In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 93: Holding A Latest Newspaper In Mouth

"The bounties on these guys are too low. They are not even as much as my personal savings." Mo Yi muttered, and put the bounty book into his arms.

Just then, a newspaper gull flew over with a latest newspaper in its mouth. Seeing this, Mo Yi took out a few Baileys from his pocket and bought the newspaper.

He unfolded the newspaper and scanned the headlines. Suddenly, his eyes fixed on a name - the sword fighter Cyrus!

"Cyrus has won 2,500 games in a row!" Mo Yi said in surprise, "This guy is really amazing. I wonder how much his bounty is.

He continued to browse the newspaper, looking for more information about Cyrus. At the same time, he was thinking about how to use his "famous scene sign-in" system in his mind.

This system is a cheat he got after crossing into this world. He can sign in at specific famous scenes and get rich rewards. But what is a famous scene? Mo Yi has been thinking about this question.

"Perhaps, the criteria for judging a famous scene are not fixed, but are based on a combination of factors such as the impact on the world, the impact on One Piece fans, and luck. " Mo Yi said to himself, "So, how can I create more famous scenes?" He raised his head and looked at the sea in the distance, with a firm light in his eyes. He knew that this world was full of unknowns and dangers, but he also believed that as long as he kept working hard, he would be able to create his own famous scenes! The sun shone through the clouds and sprinkled on the sparkling sea. Mo Yi stood at the bow and looked into the distance. His eyes were deep, as if he could see through everything. "This 3,000 consecutive victories of Cyrus should be considered a famous scene, right?" Mo Yi whispered to himself, his brows slightly wrinkled, as if thinking about something. "System, is this a famous scene?" He asked tentatively. However, the system did not give a clear response. Mo Yi shook his head helplessly, he could only rely on his own judgment. After all, he traveled to this world just for the legendary black technology system. And the system's rewards are often related to those so-called "famous scenes". "Forget it, anyway, it's just to save some time waiting for Luffy to go to sea. Mo Yi muttered to himself, and he turned and walked back to cabin E.

Just then, a noisy sound came from a distance. Mo Yi looked up and saw a Marine warship coming towards this side. ..............

"It seems that it is coming to find me." Mo Yi smiled, and he turned to the pirate captain behind him and said: "Get ready, we are going to collect the reward."

The pirate captain looked at Mo Yi in surprise, obviously not understanding what he meant. But Mo Yi did not explain, just smiled faintly.

After a while, the Marine warship approached. A group of Marine soldiers boarded Mo Yi's ship, holding weapons and looking around vigilantly.

"Who is the captain of this ship?" A Marine officer in a colonel uniform asked loudly.

"I am." Mo Yi walked up and said with a smile.

The colonel looked at Mo Yi, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect that the captain of the sea swan ship was so young.

"What is your reward?" asked the colonel.

"3 million Baileys." Mo Yi said lightly.

The colonel nodded, and he turned to the soldier behind him and said: "Go check this ship to see if there are other pirates."

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