In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 91: Started To Eat His Meal Slowly

"Yes, my kindness to you was not in vain." The old man said with a smile.

After that, he began to eat with big mouthfuls.

Looking at the old man's wolfing down, Mo Yi's mouth twitched.

Can this old man really finish so much?

However, Mo Yi did not think much about it and began to eat his food slowly.

After a meal, the old man ate all the dishes on the table, leaving no residue.

Looking at the old man's satisfied look, he was relieved.

Fortunately, the old man's kindness was not in vain.

After dinner, the old man returned to his room, and Mo Yi returned to his room and began to read.

There was no talk all night, and he got up early the next morning.

He opened the window, and a fresh air came in.

The morning sun sprinkled on his body, making people feel warm.

Mo Yi stood in front of the window, stretched, then picked up the book on the table and began to read.

At this moment, a burly figure suddenly appeared at the door.

"Master Mo Yi, good morning." The figure said respectfully.

Mo Yi raised his head and looked at the figure, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

This was a burly middle-aged man with short hair and a simple smile on his face.

"You are..." Mo Yi looked at the middle-aged man and asked with some confusion.

"I am Upton, the martial arts teacher invited by Mr. Greg." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Teacher Upton, good morning." Mo Yi said with a smile, and then stretched out his hand.

Seeing this, Upton also stretched out his hand and shook hands with Mo Yi.

"Master Mo Yi, from today on, I will teach you martial arts and kendo." Upton said.

"Okay, Teacher Upton." Mo Yi nodded and said.

"Then let's get started." Upton said.

After that, he took Mo Yi to the courtyard.

Looking at everything in the courtyard, Mo Yi's eyes flashed with excitement.

I am finally going to start learning!

However, before learning, there is still one thing to do.

That is signing in!

As a time traveler, Mo Yi naturally has a cheat.

His cheat is something called "Famous Scene Sign-in System".

As long as he signs in at some famous scenes, he can get some rewards.

And now, Mo Yi is standing in front of a famous scene.

That is————the famous scene for learning martial arts and kendo!

"System, sign in!" Mo Yi said silently in his heart.

"Ding! Sign in successfully, get reward————subhuman bloodline!" The voice of the system sounded in Mo Yi's mind.

Subhuman blood?

A glimmer of surprise flashed in Mo Yi's eyes.

This reward seems quite powerful!

Subhumans are special creatures with immortal bodies.

They not only have strong vitality, but also have some special abilities.

Now that he has obtained subhuman blood, doesn't that mean that he also has these abilities?

Thinking of this, Cai Zhong couldn't help but get a little excited.

However, he didn't show it, but continued to look at Upton, waiting for his teaching.

"Master Mo Yi, let's start learning running now, which is the basis of physical exercise." Upton said.

"Okay, Teacher Upton." Mo Yi nodded and said.

After that, he followed Upton and started running.

One lap, two laps, three laps...


The first ray of sunlight in the morning sprinkled on the sea, and golden ripples rippled, as if covering the blue sea with a layer of golden gauze. Mo Yi stood at the bow, holding a long sword, with an upright posture, and the tip of the sword pointed to the distance, as if to split the endless ocean in two.

"Huh———" He took a deep breath of the salty and humid air brought by the sea breeze, leaned forward slightly, and the long sword in his hand drew an elegant arc in the air as if it had spirituality. Where the pear pointed, it was what he wanted in his heart. Every swing of the sword was a perfect combination of swordsmanship and fighting skills.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Mo Yi kept practicing swordsmanship, and every movement was standard and powerful, as if it had become his body instinct. Sweat slid from his forehead and dripped into the sea, but the silk could not shake his firm will.

"Not enough, not enough!" He whispered to himself, with a firm light flashing in his eyes. He knew that in order to gain a foothold in this world where there are so many strong people, he must constantly hone himself and make himself stronger.

For four years, Mo Yi continued to learn and grow under Upton's guidance. He grew from a boy who knew nothing about swordsmanship to a swordsman with superb swordsmanship. And Upton, the old man who always smiled, also used his wisdom and experience to pave a road to power for Mo Yi.

"Boy, you are only 1.9 meters tall, which is only considered a medium build in this world." Upton once teased Mo Yi. But Mo Yi knew that height is not the only factor that determines the strength of a swordsman. The real strength lies in the inner determination and superb skills.

"Teacher Upton, I will become stronger and make you proud of me!" Mo Yi swore silently in his heart.

However, half a year ago, the old man who always smiled closed his eyes forever. Mo Yi remembered that the day before his death, Upton praised his cooking skills for improvement. At that time, Mo Yi was full of grief, but he also knew that he had to live strong and continue on the path that Upton guided him.

"Teacher, I will remember your teachings and will not let you down!" Mo Yi held the long sword in his hand tightly, as if he could feel Upton's kind lightning staring at him.

The sea breeze blew Mo Yi's long hair, and his figure became more and more determined in the morning light. He knew that the road ahead was still long, but he believed that as long as he continued to work hard and hone himself, one day he would become the swordsman that shocked the world.

"Xiao Hei, let's go!" Mo Yi turned and looked in the direction of the cabin, and a little guy with wings flew out and landed on his shoulder. This was his partner and his only support on the sea. They had experienced countless storms and dangers together and had long become an inseparable whole.

"Woo————" Xiao Hei made a cheerful cry, as if responding to Mo Yi's call. It spread its wings, circled in the air, and then led Mo Yi's ship towards the distant horizon.

On the sea, the sun shone all over the earth, and the figures of Mo Yi and Xiao Hei gradually went away, leaving only beautiful ripples, as if telling their future legendary stories.

The sea breeze whistled, and the waves beat against the hull, making bursts of roars. On the deck, IBM Xiao Hei, a seemingly ordinary robot, showed amazing language skills.

"Master, I'm hungry." Xiao Hei suddenly spoke, his voice mechanical and cold, but with a hint of coquettishness.

Mo Yi was stunned, then laughed: "You guy, you still say you're hungry?" He reached out and touched Xiao Hei's metal shell, a sly look flashed in his eyes, "Well, I'll find you something to eat."

Mo Yi referred to the settings in "Ajin" and began to give Xiao Hei special training. He not only wanted Xiao Hei to be able to think independently, but also to be able to maintain mobility when he lost consciousness.

Day after day, Xiao Hei gradually showed amazing independence under Mo Yi's teaching. Not only can it find food by itself, but it can also complete some simple tasks alone when Mo Yi is not around.

On this day, Mo Yi decided to try to let Xiao Hei master weapons. He took out a sword and a gun and placed them in front of Xiao Hei.

"Xiao Hei, try this." Mo Yi pointed at the sword and said.

Xiao Hei stretched out his mechanical arm and carefully picked up the sword. Although its movements were a bit stiff, they were full of seriousness and concentration.

After some practice, Xiao Hei was able to wield the sword skillfully. Seeing this, Mo Yi took out the gun again.

“Try this one again,” he said.

Xiao Hei took the gun and studied it carefully. After a while, it was able to aim and shoot accurately.

"Not bad, not bad." Mo Yi nodded with satisfaction, "It seems that you have mastered it."

He stood up, drew the long knife from his waist, and pointed it at Xiao Hei: "Come on, let's try our skills."

Xiao Hei immediately took a fighting stance, with the long sword in his hand and a firm look in his eyes.

The two began to fight fiercely on the deck. The sword light flashed, the knife shadows flew, and for a while it was hard to tell who was better.

Mo Yi's knife skills were sharp and fierce, and every knife went straight to Xiao Hei's vital points. And Xiao Hei, relying on the flexibility and strength of his mechanical body, cleverly resolved Mo Yi's attack.

The battle entered a white-hot stage, and Mo Yi suddenly made a feint and slashed at Xiao Hei's waist. Xiao Hei reacted quickly and dodged the knife by turning sideways.

But Mo Yi did not stop there, he kicked Xiao Hei. Xiao Hei had no time to dodge and was kicked backwards.

At this moment, Xiao Hei suddenly raised the gun in his hand and fired at Mo Yi. Mo Yi was prepared and rolled to avoid the bullet.

Xiao Hei took the opportunity to get up from the ground, dived from the sky, and pointed his long sword at Mo Yi. Mo Yi swung his sword to meet it, and the two swords collided, making a sound of metal collision.

For a while, sparks flew on the deck, and the figures of the two people flew in the air. After a fierce battle, Mo Yi finally forced Xiao Hei to the edge of the ship with his rich experience and skills.

"Give up, Xiao Hei." Mo Yi panted.

Xiao Hei refused to give up. It kicked the board hard and rushed towards Mo Yi. Mo Yi saw this and went to meet it.

The figures of the two intertwined again, and the sword light and knife shadow intertwined into a thrilling picture. Finally, in a violent collision, the board could not withstand the power of the two people and broke.

The two fell into the sea at the same time, and the weapons in their hands also fell on the deck, making a crisp breaking sound.

Mo Yi and Xiao Hei quickly jumped out of the sea and landed on the deck. The two looked at each other and smiled.

"々`Haha, what a fight!" Mo Yi laughed.

Xiao Hei also made a "buzzing" sound, as if responding to Mo Yi's words.

The two picked up the broken sword and knife and threw them at each other. Then, they started a fierce boxing match...


Xiao Hei waved his claws and slapped Mo Yi hard.


Mo Yi turned his body to the side, dodged Xiao Hei's claws, and then punched Xiao Hei in the stomach.

Xiao Hei screamed, flew backwards, hit the wall, and then fell to the ground with a "bang".

"You can't do it. "

Mo Yi shook his head and looked at Xiao Hei lying on the ground, a little disappointed.

People in this world can become stronger through training, which is somewhat different from the world of "Ajin".

But Mo Yi also knows that even in this world, if you want to become stronger, you need to pay countless sweat and efforts.

"Come again!"

Xiao Hei got up from the ground and rushed towards Mo Yi.

Mo Yi nodded and fought with Xiao Hei again.

Day after day.

Every day, Mo Yi would fight with Xiao Hei before

starting to do other things.

Xiao Hei's strength is also getting stronger and stronger in the constant fighting.

And Mo Yi also began to try to use Xiao Hei as a sparring partner.

"Xiao Hei, use full-time attack!"

Mo Yi stood on the deck and shouted to Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei nodded, then flapped his wings and flew towards Mo Yi.


Xiao Hei's claws slammed hard on Mo Yi's body, but Mo Yi easily dodged it.

"Not enough!"

Mo Yi shook his head and said to Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei flapped his wings again and flew towards Mo Yi.

This time, it was faster and more powerful.

But Mo Yi still easily avoided its attack.

"Come again!"

Mo Yi shouted.

Xiao Hei flew again and attacked Mo Yi again and again.

With each attack, its speed would become faster and its power would become stronger.

But no matter how it attacked, it could not hit Mo Yi.


Xiao Hei suddenly roared, and then rushed towards Mo Yi.

This time, its speed had reached Ultimate and its power had reached its peak.

But just when it was about to hit Mo Yi, International suddenly disappeared.


Xiao Hei was stunned, then turned his head and saw that Mo Yi had appeared behind him.

"Xiao Hei, your speed is not fast enough and your power is not strong enough.

Mo Yi looked at Xiao Hei and said lightly.

Xiao Hei lowered his head, a little frustrated.

It knew that it was not far from Mo Yi.

But it will not give up, it will continue to work hard until it can defeat Mo Yi.

At this moment, Xiao Hei suddenly looked up into the distance.

I saw a black skull flag appearing on the sea in the distance.


Mo Yi also saw the flag and frowned.

In this world, pirates are a very dangerous existence.

They do all kinds of evil, robbing, killing, arson, and everything else.

Moreover, their strength is also very strong, and ordinary people are not their opponents at all.

Mo Yi did not want to provoke these pirates, but he also knew that he could not avoid them at all now.

Because the pirate ship had already rushed towards their small boat.

"Get ready for battle!"

Mo Yi took a deep breath and pulled out the long sword from his waist.

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