In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 94 Are You Demon Fruit Power?

The soldiers responded and began to search the ship. Mo Yi stood aside, waiting quietly.

After a while, the soldiers finished searching, and the colonel looked at Mo Yi again: "Are you Demon fruit power?"

"No." Mo Yi shook his head, still smiling.

The colonel frowned, he always felt that this young man was a little bit unusual. But he didn't think much about it, after all, there were still "Seven Masters" and important things to do.

"Since you are not Demon fruit power, then come back with us to the 144 Marine branch." The colonel said.

Mo Yi nodded and agreed. He knew that this was his best chance to get in touch with Marine and understand this world.

On the way to the Marine branch, the colonel tried to get closer to Mo Yi: "My name is Vincent [I am the colonel of the 144 branch. What about you? What's your name?"

"Mo Yi." Mo Yi answered simply.

Vincent nodded, and he continued to ask: "Why don't you join Marine? With your strength, you will definitely make a difference in Marine."

Mo Yi smiled and didn't answer directly. He asked back: "Then why do you think I joined Marine?"

Vincent was stunned by the question. He didn't expect Mo Yi to ask him this question. But he quickly reacted and said with a smile: "Haha, that's right. Everyone has their own choices and pursuits. However, I still think that joining Marine can better protect the world."

Mo Yi didn't say anything else, just quietly looking at the sea view outside the window. He knew that what Vincent said might be right. But for him, it was more important to find the black technology system that could make him stronger.

Soon, the warship arrived at the 144 Marine branch. Mo Yi was taken off the ship and came to a spacious office.

Vincent sat at his desk, looked at Mo Yi and said, "You take a rest here first. I will arrange someone to take you to collect the reward later." Mo Yi nodded and thanked him. He knew that Vincent was showing his goodwill. But for him, none of this mattered. He was more concerned about whether he could find the legendary black technology system in this world. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Vincent looked up and saw a tall female officer walking in.... "Colonel Vincent, what do you want to talk to me about?" the female officer asked. Vincent smiled and pointed at Mo Yi and said, "Bell-mère, this is Mo Yi. He was just captured by us, but he is not Demon fruit power. I think we can invite him to join our 144th branch. "

Bell-mère looked at Mo Yi, with a hint of surprise in her eyes. She didn't expect that this young man was not Demon fruit power. But she didn't say much [Song nodded in agreement.

Vincent was relieved when he saw this. He knew that Bell-mère was one of the most promising young officers in the branch. If she could make friends with Mo Yi, it would undoubtedly be a good thing for their branch.

So, he smiled and said: "That's great. Mo Yi, are you willing to join our 144th branch?"

Mo Yi looked at Vincent and Bell-mère, and had already made a decision in his heart. He nodded and said: "I do.

Vincent and Bell-mère smiled happily when they heard this. They knew that the joining of this young man would bring new hope and strength to the 144th branch. .

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