force beyond ordinary people.

"Since we have the same goal, let's rely on our own abilities." Hawkeye said, and then turned and left the pirate ship.

Looking at Hawkeye's back as he left, Mihawk couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive, he knew that this man's strength was unfathomable.

"Let's go too." The boy holding an umbrella said lightly, and then disappeared in the beam of light.

On the pirate ship, everyone looked at each other, wondering what this mysterious boy was here to buy.

Not long after, a brand new sailboat was sailing on the sea, and a boy in a black windbreaker stood on the boat. It was Mo Yi who had just left the pirate ship.

"Finally left that ghost place." Mo Yi looked at the horizon in the distance and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boss Mo Yi, where are we going next?" a crew member asked.

"To the Kingdom of Oikot." Mo Yi said lightly.

"The Kingdom of Oikot? Isn't that a small country in East Blue?" The crew member asked with some confusion.

"Yes, that's it. Mo Yi nodded, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

Just then, a red-nosed boy ran over from a distance.

"Hey, are you pirates too?" The red-nosed boy asked.

"Yes, we are pirates. "Yi Yi replied.

"Wow, pirates! This is the first time I've seen a real pirate!" The red-nosed boy jumped up excitedly.

"Hey, Shanks, don't scare me." A tall man next to him said.

"Haha, sorry sorry." The red-nosed boy scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

"By the way, did you see the light column in the sky?" The red-nosed boy suddenly asked.

"I saw it, what is that?" Mo Yi asked.

"I don't know, but I feel that it is definitely not an ordinary phenomenon." The red-nosed boy shook his head, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Yeah, I've never seen anything like this either." The tall man also said.

"But I think there seems to be someone moving in that light column." The red-nosed boy suddenly said.

"People moving? Are you sure?" Mo Yi raised his eyebrows, and a sense of curiosity surged in his heart.

"Well, I'm sure I'm right. "The red-nosed boy nodded, with a firm light in his eyes.

Mo Yi said nothing more, just stood quietly at the bow, looking at the sky in the distance.

A few days later, the sailboat finally arrived at the Kingdom of Oikot. Mo Yi stood by the sea and took a deep breath, as if to expel all the fatigue from the body.

"Finally back." Mo Yi whispered, with a warm light flashing in his eyes.

Just then, an old voice came from the side.

"Young man, are you back from the outside world?"

Mo Yi turned his head and saw an old man with white hair standing not far away. His face was full of wrinkles, but his eyes were shining with wisdom.

"Yes, grandpa." Mo Yi nodded and said respectfully.

"Well, judging from your appearance, you should have been to a far place, 120 the old man said with a smile.

"Yes, I have been to the Grand Line." Mo Yi did not hide it and said directly.

"Grand Line? That's really an amazing place." The old man exclaimed.

"Grandpa, do you know Roger?" Mo Yi suddenly asked.

"Roger? Are you talking about the Pirate King?" the old man asked.

"Yes. Mo Yi nodded.

"I know him. He is the most amazing pirate I have ever seen." The old man said, with a glimmer of admiration in his eyes.

"What happened to him in the end?" Mo Yi asked.

"He...he died." The old man was silent for a while before he slowly said.

"Dead?" Mo Yi was shocked. He didn't expect to get such an answer.

"Yes, he died at the end of the Grand Line." The old man said.

Mo Yi didn't speak, just quietly

The old man sat at the dining table, picked up a pen, and wrote a long list of dishes on a piece of paper.

Mo Yi looked at the long list of dishes, and his mouth curled up slightly.

Is this really a dish that humans can finish? this old man not a human?

"That...are you sure you can finish so much?" Mo Yi looked at the old man and asked tentatively.

"Stop talking nonsense, go cook quickly. "The old man glared at Mo Yi and said dissatisfiedly.

Mo Yi's mouth twitched, shook his head helplessly, turned and walked into the kitchen.

Looking at Mo Yi's back as he walked into the kitchen, a trace of inexplicable light flashed in the eyes of the circle people.

"Little guy, who are you?" The old man muttered to himself.

While cooking, Mo Yi was thinking about the old man in his heart.

What is this old man doing?

Why is he here?

And why is he so good to me?

Mo Yi's heart was full of doubts, but he also knew that now was not the time to think about these.

He still had to cook for this old man.

However, in the process of cooking, Mo Yi suddenly found that there were some more things in his mind.

That was the memory of this world.

Mo Yi carefully checked these memories and found that these memories were not his own, but belonged to the original owner of this body.

The original owner of this body was a young man named Luo Ban.

And his name was Shi.

This... Is this fate?

Mo Yi shook his head, put aside the thoughts in his mind, and concentrated on cooking.

Soon, delicious dishes were cooked by Yi.

He brought the dishes to the table and sat opposite the old man.

The old man looked at the dishes on the table, and a glimmer of satisfaction flashed in his eyes. .

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